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Dear Friend and Reader:
Don’t worry, everything’s fine.
Drones have not only been spotted over the New Jersey suburbs but also over two military bases — one in New York (which also serves as a civil airfield), and one in California — and the government claims to have no idea where they are coming from.
California has declared a “bird flu” emergency related to cattle, an example of abusing the wholly fictitious, allegedly molecule-finding PCR (of ‘covid’ test fame) — which is really a thinly disguised assault on the beef and dairy industries. Somebody high up must be reading Diet for a Small Planet. Word is we will all be living on soybeans in a few years. Hey they’re good for you; we can all use the estrogen.

Free Luigi? Existential Rage
Someone is charged with assassinating a health insurance executive in plain view, and a drove of supporters shows up at his extradition hearing in Pennsylvania. The suspect, an alleged hit man named Luigi, was met with signs that said “Murder for Profits” and “Health Insurance Practices Terrorize People.”
That tells you how angry people are. Very, very angry that they have paid exorbitant insurance premiums all their lives and then are denied care when they need it the most. THAT anger. That very existential rage.
The suspect made the most meticulously planned escape from New York City and then was caught eating at McDonald’s. What, he’s never heard of the drive-through or taking lunch to go? If you want a “Free Luigi” tee shirt, you have hundreds of options.
Then we learned that the woman who falsely accused three Duke University lacrosse players of raping her back in 2006 has admitted that she lied. (The men were acquitted but their lives were demolished. “Not guilty” does not mean innocent.) Since that case, I have always associated the word “lacrosse” with rape. Funny how that works.

Abundant Life: Second Grader Dials 9-1-1
Earlier this week, a 15-year-old girl at the Abundant Life Christian school in Wisconsin killed a teacher and a classmate and injured six others before killing herself. A second-grader made the 9-1-1 call. The most recent reports say she was coordinating with another shooter in California who did not pull off his attack.
The federal government is again on the brink of shutdown. Amazon workers have gone on strike mere days before Christmas. Motorcycle gangs ride naked down Hollywood Blvd. Wait, that’s a line from an old Carly Simon song.
And Trump 2.0 is about to begin: whatever you may think of him, a convicted felon is about to take the United States presidency, while he is busy suing newspapers and promising retribution against his political enemies. He has promised to stock his cabinet with former Fox News hosts and a virus salesman who is a pro-vaccine “anti-vaxxer.”
Colleges and universities are warning international students to return to campus early, anticipating a new travel ban. Many undocumented people and those with green cards pending are feeling the pressure; meanwhile the service economy would collapse without the many people willing to do ordinary jobs for modest wages.
Wait a second — whose drones are those, anyway? Elon Musk comes to mind. And what is all this aggression about?

This Does Not Scratch the Surface
My description of issues are only what pops into my mind, and they do not include the unfolding disasters and stress points around the world, or the precarious state of the economy floating on many trillions of dollars of debt.
How come I cannot read three paragraphs without encountering the word “billionaire”?
These are the public issues that I think describe a sense of how tenuous existence is, how stretched we all are, how little sense of potential there is. Are you worried about the world of total surveillance and mind control that your children are entering?
Are you concerned that you cannot name very many people you are certain are men and women of true integrity? Who would take a serious risk for you? How do you feel about yourself and what you’re doing with your life? Do you have time to even think about it? Or are you trying to make it to the weekend feeling OK?
Here is what I wonder most of all: where has the sense of potential gone? Focus on this for a moment. What do you think is possible? Do you have any sense of your own future? Or are you suspended in this constant moment of your cursor turning into a beach ball spinning endlessly on the screen?
What great accomplishment can anyone think of that is not fully based on the internet?
We are currently all walking around in the post-apocalypse, post “ascension” replica of the world we once inhabited. Everyone was talking about 5-D. It turns out that the world has been beamed up to an electrical astral plane that is governed by zeros and ones (and that is the source of all the polarity).
The world looks convincing. The buildings are mostly there. The mountains seem to be where they belong. You’re still very busy. You can get a pizza delivered to your door any time you want. That’s just fantastic. But I often have the same feeling I get when I visit the street in Brooklyn where I grew up: where has everyone gone?

First: Mars Opposite Pluto
We have big astrology coming in 2025; that is the subject of The Awakening. These events include Pluto in Aquarius, two historic conjunctions in Aries, Uranus entering Gemini and many other factors.
For now, I am here to describe what is happening now — as in right now — and see if we can work backwards from there into what you may be experiencing emotionally and spiritually. There are two items that come to mind.
First, Mars is retrograde. That started Dec. 6 and ends Feb. 23. The unusual thing about this Mars retrograde is that it is making a series of oppositions to Pluto, newly in Aquarius. Without going into a lot of astrological theory, this is like the ordinary blast that sets off the nuclear device.
Because of the retrograde, there are three of these oppositions. The first was Nov. 3, right before the election, with Mars in late Cancer and Pluto in late Capricorn.
The second, with Mars retrograde, is about to happen on Jan. 3, which means that it’s in full force and effect today. Mars opposite Pluto is enough; the psychic disturbance is intensified and prolonged by Mars being retrograde: turned inward on itself. Energy, intention, ambition, desire, and action, all turned inward.
This is stoking up a lot of both aggression and paranoia. Any strong emotion turned inward can manifest as both fear and guilt.
Yet whatever this is about, Mars represents Aries, and there’s about to be activity in this sign so rare, I’ve had to search back to 1 B.C. to find any precedent for it. The feeling of now is telling us something about what society will be going through starting around the equinox. Then there is a third opposition on April 26, so this is a long and teased-out process.
Remember: without all the things that Mars represents, you cannot do anything of your own volition; things can only be done to you.

Second: Jupiter Square Saturn
Second, we are a few days away from the peak of Jupiter square Saturn. These are the two most massive planets, really, mini solar systems, meeting the little tiny Earth at a right angle.
Imagine Jupiter is a table leg and Saturn is the tabletop (there is your right angle) and the Earth is a little strip of glue holding them together. Only it’s not the Earth, it’s you: you are that little bit of glue being pulled on by Jupiter and Saturn.
This aspect happens every 10 years, and it’s happening now. The feeling, as documented a decade ago, is the sensation of a last chance. The last time it happened was in the run-up to Trump winning the presidency in 2016 — the desperation, the sense of “we must get this right,” was perhaps more palpable then.
The world did not seem totally forgone. People still had a sense of fight. But there was this sense that it was going fast — the world was being governed by someone with a Twitter account who is about to be in charge again. That era also contained an event in Aries comparable to what we’re about to experience, which was about humanity succumbing to the digital environment.
We have, since then, seen many more examples of this. It’s going to take more than fight to get us out of this mess, though I am concerned that both intelligence and emotional contact of a kind that barely exist anymore are required.
You may still have a little left. Be careful with it, and use it well. It’s better to have one little candle than to stumble in the dark. But if you don’t open your eyes, you cannot see no matter how much light there is. And when you do that, you might not like what you’re looking at.
However, be prepared: the awakening — an actual awakening — is coming.
With love,
Your faithful astrologer,
I tend to associate the word "lacrosse" with the dogs that killed a lacrosse player in San Francisco back in 2001 or so.