May monthly horoscope coming soon. April's horoscope is included here for everyone.
The Planet Waves monthly horoscope for May will be out soon. The column has run consistently every month since May 1995. I write it personally — every last syllable.
Dear Friend and Reader:
Today and tomorrow, I’m working on the May monthly horoscope, along with the Taurus Studio reading. That’s a 75-minute audio reading that clearly, patiently and with loving intelligence, tells you how to make the most of your astrology.
For a 50% preorder discount, use promo code TaurusStudio50.
I’m running a little late on both, so we plan to have the monthly horoscope to you Friday and Taurus Studio later today.
As you know, I treat the horoscope as an art form. The challenge is being pithy, relevant and understandable even if someone has no familiarity with astrology, or does not “believe in” it.
This month, I’m looking at the following factors, which I consider and deliver to you in friendly, ordinary John Steinbeck plain English.
The world is still ringing with the energy of the April 19 total solar eclipse in the last degree of Aries. That is in the background. I’ll also be working with Mercury retrograde in Taurus, a lunar eclipse in Scorpio, Jupiter entering Taurus — and gazing ahead at Venus retrograde in Leo. Chiron and Eris in Aries are never far from my thoughts.
April Monthly Horoscope is Now Open to Everyone
There is the April monthly horoscope, open to everyone. This edition includes free preview videos for all 12 signs of Pluto in a Strange Land. Over the years I have made friends with video, and I think these readings get better with time. Pluto in a Strange Land focuses on Pluto in Aquarius. It comes with several other classic readings for your sign, on your delivery page.
For an overview of what Planet Waves has been doing lately, please visit out front page. All of the articles on the front are open-access. If you want to revive an old subscription, write to us for a promo code —
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