NOTE — If you are having any difficulty getting the 9/11 STARCAST to play...
...I have also posted it to the page of the current Planet Waves FM
Back again —
I’m aware that at least one listener has had some difficulty getting a recent STARCAST to play; the links in the email did not work either*. I have placed the 9/11 edition on the top program at PlanetWaves.FM.
Here is a direct link to the page; it’s the last player down — all the way at the bottom of the page, right below the image seen above.
You can navigate directly to the page by entering PlanetWaves.FM or a shortcut directly into your navigation bar. It is on the top program, along with the most recent program and all that is related to it. Go to the very last player down.
Thanks for your patience.
*If this is happening to you, please reply to this email or enter a comment below. Please say what kind of device you’re on and how old or new it is. Thank you.