Update for Cancer Sun, Moon and Rising
This is a bit of year-ahead astrology associated with the forthcoming Astrology Studio for Cancer. The full Astrology Studio reading will be ready next week.
Dear Friend and Reader:
I am about to do the reading for Cancer Sun, Moon and rising. With any luck it will be on the server tonight. Some of you have seen this letter; I am sending it to Substack to ensure that everyone who wants it gets it. It’s not easy.
This is a new format astrology update, which I plan to deliver each month when the Sun changes signs. It’s open to all readers and subscribers. The full reading for Cancer will follow next week and is available for pre-order now.
Use promo code CancerStudio50 for your pre-sale discount.
Other signs are available here.
My readings are in plain-talk and speak to actual human subject matter. They are about you, not about astrology. I also interpret many features of this chart in a new subscriber article. This letter will provide additional context specifically for charts oriented on the sign Cancer.
First, here is the chart I’m working with.
Solar Ingress Was in Aspect to Pluto
The Sun entering Cancer occurred in aspect to Pluto (shown in the dark diagonal line). This is a reminder about unfinished business in relationships, associated with Pluto’s retrograde visit to Capricorn that lasts the rest of the year. There are details to be worked out before commitments can go to a different depth. (This aspect was behind the stress and mental instability people were reporting on the 20th and 21st).
The need to revisit pending matters will come up occasionally and needs attention. Pluto through Capricorn since 2008 describes the restructuring of your ideas about relationships and those of the people close to you. You are living in a different environment now. However, when an outer planet has been in one area of your chart for many years, it’s a little strange when it moves on, and many adaptations are necessary.
Those with Cancer rising and many with Sun and Moon in Cancer have been through a series of upheavals going back a good few years, which have radically shifted your expectations of others. In short, the result is human associations being too darned casual. You rely on structure and commitment for your happiness; these elements are not in vogue these days. You tend to gravitate toward old-fashioned types, and now would be a good time to remember that.
Jupiter-Saturn Sextile Describes Stability
Better news is that through your solar return season, Jupiter and Saturn are in as close to perfect balance as they can be. So stability is available, but you have to reach for it and orient there. It’s also likely that your work-related commitments and personal commitments will be in much greater harmony than they have been in the recent past.
One ongoing challenge is staying in the present. You must still account for past influences from your family and former patterns that may not describe how you want to live. You have your own ideas, and they have strong influences. Know them when you see them and remember to make your choices based on your own values.
There are, generally, two mentalities you can bring to any situation. One is based on logic and reason; the other is based on a game of some kind. When the games begin, that’s the time for you to find people who take life more seriously.
Leo Grouping Describes Financial Progress
Leo is the money house for Cancer, and whatever you may think is going on, you have resources. This is described by a lineup of five different planets in Leo. These resources are not exclusively about cash, but rather come in many different forms. Make sure you account for all of them. The most important is your gumption and motivation, which is right up there with your self-respect, your experience, and your talents.
Mars present for your solar return in your money house is the perfect “go for it” placement; Mars is the most important planet describing financial success. However, Mars only works in an environment of trust, and the most important person you can trust is yourself.
With Venus about to be retrograde in Leo, you must make wise decisions about money, and not overspend or over-skimp. Know the difference between a want and a need; and between what is helpful and what is not helpful.
Chiron and Jupiter Supporting Leadership
This is an unusually public time for you, described by both formal and informal responsibilities. I don’t just mean visible; I am talking about commitments and actual involvement with others. It’s essential that you live as if you will be held accountable for your words and actions. In the time when everything is tuning its ethics to what is acceptable on Twitter, this will require some adaptation.
Few people want to be accountable for anything these days, and they are usually not held to any standard. But with Chiron going through your 10th house, you must live cautiously and not assume you can get away with anything. The reward will be confidence in your own integrity and the ability to handle responsibilities that others are not capable of.
For its part, Jupiter is encouraging you to spend as much time among others in small groups as you can — in person, not on the internet. You have something for them and they have something for you. Be generous in social situations, and help connect people who you think should know one another.
Many more details and context will be coming in the new reading for Cancer, which should be available early next week.
Thank you for your business and your trust.
With love,