Welcome to the Planet Waves A-List
We have placed part of our Planet Waves list onto the Substack platform. This will make it easier to see updates, to comment, and to reach me directly.
A New Distribution Venue for Planet Waves
Greetings from New York and happy New Moon.
This letter may be a duplicate, though I have added helpful details.
Welcome to the Planet Waves A-List on Substack, an alt distribution list for Planet Waves astrology materials. This list includes subscribers, some past subscribers, customers, recent op-ins to our website, plus staff and friends.
You are already on our other lists. It’s a constant challenge cutting through the noise and getting my work into the hands of the many people who want to hear from me, who value what I am doing and who benefit from it. We are all dealing with a lot of spam — and despite that, I still want to hear from the people I care about.
Planet Waves remains a place of refuge in an increasingly cold and inhumane world. My goal with Planet Waves is to provide a sane, calm place to pause, reflect and learn — for anyone who needs it, any time, day or night.
Our two most accessible places to hang out and regain your sanity are Planet Waves FM, and STARCAST. Neither requires registration or login. The monthly horoscope (the same one formerly in Chronogram, published by Omega Institute and by AOL-UK) is always free at Planet Waves FM. I write in the same style I used when I worked for Jonathan Cainer. And I remain active as an investigative reporter.
Here is what journalism and astrology have in common:
“Eric has been deeply dedicated to astrology for decades, and his prolific work is based on the application of astrology to the living field of human experience — bringing awareness to the journey of deepening and awakening, both individual and collective. He engages with the full spectrum of astrological considerations, from the philosophical to the experiential, and I’ve been grateful for the many illuminating (and fun!) exchanges we’ve had down the years.”
— Melanie Reinhart, author of Chiron and the Healing Journey
This List is for Announcments — and Some Articles
I will be using this Substack for announcements and distributing samples of new articles. It’s a different Substack from the Chiron Return Substack associated with our radio program and nonprofit news team.
This list is not a paid Planet Waves subscription. Though you may be a paid subscriber seeing this letter, you will receive your subscription materials in an email directly from us. Horoscopes and some articles now require login. They also appear on your MY ACCOUNT area. If you want to subscribe to Planet Waves, here are your options. Write to us at cs@planetwaves.net if you need a promo code to make it more affordable for you. Our goal is to be available.
As a Pisces, I would prefer that everything be open access. Our paying subscribers sustain and support everything you see distributed by Planet Waves. Thank you. The way we have been able to provide you with such high quality articles, art, horoscopes and readings with no ads is that we take doing business seriously.
This Publication is on Substack
This list and website are hosted on the most excellent Substack platform, which so far has been censorship-free and is the home of a few independent thinkers, a few good writers and lots of other people. One advantage to Substack is its lively commenting. It is not really social media but a little like it; it’s for long-form work, articles, videos, podcasts and discussion; there are no “sponsored posts.”
We will use this list as one venue to announce new Planet Waves publications, website updates, my readings and other matters related (mostly) to astrology. We have been having difficulty getting good saturation with our mail server, and Substack is an easier venue to add comments.
You may disregard “subscribe” buttons (which I have left OFF on this setup). Most of the content will link to the Planet Waves site, though this is a work in progress. You may unsubscribe following directions linked from the bottom of the email.
You may unsubscribe or pause mailings following directions at the bottom of each email.
For fans and friends of my investigative reporting via the nonprofit Chiron Return and Planet Waves FM, there is another much more active Substack which you can reach via the shortcut PlanetWaves.org.
Thank you for your business and your trust.
Love this idea! Thanks for making it easier to sift through the info.
Nice to know.