
oops, published the interview Saturday. I was planning to mail this the 11th but decided to send it tonight, didn't edit that line.

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i hate to 'steal' any or all of your well earned thunder, Eric, but wouldn't you agree that the never touted, utterly 'never minded', but soon (within 20 yrs) to be an astrological certainty pole shift& micro nova of our very own star, the Sun, ought to be a candidate for some of your research? ...tho tis a truly marvelous solution to most of planet Earth's corruption & mismanagement...hail satan???

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This does not give me a lot to go by.

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my bad, Eric...this is a known phenomena every 12,000+ yrs which is covered in detail @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-qUfmZbgyg , the Suspicious Observers website which could really use some of your excellent imput i believe. http://www.youtube.com/@Suspicious0bservers

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Novae are wholly unpredictable and I reckon that mini novae are as well. So there is no way to say that there will be one or that there will be a pole shift as a matter of astronomical fact. And while I do not get into speculation, there is no practical way to read this into astrology because astrology does not cover the subject matter. When you go these places you end up with a lot of New Age fluff that passes for astrologyish, such as the later works of Barbara Hand Clow and many others. If "something is up" it will be reflected in the known planetary patterns, something is definitely up and it's most surely reflected.

I'll check out the videos.

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don lashley <islandlad@gmail.com>

Sun, Aug 11, 6:47 PM (20 hours ago)

It's a known occurrence every 12k+ with geologic evidence galore, but it twould prolly be difficult to pinpoint an exact date, tho tis been over 12k since the last one. there should be significant disturbances in the coming years which will combine with the significant meandering of our poles presently...when the sun 'sneezes' all the accumulating dust, etc tis a true cataStrophic event,,

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right so to predict within 20 years a 12K year event is not easy, however, geologic evidence of an event every 12K years? I would like to see an example, as the best we get on that scale are ice ages.

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these 'events' cause poles to shift, stop the earth's rotation, triggering continental tsunamis, reverses the earth's rotation, turns hundreds of feet of earth's oceans to clouds which blocks the sun, rains & snows ice to form an ice age...etc. details on those sites

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what? you're not aware that there is most definitely a dark cult that dates back thousands (probably longer) that uses all manner of metaphysical tricks to control Humanity. the Vatican alone is full of this, the Jesuits e.g. They use hand signals on & on

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I have no memory of this event. Plunging a craft into Saturn, and that NASA thought there may be life on one of it's satellites. I was an adult at the time with kids.

Nostradamus wow!

This story is absolutely awesome!!

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Some of the large satellites around Jupiter and Saturn are potentially proto-Earths, meaning that their conditions now represent potential conditions of the Earth billions of years ago. So this was done out of an abundance of caution, as Nasa thought there was unlikely to be life or potential as we think of it on a gas-giant (non-terrestrial) planet such as Saturn.

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What a story........shaking my head.

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wow...someone noticed <3

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Sauer, about flight dynamics, is at about 11+ Gemini; Icarus, about flight, is at 15+ Cancer. Neither of these seem to be in play, though I need to look more carefully.


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