Thank you for your thoughtful article. I just want to mention one point about something you said about scientists. There is great diversity and disparity among scientists, so I would just ask you to consider that even though many are atheists and only tech/solution driven, I have known many who are profound thinkers who devote hours and pages to exploring profound philosophical questions of creation, God, and man. Several of these are physicists and mathematicians who are experts and renowned in their fields, but also with devout relationships with Nature--people full of wonder and awe, not easily swayed by the latest "answer" to mankind's problems. These are people who always consider the ethical side of science and the mysteries of the universe. So, although, there are many of what I would call shallow scientists, there are also many others who vocally emphasize caution and need for philosophical questioning. Your points would be more effective if you considered this other groups as well.

Mary Kay Paulson

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The last week or so, so many people from my past have reached out to me. I don’t want it. - A Cancer Crab

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