The Generation cover with the train bursting through the map is about a report on the condition of SUNY; it happened so long ago, I forgot the findings — though they were dutifully summed up in this article from the Times.


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Thanks, Eric,

I moved back to Buffalo after 20 years abroad and I'm ok here. Glad to see the positive press!


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I traveled to Buffalo for a conference in 1999 when I was associate editor of a school bus magazine. It was October and flying low over the countryside I was amazed at the colors. Then there was Buffalo itself. I spent an entire day in my off time from the conference walking the city taking pictures of the architecture, an amalgam of styles. I wish I had had the column you posted so I could've tried some of the stellar restaurants in town, but the food I did try was pretty good. I also found a part of town with African cultural artifacts...masks in particular (hope I don't get accused of cultural appropriation) and handmade clothing. I tried to imagine living in the city. After I left Buffalo I got news the city was hit with one of those epic snowstorms the area is known for. Even so, I could envision myself living there if I had a few more lives to live. Oh and of course I went to Niagara Falls, but forgot an umbrella and got soaking wet. It was completely misting there.

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attending the nys organics summit https://www.biocycle.net/nys-organics-summit-2024/ in april in buffalo and delighted to be able to follow up on your suggestions! going to book Waxlight today if possible! thanks Eric!

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and if anyone's interested here is an interview with Generation founder Eric Coppolino from 2010: https://www.ericfrancis.com/ericfrancis/eric-francis-interviewed-by-generation-magazine-2010

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And here is what Wiki has to say about the magazine you started in Buffalo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_(magazine)

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ah that's interesting...I didn't know there was a Wikipedia page. I would like to clean up a few things in there, and it does not look like Bitter Twisted is mentioned; without him, there would have not been Generation column. I held up the structure -- the editorial integrity, the business, the staff; and Andrew brought in the readers through Bitter Twisted. He was the outreach guy — the ambassador to the students — kind of like my horoscope has been, but in a way better.

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