Terrific explanation of your evolution. I often think that people,coming here for the first time, cannot comprehend the mix of astrology with investigative journalism.

Let’s face it. You are unusual on many levels. No pigeonholing possible. I know of no one like you. But I am ever grateful for the refuge you offer; especially during the past three years. It kept me and many others in this community sane.

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"Pattern recognition"

I believe we are lucky to have Eric, and I am glad I found his writings.

My latest heroes come in at about 90% at best. They don't have to be perfect.

Cautiously appreciative.

Thanks Eric!

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PS... Just discovered this. Damn! This pushes it to 95.


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<3 I do a lot of those

have you seen https://freepillastrology.com ??

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Brilliant! Will post and fwd. So true..., the world would not be the same without us.

And truly, logic is most certainly tyranny. However, I must point out an error in my Taurean profile - I have only lived in the same place for the past 35 years.

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Hi Eric. I have just started on the Astrology path. I was led the the start of the path by yourself and also by learning about cell salts and their link to the zodiac. I have a question to start things off. Do the signs of the zodiac move along by a month with the dawning of a new sign at the spring equinox. Ie. Would a child born on 21 April (Taurus under Pieces) be an Aries after precession to Aqurious?

Many thanks Eric. Im still very early on my astrology journey, and like youself, thought is was baloney for a large portion of my life, before my awakening.

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Rob we are initiating an astrology school. My classes are excellent and affordable and in truth everything I do is a teaching process, such as astrology studio readings. Listen to a few of those, and follow along with the chart, and you will be on your way. Nothing else like this exists.

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Thanks Eric, i will certainly be listening to and reading more of your work. I saw the request for students for the astrology school but I'm not sure I would be able to give it the commitment level required due to other unavoidable commitments. Just out of interest, what would be the expected level of time commitment for the school?

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for this initial project, I'm looking for people to send me interesting articles -- that I have written. For example, what is your favorite area of study? Planets, signs, houses, theory?

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Well I even sure Im far enough along to answer that, ive really just started on this road, but having just read a book on Hermes Tismegistus and another on the zodiacs relation to bodily cell salts, id probably say theory. Im quite analytical so I think the theory would be the fundamental to stucking everything else on to.

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Rob what is your email address?

Can you set up a free account at https://planetwaves.net/

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I was always advised to ignore horoscopes published in newspapers. Interesting that Patric Walker triggered your journey into this subject. I am not an astrologer but have been reading articles on the subject for over 40 years now. Used to read the Astrological Magazine published by B V Raman when he was alive. From there picked up articles by K N Rao and later his videos. Have tried to understand the concepts as explained by Maharishis like Mihira Muni.

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It's a lot simpler than it all seems; thousands of years of culture and marketing have packed astrology with a lot of baggage that it does not need. Ultimately, if the work is on-message, it resonates. The next level is how the astrologer got there. As you will see, I leave my notes in the margin.

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I have been reading you for years and love the depths of your insight, but as a layman find your readings too clinical to easily understand. Would you consider a supplemental version where the reading does not contain all the technical aspects? I can understand when you say things like "because this planet is squared with this planet, this energy will be strong," stuff like that....but when you get into the degrees and very technical aspects of the reading, I get lost and exhausted trying to understand what you're saying, then will just skim through the rest and try to glean what little sense I can make of it. I hope I said that clearly, I love your readings but they blow my mind!! Thank you for all your hard work and the energy it takes you to produce so much important information. I think your insight is spot-on and I do value what you write, even if I don't fully understand it! :-)

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making sure you saw this -- if you can frame one question, I'll walk you through it

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Connie, the only lower I could go is not referencing the facts I am speaking of. But I write in such a way that teaches, and that does not clutter my ideas.

Can you give me an example of a paragraph that is too difficult, and we can talk about it? I'll help you learn how to decipher it.

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making sure you saw this -- if you can frame one question, I'll walk you through it

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Certainly an adept astrologer and journalist whose prolific outpourings continue to inspire.

I myself was a great admirer of the late Patrick Walker whose Daily Mail column resonated greatly and when Jonathan Cainer took his place he managed almost but not quite, imho, to do the impossible.

I wholly agree with your take on the impact of the digital age which is why in my own humble attempt to introduce astrology to the 'unenlightened' I have abandoned social media in favour of personal interaction on a community level albeit I am not as educated as your good self - I only know of Sylvia Plath for instance because her grave is within close proximity (certainly by American standards) of my flome (floating home).

My support for your work at this time is limited to sharing your articles in the hope that you will gain additional subscribers to support your laudable efforts.

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Geoff, let me know if you want to work a little closer in to our promotions efforts; we would benefit from your assistance,,,thank you!

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I am doing my bit Eric to compensate for my current inability to support PW financially - too many calls on my limited income at this time. My new venture is being funded by the income I receive from a part time job as a store assistant in a charity shop, one I must say that I enjoy for the ability to keep my feet on the ground, the social interaction and the opportunities which present themselves amongst the donations - resisting a bargain is not easy. lol

If you've not already seen it, I have a page on my website which plugs your work quite extensively, albeit not exclusively, and I shall continue to promote your offerings whenever I can with my fledgling 'business' as in the example linked below:


I have been cogitating on your email invitation the other day regarding your ALP project and, as yet, I am still unsure whether or not I could bring anything to the table so to speak at this time.

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Who says "science" is the boss? I never ever say that astrology is based on science. Is there a scientific study proving that Hey Jude is a beautiful song? Astrology is in that category.

As far as planetary science, this is pure observation. Even the discussion of exoplanets (planets orbiting other stars) is compelling and though it is not my field, I have learned a lot from indulging the discussion.

From my editorial policy:


Use of Astrology

Astrology is not the truth. As presented in the 21st century, it is a form of personally applicable fiction, or a symbolic and metaphoric framework through which to view ourselves and the world. The use of astrology is therefore by definition the expression of opinion or interpretation.

Astrology derives from an ancient point of view that is not established by modern science, and the use of astrology by our writers, editors, readers and clients is offered as an analytical framework rather than as an exposition of objective reality. We do not attempt to predict the future using astrology.

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Astrology is philosophy. There are many definitions of science. To my mind, it requires a testable idea. Further, planetary science is not making claims to which it subjects the whole human race. I am adept at understanding a diversity of sciences, and virology does not qualify in any respect. That does not discredit the good work of people who are studying orbiting objects, galaxies, etc. And nobody is going to lock you in your house due to the discovery of a new galaxy. Virology is wholly made up, unrepeatable, untestable, and manipulated, and is used politically for drug sales and social control.

Toxicology has merit but its real findings are denied and politically manipulated.

Plenty of planetary science is testable ideas. How much do you know about it? Could you define any of the following terms?

— Kepler's laws of planetary motion (esp the 2nd)

— Centaur planet - clue (944) Hidalgo

— Classical Kuiper Belt object

— Plutino

— Trojan asteroid

— Scattered disc object

— Oort cloud

Astronomy is about categorization, the mathematics of orbits, the study of spectra of light (as you say), which also brings in chemical analysis. I believe the Mars rovers are real. I am fairly certain that New Horizons went to Pluto. I am pretty sure the Moon landing(s) were bullshit.

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Now, let's talk about the Standard Model of particle physics -- that has some issues, but I love the discussion.

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deletedApr 24, 2023·edited Apr 24, 2023
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Apr 24, 2023·edited Apr 24, 2023Author

Are you versed in astronomy? Have you ever participated in science or conducted an experiment?

There are many definitions of science, and many scientific methods. The rules can change based on the intent of the experiment, or the necessities of establishing proof. More than anything, science is about the acquisition and ordering of what is known.

One type of science is the acquisition of observational data, such as zoology or palentology. Another is the development of a theory, such as predicting the existence of the Kuiper Belt, and then finding it. A repeatable experiment in astronomy can involve determining an orbital trajectory and predicting where a planet will be in X days and finding it there.

Here is the etymology, which does not include "making shit up out of whole cloth and conning the public" or "claiming something is true when it was not to make a lot of money":

science (n.)


mid-14c., "state or fact of knowing; what is known, knowledge (of something) acquired by study; information;" also "assurance of knowledge, certitude, certainty," from Old French science "knowledge, learning, application; corpus of human knowledge" (12c.), from Latin scientia "knowledge, a knowing; expertness," from sciens (genitive scientis) "intelligent, skilled," present participle of scire "to know."

The original notion in the Latin verb probably is "to separate one thing from another, to distinguish," or else "to incise." This is related to scindere "to cut, divide" (from PIE root *skei- "to cut, split;" source also of Greek skhizein "to split, rend, cleave," Gothic skaidan, Old English sceadan "to divide, separate").

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One other bit. Each science defines its own rules for when it can say it knows or has discovered something. In particle physics, there is a probability scale that is used to determine when something is (per the rules) absolutely beyond chance level. The first question in evaluating any claimed finding of science is, what are the rules, and were they followed? What proves virology is a sham is that it can never follow its own rules or meet its own definitions. It changes rules and definitions to meet its ends. It is not science; it is POLITICAL SCIENCE.

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Important to distinguish fiction from bullshit. The biggest bullshitters by far have been the recently proclaimed experts of science. I am thinking the "intent" is the secret ingredient. Are we seeking truth or trying to sell vaccines?

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Intent is crucial and will help determine integrity.

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related. This is very new. I haven't even posted it yet. The first COURT CASE AGAINST VIROLOGY. You heard it here first, (maybe):


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Is this Stefan Lanka? He did well in the German courts vis a vis "the measles"

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