Certain people you and i know believe that they have let go of all their past training, and now get "marching orders" from God, i.e. revelations from God at to what is truth, and that's all they need to know, stuff like the Earth is flat, round earth is blasphemy. Just how many different variants of "God" are there?

This also included a very firm assertion of the "original sin" story, the eating of the fruit of knowledge, what Terence McKenna in his book "Food of the Gods" called "history's first drug bust." At least the first recorded one. :-) It's part of a bunch of myths in various cultures of western Asia, as in discussed in "Hebrew Myths," Raphael Patai and Robert Greaves (Yep, writer of "I Claudius") We are to eschew all knowledge attained via historical inquiry and let the truth be... revealed, at the time we are deemed worthwhile of seeing it.

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It is possible to lie about anything, and to get anything wrong.

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Of course. But what happens when you dispense with the idea that the pursuit of knowledge is a good thing, that it's important to make such knowledge cumulative? Just asking questions, not looking for easy answers.

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Let's just say that "by their works, ye shall know them." And think about how much pursuit of knowledge led to the chemicals under the ground on the other side of that fence. Someone with only a high school diploma, accused of not being an "expert," led the evacuation.

Nearly all of the holders of MDs and PhDs got "covid" wrong. So in the hands of most, acquired knowledge is useless, or worse. It's another thing when there is a living spirit of awareness guiding the use of that knowledge.

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Lois Gibbs also used knowledge accumulated about these chemicals by people with science background who did not go along with the alleged science "consensus."

And more than a few people used accumulated knowledge and the scientific method to blow the cover off "Convid." The problem isn't the accumulated knowledge in itself, but the context in which it is taught, driblets of information fed to students as separate packets of knowledge, with the students constantly reminded to stay in their lanes. Grades and the like are used like electric fences to ensure that they do so, as well as to ensure that they come out of the process as numb, competitive individuals who combine lack of self-confidence with arrogance about being "educated." The problem is, in other words, systemic.

There is more than one type of living spirit of awareness. The most important part of establishing that awareness is a strong desire to not be bound by a rigid straitjacket fitted upon all thought as part of our "education" system.

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I think you're missing the spirit of this whole teaching, Jeff.

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Maybe, maybe not. I think i agree with the underlying message, but not with some of the specifics. After all, you did like the comment i made about Lois Gibbs.

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Lois used charm and being telegenic. She was human and no expert in anything other than noticing her kids were sick. She knew next to nothing about chemicals. Television is what propelled the evacuation of the Love Canal. It would not have gotten any traction under digital conditions; it would just be perceived as more tragic bullshit, like East Palestine.

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Thank you, Eric! I read Starseed Transmissions several years ago, and am just now nearing the end of reading the ACIM text, though I've gone through the workbook a couple of times in past years, never finished the text. I think, like you wrote, I needed to approach the text as a psychological process. Now I'm reading it much-much slower (I'm a slow reader already) and I often ruminate over a sentence, paragraph, or page for a day or more before continuing.

BTW, a couple of people I know, that were ACIM "fans" (for lack of better word), have since changed their minds and now believe it's brainwashing of some sort. I think in reality they've been brainwashed into thinking that ACIM is brainwashing.

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I really needed to hear this. Thank you.

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Starseed Transmissions was one of the very first spiritual books I ever purchased, at no one’s recommendation was just a random thing. I still have it 30 years later, was so surprised to see someone else found this book, also did not know the ACIM correlation with it. Thank you for this series Eric, very much!

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