Today's story time begins with a visit to Woodstock that turned out to be a really, really good idea — guided by intuition. I was silently invited, and responded.
The most disturbing part of Trungpa’s legacy as far as Japhy is concerned is not anything Rinpoche did but what his legacy has done to those Shambhala Buddhists that need him to be the father they wish the had.
“According to my Vajra Master, Khenpo Karthar. Trungpa was a great teacher. Full stop. He was one of our best and brightest.”
“Whenever I encounter a Shambhala Buddhist infantilized by their indoctrination in the hagiography of Trungpa, the founder of Shambhala Buddhism, it always makes me wonder what is wrong with these people.”
“When Trungpa ordered them to grab strip a couple, the poet W.S. Merwin and his girlfriend, for excusing themselves from the evening’s festivities, and these so-called Kasung, Rinpoch’s personal security, shockingly, they did as they were told.”
As utterly revolting as this was to Japhy at the time, it was a subject of much discussion in his circle afterwards, to Trungpa’s credit Rinpoche owned, without attempting to justify his part in the attack, what went down that night.
“Allen Ginsberg tried his best to do damage control on Trungpa’s behalf but Rinpoche would have nothing to do with his efforts to spin what happened. It was horrific. It was inexcusable. He did it. End of story.”
i more than appreciate it i love it ---------chogham trunkapas book cutting through materal spritualiism is the baeses of my life and my mental practice if you read it first it makes his other books much much more understandable i have read the book countless times i read it often ----- he exlains how to correctly meditate and exlpains why thibetian buddist meditate and that is to go to a place of sanaty i highly suggest you read it ---------- i thought this was your best radio talk ever although i love all your radio and podcast etc. etc.-------------thank you for everthing you do you are the miracle---------------- he says in the book (((((((( for those who seek the spiritual path there is no need to change there is no need to improve yourself)))))))))))
As I did for Jeff J. Brown’s hagiography on Mao, I do for yours on Trungpa—details on my coming Substack post:
CHÖGYAM TRUNGPA: A WILD AND CRAZY WISDOM GUY u.k.philosophy.humanism, circa 2005
In 1969 Chögyam experienced a tragic automobile accident which left
him paralyzed on the left side of his body. The car had careened into a
joke shop (seriously); Trungpa had been driving drunk at the time, to
the point of blacking out at the wheel.
At a Halloween costume party at a three month retreat in 1975: "A woman
is stripped naked, apparently at Trungpa's joking command, and
hoisted into the air by [his] guards, and passed around-presumably in
fun, although the woman does not think so." At this retreat the
pacifist poet William Merwin and his wife, Dana, kept to themselves
within the crowd mentality. Trungpa insisted they attend the party. His
drunken spiritual followers cut their telephone line & kicked in the
door at Trungpa's command.
The poet defended himself by smashing bottles over the attacking
disciples, before he and his wife were dragged from the room. Trungpa
insulted Merwin's Oriental wife with racist remarks [in return for
which she called him a "Nazi"] and threw a glass of saké in the
poet's face.
Trungpa had the couple forcibly stripped, and a protesting onlooker was
punched in the face and called a "son of a bitch" by Trungpa.
Trungpa, apparently satisfied, said "Let's dance" "And so they
Welcome to "authentic Tibetan Buddhism" straight from the Buddha to
Was Trungpa anything but a power-hungry, ex-monarch, alcoholic fool?
The most disturbing part of Trungpa’s legacy as far as Japhy is concerned is not anything Rinpoche did but what his legacy has done to those Shambhala Buddhists that need him to be the father they wish the had.
“According to my Vajra Master, Khenpo Karthar. Trungpa was a great teacher. Full stop. He was one of our best and brightest.”
“Whenever I encounter a Shambhala Buddhist infantilized by their indoctrination in the hagiography of Trungpa, the founder of Shambhala Buddhism, it always makes me wonder what is wrong with these people.”
“When Trungpa ordered them to grab strip a couple, the poet W.S. Merwin and his girlfriend, for excusing themselves from the evening’s festivities, and these so-called Kasung, Rinpoch’s personal security, shockingly, they did as they were told.”
As utterly revolting as this was to Japhy at the time, it was a subject of much discussion in his circle afterwards, to Trungpa’s credit Rinpoche owned, without attempting to justify his part in the attack, what went down that night.
“Allen Ginsberg tried his best to do damage control on Trungpa’s behalf but Rinpoche would have nothing to do with his efforts to spin what happened. It was horrific. It was inexcusable. He did it. End of story.”
i more than appreciate it i love it ---------chogham trunkapas book cutting through materal spritualiism is the baeses of my life and my mental practice if you read it first it makes his other books much much more understandable i have read the book countless times i read it often ----- he exlains how to correctly meditate and exlpains why thibetian buddist meditate and that is to go to a place of sanaty i highly suggest you read it ---------- i thought this was your best radio talk ever although i love all your radio and podcast etc. etc.-------------thank you for everthing you do you are the miracle---------------- he says in the book (((((((( for those who seek the spiritual path there is no need to change there is no need to improve yourself)))))))))))