Note, "lessons" are in the workbook. "When I am healed, I am not healed alone" is from the workbook. Ohh it's right in the middle, Lesson 137


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the early lessons to this effect are:

18 -- I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my seeing.

19 -- I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my thoughts.

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via email

Here is my comment on "Episode 2: The Fear of Healing", your occasional series on A Course in Miracles. It was incredible, and perfect for where I stand in my life at this very moment. Thank you. :)

Listening to this was like standing at the edge of 'something new' while recognizing parts of me I haven't seen in a long time, if ever ... a return home to myself. I am going to listen to this over and over again... like reading a good book multiple times over the course of several years. I can only hope that each time I will hear/learn something new. Thank you for reading THIS particular part of A Course In Miracles. It is exactly what I need right now. Your commentary is clear and concise, which helps a lot. I am glad to hear you intend to continue with this series. I feel supported, and safe to continue along my healing journey. Thank you, Eric.

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Thank you for this, Eric. After I marinated in it last night, I had a very healing dream. In my experience, the teachings can only be heard from a non-egoic plane of reality and so it requres some agility to move between different states of consciousness in order to take it in.. But hearing it and understanding is like a breath of fresh air when I've been choking on dirty smoke too much of the time. I am SO grateful for the lessons on forgiveness because its a tough one. But probably THE lesson of this time. Finding the truth of peace and wholeness of self regardless of others ill intent and actions towards you is strong evidence and speaks louder than any words. Much love🙏💖

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“But his guilt is just the fabric of a senseless dream.”

Wow. The blood on the hands of the medical establishment by withholding early treatments in 2020/21 has haunted all my days since I first saw what was done. My entire web of trust as a citizen in a western culture collapsed. The anguish has been overwhelming many days with no way to process the emotions through mental methods.

For the first time in 3 years, a glimmer of peace is very lightly brushing against the awareness of a new way of Being with this - and all - holocausts. So deep it has no centre, no end, no limits.


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Thank you Eric for doing this.

A Course in Miracles has crossed my path many times.

I first heard of it from a work colleague while working in the corporate world in NYC many years ago, a very stressful work period in my life.

Came across it again recently (and a number of times in between), a friend loaned me the book some months ago, sitting on a table, in view.

And then recently an email from you connected me here!

I think I'm ready now.

As always I find your language, tone and pacing creates accessibility to what can initially appear complex to this being.

Thank you

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Can you be separated from your life and your being? The journey to God is merely the reawakening of the knowledge of where you are always, and what you are forever. It is a journey without distance to a goal that has never changed. Truth can only be experienced. It cannot be described and it cannot be explained. I can make you aware of the conditions of truth, but the experience is of God. Together we can meet its conditions, but truth will dawn upon you of itself.

This may be the most beautiful thing I have ever read.

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I am also a student of ACIM and hearing this particular text about forgiveness was meaningful to me this morning as I had been marinating on the concepts of What is the World and my true function.

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I know you've been unsure about flat earth (FE) by looking to the stars and planets to prove a globe.

Time lapse videos showing earth and stars, taken from the cockpit of a plane flying from Spain to Brazil are smoking gun proof of the FE. How?

By showing what the stars are doing vs what we would se when flying around a sphere:

How a Pilot Ended the Globe - Part 1

By Taboo Conspiracy


Part 2 and Part 3 (by an engineer who modeled the flight path) are linked in Taboo's channel.


The original videographer's website and original video and "show notes"


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This brings up a difficult question. What about those who hurt others via the actions they took in the the course of the launching and perpetuation of Operation "Pandemic"? Are we to somehow act as if we didn't get hurt? Those who lost their jobs or their businesses, their livelihoods, or had to subject themselves to being injected by poisons which are probably still causing them damage, or were the recipients of "medical care" which resulted in injury? Or had relatives and friends who were subjected to this, whom they may even have lost? Act as if whole when clearly not whole?

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This work is not for everyone; and it's not a theoretical thing — it's a practical thing for those in training to do their part to address issues WHEN CALLED to do so. It's not about getting involved where not called. So far as I am involved, I do my best to make sure I don't harbor rage, resentment, or condemnation at the perps and that I get help when I need to. (You will see this in how I handle adversarial interviews.}

There are always going to be "and what about that?" situations that seem to make the whole approach seem untenable. What I can say is that me personally harboring rage or resentment toward the perps is not good for me; and stepping away from those emotions has not dampened my ability to address the situation AS CALLED; and as I have said many times, I did the work that I was called to do when I woke up March 3, 2020. So I can only speak for myself in the situation that I am in.

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Also it's not up to me to say to someone who was injured, "You SHOULD forgive the people who did that." In those situations there is another approach entirely, and again, I would conduct myself AS CALLED to do so if directly involved in the scenario.

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To make it clear, i had no intention at all "to make the whole approach seem untenable. " Just raising difficult questions, i do that better than providing "easy answers," as you may have figured out about me. No intention to criticize. This was in response to a friend of mine, a Deadhead, who said she was forgiving all of those who imposed horrible measures, big and small, i felt like she was doing it as a form of virtue signalling, all she had to do was not go to certain venues which required shots, not like she lost a job or a business or was forced to jab,.....

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thank you for the reminder that this book even in exists. on my bookshelf,no less! i'll be putting it on the nightstand for evening readings.

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the lessons take little time to read -- you just practice them one at a time, never two unless it's a review section.

if you read the text one section at a time, you move through it in about a year. it's about 400 little sections in about 30 chapters...

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I read the text twice in one year. i would read each section twice, underlining, and move on. The lessons are structured one per day. the manual for teachers is minuscule and you can read it freeform.

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