re: Burlesque

Suppose there was a very serious epidemic among the cattle, would you run the risk of sending your own healthy cattle among the sick ones? Certainly not. Everyone must see that doing that would turn out very badly for the whole of the cattle. Who, then, would be so imprudent as to send their children among a people wholly depraved?

-- the Oera Linda.

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"Without Guilt ... ?" you ask...Without Guilt - no vampiric church feeding on your guilt; no credit card based economy as no one would feel guilty for Not Paying What Is Owed (No "Forgive Us Our Debtors" etc); No legal system based on Guilty Or Not Guilty; No legal system based on and enforcing property 'rights'..."

"or without Shame... ?" you ask...Without Shame - no fashion industry, and very little clothing industry, as we'd wear very little if anything at all, and would wear the same few clothes 'til they wore out ;nothing to stop you pigging on ice cream; no reaction to being called "Pig" and "You're Fat !"insults...

A book about "THE History of The Future", which would include the absence of guilt and shame, would be a story about a very boring Utopia wherein people would live culture instead of buying it

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That was intriguing. I love that you can have sooo much fun with a dictionary :)

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That Etymology is fascinating. Modern dogmatic term retrospectively applied. Brilliantly put!

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Oct 18, 2023
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I collect dictionaries. None of them that you can handle are proper etymology dictionaries; one is not like another. "Origins" is incomplete and has some issues. The Century Dictionary has word history and is about 20 volumes. OED has usage history and the compact version is about 30 pounds and you need to read with a magnifying glass. It needs its own table with a light. There is a reason I use Etymology Online, and that is the process of word history, usage, roots, etc.

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Oct 18, 2023
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the marketing campaign was the Christians shutting it down c 1st century AD. That made guilt a hot commodity.

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Oct 18, 2023
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yes well...commodification...and that first PR stunt of women marching in a parade in New York City smoking cigarettes was pure "sex" in that sense...

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