Just for fun: What if the Moon landing happened? My 2019 article.
Thursday is the 54th anniversary of seeing Neil and Buzz hop around on the Libra Moon. This article considers the question: What if it happened?
Friends, Cousins, Fellow Travelers —
The Moon landing is funny. If you say you think it happened, people yell. If you say you think it didn’t happen, people yell. But none of them were there.
For the 50th anniversary of “one small step for a man,” I wrote an article called What if the Moon Landing Happened? I don’t come to any conclusions — I just present the evidence as I have it — and I ask some questions that don’t seem to have easy answers.
This edition of Planet Waves also offers a look the astrology of the claimed Moon landing, which is the most solid evidence I have that it actually involved the Moon and a landing. That of course is not proof of anything, it’s just me being true to my art.
In case you’re ever in an astrology trivia contest, the Moon was in Libra at the time of the first moonwalk.
I include the charts for the historic first flight at Kitty Hawk, a chart that all astrology students will take some pleasure in understanding.
I’ll be back with a new edition of Planet Waves Thursday evening.
Here is some memory lane for you, below.
with love,
Interesting that Jupiter is about to conjunct Uranus again. And, trying to access your links to the charts in the article, I have had my first experience with CIRA, Canadian Internet "Reguator"! that won't let me access the charts
i once heard a channelled message re. the moon landing
did it really happen?
the answer was: yes and no
yes they (americans) landed there but no they didn't record it. their video cameras failed, so they decided to recreate it (on earth) and pass that off as the real thing
as with many things, maybe the answer is both yes and no