Interesting that Jupiter is about to conjunct Uranus again. And, trying to access your links to the charts in the article, I have had my first experience with CIRA, Canadian Internet "Reguator"! that won't let me access the charts

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i once heard a channelled message re. the moon landing

did it really happen?

the answer was: yes and no

yes they (americans) landed there but no they didn't record it. their video cameras failed, so they decided to recreate it (on earth) and pass that off as the real thing

as with many things, maybe the answer is both yes and no

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The 'moon landing' was shown on live TV. Had the cameras failed unexpectedly on the moon there would have been no live transmission. The earliest they could have transmitted a fake version would have been after they returned + the time needed to build sets on Earth and set up cameras etc.

It's true that the cameras could not have worked in a vacuum (the analog film would have boiled off and delaminated - as confirmed by Hasseblad themselves) and the radiation would have degraded the film also. Neither of these things happened (the official pictures were pristine) so we know all the pictures were taken on Earth. The pictures match up with the live TV footage exactly which also places the live TV footage on Earth too.

Apollo is the only instance of analog film cameras being used openly in a vacuum. All cold war spy satellites and moon mapping orbiters that used analog film had their cameras housed in a pressurised nitrogen filled container to stop the film delaminating. They obviously were aware that you can't use analog film in a vacuum. They obviously had faith in the public's ignorance on this matter, although to be fair the public were a lot more skeptical of the moon landings (at the time) than the official history makes out.

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I agree that the pristine photos are the giveaway. Anybody who has left film in a hot car knows that it's all over in an hour. And if any part of it was fake, then imo it was all fake. I am not interested in a secret mission. I am interested in the allegedly real missions they told us about.

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