
Thanks all ❤️🌷

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That’s exciting. Glad you are there and are being treated well.

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Great, Eric! May I ask where you are staying?

If you have wheels, maybe you can come to my place on the west side of the island--the Bay of Peace. I only use a bicycle, nor do I use a cell phone. My email is hillaryadrian@yahoo.com

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"SIDEREAL CLOCKS" Author Michael Ende's MOMO. Read by Allison McDowell. https://www.youtube.com/live/QCnadkriPgQ?feature=share

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Eric Francis, "Transformers EXPLODING ." ~ Ryan & Shelby . ...EFC !

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Eric, phone not working. Important Video Ryan & Shelby . Land Grab again. Fire caused . Real Estate held for years by "small people" . Elites Want it . ~ Sage Hana. Then video of Ryan & Shelby. Again, the acquisition of land, with fire. POLICE BARRIERS AT EXIT SITES . But allowing inward people flow. POLICE IGNORE PEOPLE, as under hypnotic affect & effect. Comment and))or Report on this EFC. Thank You. https://open.substack.com/pub/sagehana/p/almost-all-of-the-exits-in-lahaina?r=11r0co&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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Eric, Oh wow--you are here, that is awesome! I live on Samui have for 35 years, and would love to know what event you will be attending. Also it would be lovely to meet up with you if possible.

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Hillary I am still here.

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E. Francis C.,

~ The Quadrennial Sage Hana



Excellent Video, by Independent Researcher {reallygrace}, that you will Appreciate, embedded in Sage's Feb 22 Piece.

Skies, Water, Earth, & Flame.


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Sage's Feb 25 Piece.

(Not 22).

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Excited for your leap-of-faith trip! Have a great one!

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Waving hello from South Brooklyn. Sounds like a very exciting trip, I hope they are rounding you guys up for the highest benefit of all. I spent a week in Bangkok in 2009 or 2010

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Eric Francis,

I remember some time ago, you Inter-Viewed JJ.

If I remember correctly, he telled (or is it told) quickly a short personal & family passage that he was going through a rough patch...he was getting attacked by forces unseen, difficulty supporting his family, perhaps push-back by colleagues, that sorta thing.

I also remember you were quite gentle & ultra-professional with your interviewing, as per usual you.

I always sensed, you sensed, that JJ had more to say, & would find his own way, in his day.

Good For Both of You ! !


~ The Ever Fantastic Sage Hana


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Knock them “alive” Eric and most of all have great joy in it!

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Thanks for those shots, Eric. Wow, lots of water up there, ice looks pretty sketchy. Here is a different resource re Arctic sea ice.


See charts for "Global Sea Ice" and "Greenland Ice Melt," and also for ocean temperatures.

Plum Beach BTW is usually spelled Plumb Beach, but both are acceptable, i'd certainly go along with what a neighborhood dude like you says.

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Here is a resource about the arctic sea ice...


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Take care have some fun and enjoy.

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Bon voyage! Thanks for the Arctic Summer peek Fascinating

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