Quindecile rhymes with imbecile. At times, I’ve been accused of being the latter; by my parents, who never understood my years-long involvement in a small cult, and by my so-called liberal friends and, indeed, much of society during the Covid “pandemania,” when I refused the jab. (Tragically, I have at times judged myself as an imbecile. That’s another story. From which I am now surfacing.)

At any rate, I love this concept of quindecile. Taking a fresh look at my natal chart, I see I have three; Saturn/Uranus (1 degree orb), Chiron/Uranus (2 degree orb), and, like you, Venus/Neptune (2 degree orb).

None of them exact, but pretty close. Explains a lot, as you say. I’m feeling into it. Many thanks for this eclipse gift.

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Mr. Johndro's chart and my chart have the Moon very close, less than 30 arc minutes. Also, the Node less than 2 degre apart.

I seem to have quindeciles. Moon-Jupiter, Chiron-Uranus, Saturn-Chiron, Sun-Pluto.

It's a weird thing the Moon in Gemini. I have this hypothesis that when a personal planet stays in a sign before its domicile or exaltation sign, then (for intance, Venus in Aquarius, Mercury in Leo) that's something that demands attention from the subconscious mind. This strategy is related to the quindecile, I realize now.

More generally, I like to seach when the elements do not match well: water-air (Moon in Aquarius), earth-fire (Saturn in Aries).

I have some obsessions about the Moon. But I'm also a rising Cancer. Maybe it's that, and not the quidecile: My Moon is almost there at home, but not yet.

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you are onto something with all of this Roger.

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we could study this using the Essential Dignities but when a planet is one sign ahead of its domicile it has no official dignities; nor when it's 150 hence both are called inconjunct. This turns out to be useful information

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Would the Johndro/quendecile aspect need to be exact to be of much influence? I have Pluto-Chiron at 162 degrees. And when I saw that, part of me repeated your exclamation of “oh, that explains a lot!” Thanx for always bringing new insights!

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I would say...that's generational...

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One question is are the planets Direto retrograde and which one has the earlier number? Another words which is applying to watch. That’s gonna tell you a lot

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