I pray you never stop reporting. Yes, reporting. Thank you for another important thought provoking article.

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Thank you Nicole and Michael, below. This was an interesting project...I've never actually written about the Trilateral Commission before. But I've been putting the pieces together since 1990 -- I was introduced by my friend Peter Shipley. The link is below -- you may need to tap twice due to a bug we are chasing on the site.

There are some issues that I build files on and hold back commenting on. This is one...the UFO situation is another. That said, I could not have done this project without Jeff Strahl and Michael Bryant, who supercharged the piece with quotes and references. Thank you for noticing the quality of work I aspire to...I am grateful to be able to do it and to have the support to be able to make it happen.


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This conversation has got me to thinking how an Elite group like the Trilateral Commission (TLC) might influence the second Trump administration…!?!

It was clear how the TLC influenced the first administration through people like Pompeo, Bolton, Mattis, and the like…

…but I’m not seeing the traditional policy wonks, or organizations like The Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) influencing Trumps cabinet picks…!?! 🤔

My question is, where can we find TLC influence in Trump’s 2nd administration…!?!

Than I can across this article: by Professor Parmar, published in Volume 28 Issue 3 of Security Studies, is titled ‘Transnational Elite Knowledge Networks: Managing American Hegemony in Turbulent Times’…!?! 🤔

One of the first Elite Networks he refered to was TLC, and now for the big reveal — the TLC connection to The Heritage Foundation…!

“Some of the many instances of elite knowledge network influence in the paper include:

— The Trilateral Commission, a key organisation conceived by David Rockefeller in the early 1970s, positioning itself at the heart of the American establishment’s coordinated campaign against the NIEO, along with think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation.”

So it looks like “Project 2025” may be the TLC new position paper/ agenda, to divide and conquer America’s ignorant masses — I.e. transition from democracy to a pseudo-authoritarian from of government…!?! 🤔

Of course, DJT is the perfect rube to bridge the transition…! 🙃

Welcome to the control of the Oligarchs & Technocrats…!

The article concluded by saying:

“The emergence, of the ultra-right Charles Koch and liberal internationalist George Soros-funded Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft suggests that the underlying complaints of Trump about the liberal international order are being given serious consideration but will probably amount to a recalibration of US hegemonic strategies rather than their repudiation.

Elite networks are managing US hegemony in turbulent times.”

We shall see if this sentiment holds true in Trump’s 2nd administration— I’m not so sure that it will…!?! 🤔

But then again, only time, and stars will tell…! ✨😉

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Excellent overview of the influence of the Trilateral Commission (TLC) — well done Eric…!

A couple of days ago I went back and reviewed the first report issued by TLC — one of the elements I was looking for in the report was the conclusion that Americans were too educated, and therefore had too many choices — making society too challenging to manage (The Crisis of Democracy - Trilateral Commission - 1975: https://samizdathealth.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/The-Crisis-of-Democracy-Trilatl-Comm-1975.pdf).

I had vaguely remembered that the remedy was to “Dumb down American education” — the premise being, the less educated Americans are, the more “controllable” they would become…!?! 🙃

Eliminating classically education — The Trivium & Quadrivium, was the key to undermining a persons ability to read, write, and think (I.e. the ability to reason)…!?! Just imagine, 50% of our society is unable to discern fact from fiction — understanding basic Logic is fundamental to understanding…!?! 🤔

All that to say, it goes to your point — the TLC is playing the long-game, they understand that it takes decades to orchestrate social engineering to achieve their ultimate design of securing power and control…!

…of course, a few well orchestrated and planned “False Flag” operations where helpful to catalyze their “Grand Plan”…!?!

As always Eric, excellent thread — don’t stop pulling…! 😉

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yes this bit about dumbing down education is true. About 10-12 years ago someone pulled me aside at the Farmers Market and said they were a high level secretary at SUNY and they had read and handled the plans to turn the 4-year colleges to mud and put the emphasis on the more elite University Centers. And now the University Centers are slowly going to mud but if you work to find the right professors you can do well there. But the colleges -- they are all a joke. They all feel like high schools to me.

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PS I am biased but if SUNY, stick to Buffalo. It's chilly but worth it.

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This piece is, of course, incredible

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see above Michael...

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It's a big club and we ain't in it.

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But we are in another very special club

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And you know, I don't even mind the dues!

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