Hebetude. Intentionally misunderstanding.

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I will only feign misunderstanding when I know someone is lying. But I know exactly what is going on.

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The Welsh word is Dannod.

Imagine asking directions from a cagey local.

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Or an American asking directions from a French Metro clerk who denies knowing what the Eiffel Tower is, because that's not what it's called

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Thank you for your gift 🩷

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Yes, totally see what you are discussing and the caution that you advise. Sun/Moon is apex point of learning triangle between Charliko in AQ ; Makemake in LI; sextiling Sun/Moon; with Jupiter in opposition. Air heavy, the need for allowing space for looking forward without judgement--leave all options open. Also trine with Mars, NNode and Sun/Moon in fire is revving this all up. The grand quintile is mind blowing! Thanks for posting today, Eric!

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