There is a nascent awakening. More people slowly waking up. More alternative information. People seeking something more than simply money. More grassroots interest in local ecology and history. More interest in natural ways of living. More people questioning mainstream medical care, media, food sources. Yes, there is a free floating malaise. Less partying. Things are more somber However, more people staying home and cooking with and for their friends and family. Or even alone. More books being read.

This is what I am experiencing in my world.

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Thank you for writing this. I hope it reaches a wide audience. It may not be what some want to hear, but it's what needs to be asked as we spiral towards another horrifying war. I pray that will be avoided, but if not, I too have quite a bit of fermenting peppers and a winters supply of homegrown garlic for whatever thats worth...

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Eric, great content, as usual. Even though personally I would take Doomsday Cock over Doomsday Clock, you may want to fix the text underneath the Caravan to Midnight image in the email 'Why Do Things Keep Getting Worse?' 😂

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Absolutely. I can't think of anything, other than technology, that has improved. There is something unspeakably evil afoot, and I'm looking forward to your further insights and observations as the world continues to move onward (but not upward) along this path.

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My back yard is square in the path of the 2024 eclipse.

Also I am waiting on a new Sax. Playing a Sax seems to be a good way to go. I had the A-Train down at one time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cb2w2m1JmCY

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john wold you please drop me a note at efc@planetwaves.net

thank you

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Eric, have you ever read a book called A Failure of Nerve? The author does a great job of answering at least some part of your question of why things don't get better. He was writing in the 90's but his description of our emotionally regressed society and how it functions to sabotage any meaningful progress couldn't be more applicable now. We think we're in some cutting edge phase of evolution (look at that glowing screen!) when really we're in the dark ages in terms of imagination. I just wrote about this book in relation current events on my substack because I read it for the second time and I wish more people knew about it. I think anyone who feels called to a new type of leadership and self-leadership in these times - building emotional intelligence and self-ownership, not faux-decisiveness - is sorely needed, and would be inspired by the book.

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Jill please post that article here -- thank you...

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David Icke says that this world we live in is a construct formed by demonic entities that feed off of low vibrations. Everything about this world is for the purpose of generating fear and misery and hatred and grief. From what I get from him, the answer is just to recognize it as such, and refuse to again reincarnate onto the Earth. Hope that helps! Lol.

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Yeah thanks a lot. I would not want to be David Icke or live in his mind for thirty seconds.

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his name says it all

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Well, I'm not sure things do. Get worse that is. Anecdotal of course and just as a way of expressing gratitude, just spent a couple of hours grinding coffee and doing the laundry whilst listening to planet waves interviews with Stephano Scoglio and Jesse Zurawell on TNT via a link found randomly on a Substack commentary.

Seems the timing couldn't have come at a better time. Yesterday was awful today we're one step away from awful.

Thankyou from those of us who couldn't avoid the brown acid.

BTW, TPTB was coined by one William Tyndale C16th translator of the Pentateuch before being tricked into detention strangled and subject to auto de faye. Other turns of phrase such as 'my brother's keeper' and 'a law unto themselves' where products of the influence his translation came to exert. ( I'm also told he lived near by in the Vale Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England)

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No--nothing has improved--in fact the world we live in today is soooo much worse than the world I grew up in...this latest thing with Israel took me aback--especially when Biden stepped up immediately to announce that will will do anything to support Israel..what about the Palestinians who have been systematically thrown out of their homes? What about Israel taking away their land? What about the U.N saying that what Isreal has been doing is apartheid? Why is everything black and white???? And now with our backing Netanyahu has a green light to get rid of them once and for all. I am just disgusted. I grew up in a time when we had diplomacy that actually looked at the gray areas. Everything is too much. AI scares the crap out of me, as does (as you mentioned)n the alert we heard on Wednesday. I heard someone say that Netanyahu mentioned the bomb...good luck to them if they do, and the rest of us... Why don't we pay attention to what matters? Like our water, our air, our health care system, lcimate change? Why do we squabble about childish stuff ? and then create a stalemate so that nothing ever changes???? Sorry to go off--and thanks for this--it is important!

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