
Via email

HI Eric,

Just listened to your Conviction Chat analysis. Thanks for doing this. You mentioned that the prosecution presented a questionable case so I was wondering if the Part of Fortune up there in the Ninth House and near the Mid-Heaven would be an indication that the conviction will be overturned on appeal.



The Part of Fortune plays only a minor role in horary. All of the Arabic Parts are used as artificial ascendants, almost always in natal chart analysis. I would not use it as any sort of determinative factor in this chart or situation.

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Comparing the possible crimes of Trump (because clearly this case is corrupt as the state failed to prove anything) to the known child trafficking etc of Hillary (proven in Haiti, this is only the tip of her evil iceberg) is beyond the pale for decency. Especially for me, a survivor of early childhood trafficking by very connected people who got away with murdering my mother before my very young eyes, it is very frustrating that you let your personal bias cloud your judgement SO much that you create a false equivalency. Hillary absolutely SHOULD have been (& still should be) beyond locked up for her crimes, going all the way back to when she & Bill (now HERE'S a fucking s*x predator) were being mentored by then-CIA chief future president GHW Bush. As for Trump, I once believed that he was just as bad as the rest of them & was out to prove it to my conservative family. But digging into all of the cases, from Epstein in Palm Beach to various direct allegations againt Trump, I instead ended up convincing myself that what I believed about Trump being an evil predator just wasn't supported by any actual evidence & sometimes the facts were even exculpatory. In fact, I found much information that made him a rather sympathetic character, even in the smear books written by prestigious journalists during his term in office. Eventually I saw that he was making some sensible policies & was actually trying NOT to start new wars, so in 2020 I voted for him. I do not believe that Biden organically received a sudden, massive influx of votes only for him that created a numerical pattern impossible in nature. I acknowledge that if Trump returns to power, makes everything great & ushers in a new era of peace around the world led by America (as is obviously my preferred role for America instead of being a hegemonic purveyor of evil), I will immediately be suspicious that he could be the Antichrist!😂

I've been Cassandra my whole life trying to get people to wake up- & also, stop voting corporate uniparty ffs! I had ALWAYS lived with the pervasive spectre of apocalyptic totalitarian doom constantly stalking my every waking moment (I used to use plenty of substances to minimize my exposure😆), but somehow that started clearing up after Trump took office. I had been completely demoralized in 2016 by my expectation that Hillary would simply be installed to march us off to the brave new future long planned for us as we waved goodbye to the last vestiges of our national & personal sovereignties. But I found myself instead in utter shock when Trump won, & began to realize that these Globalist assholes didn't actually have everything on lock! By 2020, I saw Trump as a giant, throbbing steel cock thrusting right into the heart of that all-consuming machine called The System. In 2024, the common people can be the lifeblood to make that member stand up erect & rock hard just one more time, we can finally thrust that thing in deep enough to bring those Globalist gears to a grinding halt! And there will be no getting our country back- if indeed, we ever had it at all- until we excise this parasitic Globalist Empire from our government. Then we can restrict the Federal government to its rightful place of only existing to manage relationships between the States & provide for the common defense. To a large degree, national politics are a big distraction from where policies are usually the most impactful, at the LOCAL level, & I fully expect decentralization to continue to pick up momentum regardless of Globalist plans.

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