Scorpio would wait until winter so to find an icicle. Sneak naked into the much hated sex offender’s bedroom in the dead of night on a new moon, and stab the monster in the heart three times. Then dispose of the body in a ditch in the snow with his penis planted firmly in his own mouth.

(Was that what you were asking for, Eric? Or maybe I went too far…😆)

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5 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs agoAuthor

It's a little woke...and a tad "cruel and unusual" however, long fictional yarns would be excellent.

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I got another one: a Pisces was caught trying to hijack a PA system in a stadium with 250,000 people to reproduce South Park's infamous brown note.

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A Virgo would be sterilizing and arranging sharp tools while he waits for the next subject to wake up from the anesthesia.

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impersonating a medical doctor. uses his house as a fake Emergency 1 clinic

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