so glad you woke up remembering to transmit this message. as a gen x'er there's never been a more important time to embody as deeply as possible in the offline world. it's like holding the intergenerational line of what constitutes 'enough' disembodiment for this body mind and being a living agent of resistance to the brown capitalist acid and it's mechanisms that seek nothing but further disintegration of any inner authority a human might have.

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Great metaphor, the digital disembodiment is the brown acid we were warned about.

And it's being used to further transhumanism, get the humans confused at an ever younger age. The disembodiment enhanced by endocrine disruptors and electromagnetic fields will do a number on all of us if we don't resist. Anyone who thinks that there isn't a conscious corporate effort behind this process needs to read this article.


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There is one hypothesis far more obvious than the endocrine disruptors angle: sexual aggression.

I say it's obvious not because it's obviously true, but because there are too many anecdotal stories (perhaps some false?) that point in that direction: children get molested, and then they "reenact" the experience over and over. That becomes, in some cases, the transsexual ideation problem.

This tendency of children repeating an experience is not limited to this. Some children suffer violence sans the sexual aggression, and then repeat violence like they received. Also things like depressive behavior, where children repeat what they see their parents do, but they don't feel sad. And even the repetition of shallow compulsive behavior, like not eating or eating too much, but the child seems to be expecting approval for doing a correct imitation, instead of actually having no appetite or being too hungry.

It's difficult to argue that any one of these other behaviors is chemical in origin. Only for this particular topic we avoid the obvious (imitation, repetition) and we jump directly into the chemical hypothesis. To me, it looks that most people would do anything to avoid the horrible topic of many children being sexually abused.

One of the many possible consequences people want to avoid: having tens of millions of adults in prison, or the problem of "Justice" being too expensive.

What if they reverse the drug therapy trend and they give testosterone to boys and estrogen to girls when they begin saying the magical words "I was born in the wrong body" that triggers this whole circus?

What if this second strategy of poisoning also fails? Would then people begin to consider the obvious angle? Is it really possible that parents allow children to be poisoned for political correctness' sake, or rather they want to hide their crimes?

And, by the way, Pluto in Aquarius (the myth of Ganymede) is also about hormonal treatment to create eunuchs and mass sterilization for political reasons. The gig economy is the economy of eunuchs, servants, cup bearers who will not have a career or a family. And this leads directly to the need of creating computerized wombs to have babies. There was a video of a fetus goat who developed inside a plastic bag. It's a possibility so awful that no one talks about it.

Those are my thoughts. Sorry for another too long comment.

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Roger would you do me a favor and since you’re talking about would you claim to be a sociological phenomenon please provide one study showing that children who are sexually aggressive upon becomes sexual aggressors

Also I’m not talking about sexual aggression or rape I’m talking about what the presenter describes Rapido and said gender dysphoria. That would seem to have nothing to do with violence.

He also does not get into the amputation problem that is a direct result of digital. Because the psychic formula digital is to extend become hypersensitive overreact and amputate

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Sorry I’m doing voice to text dictation you’ll have to fix up that syntax

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"He also does not get into the amputation problem that is a direct result of digital. Because the psychic formula digital is to extend become hypersensitive overreact and amputate"

That's a huge insight! Thanks!

Your comment is clear enough.


I've been searching this nasty thing for a few hours now.

So far, I've found this study by D. Fergusson et al. 2008 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18565580/

The way I read it, the conclusions contradict the results.

In the results section, it's written that the risk for "anti-social personality disorder" is increased after "exposure to CSA and CPA" (Childhood sexual abuse and Childhood physical abuse, respectively.) But in the conclusions section the authors write that the risk is smaller in CSA than in CPA, which gives the impression that it's not happening.

I reckon that anti-social personality disorder is a code term for becoming a sexual aggressor, among other things.

I haven't found yet one study specific to the side-topic I started. I'll keep searching.

I've reached at that 2008 study from this book, which contains a few other references https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK195987/

«Psychosocial and Behavioral Outcomes

Given that child abuse and neglect are social experiences that undermine the ability to trust in caregivers, either because caregivers are frightening (as in cases of abuse) or because they fail to protect or provide care (as in cases of neglect), it makes sense that children who experience abuse and neglect are at risk for interpersonal problems. At the most proximal level, problems are seen in children's ability to form trusting attachments to their parents. But not surprisingly, the effects also are seen in such areas as children's processing of emotion (e.g., overly vigilant of angry faces), their attributions of others' intent (e.g., assuming that intentions are malevolent when they are ambiguous), and difficulties with peers (e.g., being the victim or perpetrator of bullying or violence). Problems also are seen in internalizing symptoms, such as anxiety and depression, and externalizing symptoms, such as conduct disorder and substance use.»

That quote context refers only to outcomes of children victim of sexual abuse, not what they end up doing when they become adults.

I'm getting my spidey-senses tingling. This might be a well studied issue but well kept under many layers of bullshit. But I realize intuition is not objective evidence.

I'm conjecturing a new conjecture: could it be that sex reassignment surgery is actually a means to make child rape less frequent in this subset of the population? Pre-punishment for pre-crime, or the separation of Penal Justice and facts. Again, the pattern of disembodiment.

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The study specifically does not say that people who are abused as children become abusers. It says they have mental health problems later in life.

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I think you're caught in the "sexual aggressor" narrative that is feminist shorthand (going back to the mid-1800s) for "perverse, disgusting men" (allegedly meaning all of us). If you want to talk about sex, talk about yourself first.

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I want to make it clear that my opinion is not that I don't believe that a person who suffers sexual abuse during childhood is bound to repeat that criminal behavior. Rather, I was saying that the crime is a plausible explanation for this phenomenon of transsexualism, in some cases. Not a necessary and sufficient condition.

What causes people to reject parts of their own body? Depending on the case, it may be violence. That's all.

And the issue is much broader than the reproductive organs. There are those people who modify their body to pretend to look like lizards. And also those very bizarre cases of people who desire to have their arm amputated, even though their arm is okay. This problem of people rejecting their body seems to be growing year by year, or at least is being more commented now.

We got sidetracked in this exchange, and my original comment was only tangential to your post. Sorry for the unintentional distraction.

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I think you're way off topic. And if you were correct, we would have been seeing "transsexuaism" long before the late digital age, with the trend starting to surge around 2008. Sexual abuse was a meme in the 1980s thanks to Oprah when everyone decided they were sexually abused.

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Sep 23
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Hmmm...I would not say that most people choose or that they have the "ability" to do so -- they do have the potential, but everything is coming from everywhere all at once.

Meanwhile, consensus reality must be maintained sufficiently to build a bridge that carries traffic.

Is your iPod better than FM radio of the 1970s? Is it more fun, or is it lonely?

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