Ah, my AQ is limited to Venus at 0 degrees(Chyron and Merc in later degrees.). However, quick note to firescams (don't know where to put it or if it's interesting): got a letter from my homeowner's insurance a few weeks ago. Reading it, while sitting at my desk in the living room of the insured address (in LA County), the letter claimed that I did not live where I live and as such, they were cancelling my insurance. Just.Like.That. While it was not difficult to subsequently prove that I do live where I live, I almost tossed the envelope/letter unread b/c it looked exactly like the oh-so-much spam/junk mail I receive regularly from said insurer. How many folks DID toss that letter? And more importantly, why is the insurance co looking for any remote "red flag" (pun) to cancel policies? (Within these conovs: that's somewhat retorical.)

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Moss Landing: Those not from the area may not know that Monterey is 20 miles one way around the bay (there is a CA state Univ there), Santa Cruz and that University of California is 20 miles the other direction around the bay (from Moss Landing)...let alone all the other communities and agriculture in the area. This is not some remote area. And yes, how did this situation ever develop? Step by step. Politics are one thing; "green" mandates and ever-increasing energy-production-requirements are putting ever-increasing pressure on all entities involved. A conversation I had with someone at our local power company two years ago included a lot of head-shaking about their (the company) not-knowing how they would ever meet increasing demand, faltering infrastructure, and legal mandates for "green" energy solutions. If folks aren't familiar with the energy demands of AI, btw, I suggest a bit of research into the environmental and energy-production impact. Musk thinks it's "madness" to shut down nuclear power plants and says they are totally safe. He's building more Gates is reopening 3-mile island and building a new plant in Wyoming. This is all to power AI. (Texas is at work building the "new No. 1 advanced nuclear industry." I do not know if Musk is involved.)

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Yeah Gates buying and re-opening the surviving Unit 1 to power AI. Which nobody needs.

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working on this for tonight.

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Moss Landing is midway between Monterey and Santa Cruz: coastal playground for San Jose/Silicon Valley.

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