Note the applying Moon to Mars square...with the two in mutual reception. There are two powerful M/Rs in this chart -- the other being Mercury-Jupiter. I think we need a list of who lost the most expensive homes and see if there is a pattern.

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Haven’t you warned us not to trust a chart with Neptune so prominent? Like right there on the rising sign? Seems I remember that from somewhere…

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yes it's necessary to check any claim with Neptune rising like that...especially square Mercury...

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Appreciating these comments so far! I agree: Neptune rising is super "fishy" in the holy of holies for the world's producer of idealized, glamorized, and falsified images, especially square Mercury in the anaretic degree.

I'm also concerned about the massive migration of planets into fire/air, and since looking at the charts over the next year, this looks like a harbinger for times to come: Rome (or at least the image of Rome) is burning.

What jumps to my attention:

1. The Moon's last aspect was to square the Sun in Capricorn just as it was applying to Chiron + Eris in Aries, it's next aspect is to Mercury, and shortly thereafter to Mars. The Moon will be conjunct Mars at the Cancer full Moon and opposite Chiron/Eris at the inauguration. Again, this looks like the power structure (Sun) burning under its own obsolescence (which seems to be multi-layered - like we are being sold the movie version of an even deeper truth that is still being hidden). The message can be found in the simplified chart. It's for us and by us.

2. Mars is at the degree of its first opposition to Pluto at the time of the election and also, remarkably anaretic.

3. Jupiter, as trad. ruler of the first and tenth houses is in detriment and almost peregrine in the 4th house. It's only reception is with Mercury in detriment who already has its bags packed for Capricorn. The image of the "one in charge" hiding at home and binge watching "The Last Airbender" or whatever that show was called.

4. There seems to be a build-up here to the chart of the inauguration, with Mercury and the Moon moving into new and relevant placements, adding in the energy of the BML, Juno, Pallas Athene....and of course, the Sun conjunct Pluto at the position of the second Mars/Pluto opposition. What a dance of destruction we are being shown....

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So as my partner was just voiceboxing "Burn Hollywood Burn" by Public Enemy and I was contemplating Mercury at 29 Sag -- I thought of the Bitcoin peak at the Mercury cazimi with Mercury and Jupiter in mutual detriment. In the last degree, with all the collaborating players, and the preamble to the epoch of fire/air, this is looking more and more like a technological coup -- or even more, the image of one.

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The sign of Aries (cardinal Fire) is intercepted in the first house, with Chiron, Eris and the Moon, all in Aries, all as if locked in there. Mars in Cancer in the 5th, (cardinal water), in square aspect to the group from house 5, maybe applying pressure to that group in Aries and ignited them. It's a square between 2 houses ruled by fire signs, and cardinal signs where the planets are here, initiate things. Neptune so prominent, you've spoken about the scrim or haze (smokescreens) that can happen with Neptune. Look forward to your report tomorrow!

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Just guessing,, to be cheeky, not having looked,, but how about NO WATER??

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Several points are remarkable. I'll start with the Moon in the late degrees: feelings and emotions (+Neptune conjunct the Asc.) People exhausted, and truly tired of the old patterns, Mars at the 29th degree, ancestral times afoot. Pluto at once George Washington's foot prints in the calendar from where I sit and write this. Zeitgeist, with the Neptune placement. I've learned from my studies that prominent Neptune placements indicate death. Mercury hailing on the midheaven as the messenger of the belt, with its aspect to Mars... this was an attack IMO... and aside from that, I sensed seeing this chart a thought crossed my mind on reading this morning. Jupiter exited Taurus last year, and correlates with the Tiger in that calendar. This past year, Jupiter in Gemini was like a fire breathing Dragon, and as it exits into the next year of the Snake... forces and things called APTs and the disruptive AI technologically in the 21st century Digital Era, the Bipolar Era will end like a generation. Jupiter moving into Cancer, and Neptune with its truly extended stay in Pisces, I do hope people get together and save one another from the shizz that has gotten us here. SO, I checked my facts, in my flightful airy mind, here is the chart to check: June 3, 1989, Beijing, China

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Inability to access water due to Air (Mars/Gemini)..that is, the unexpectedly strong level of Santa Ana winds that both blew fire and prevented (air support) water drops. Empty reservoir adds-on to "air" in the empty space; displaced water. Maintenance was duly scheduled by bureaucracy, but unexpected inhibit of water. (anticipated rainy season did not come. The maintenance was scheduled during rainy season, no wildfires expected).

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think of all that is moving out of the feminine signs and into airy/fiery; and all that is happening there already. The airy/fiery contingent now includes:

Pluto + its accompanying centaurs Amycus and Orius = Aquarius

Sedna = Gemini

Jupiter = Gemini (going into Cancer though)

Uranus >> Gemini

Neptune >> Aries

Saturn >> Aries

Chiron + Eris conjunct in Aries

Capricorn era over; Taurus era over. Thankfully Jupiter will spend a year in Cancer but that is pretty short-lived.

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and the Nodes of Fate

Aries / Libra > > Pisces / Virgo

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they are going in the other direction than I am describing, toward two feminine signs.

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*Neptune's "discomfort."

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*something to do with Mars rubbing (friction) across air/water border.

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It doesn't matter which recent tragedy is on our plate, just be suspicious of anybody who blames these disasters on "government incompetence" ...

Incompetence has become a code word used by people who are not willing to call out the perps by name and expose their true motives for fear they might be unbanked or demonetized ... actress Justine Bateman is a prime example ...

We tend to think of incompetent people as a bit naive at best, and bumbling stooges at worst ... but we are usually inclined to give them a merciful break rather than carefully assess the damage they inflict on us and then hold them to account ... ya see, they meant well but they just got it wrong ...

But characterizing people like LA Mayor Karen Bass as merely being incompetent is not likely to jolt the average Joe off the couch while also letting Bass off the hook ... and celebs like Bateman, Michael Douglas and James Woods clearly don't realize the damage they do by pulling their punches ...


On her FRIDAY evening FOX interview, she blamed the CA fires on incompetence ... when in fact, incompetent officials could never have so meticulously planned and orchestrated this disaster ... and although this epic burn-down was clearly in the works for many months, she actually cited incompetence several times ... so don't expect any active or retired member of the Screen Actors Guild to lay the blame exactly where it belongs ... Ms. Bateman and just about any other celeb will mince their words rather than risk their monthly SAG-AFTRA pension check by offending TPTB ...


Newsom and Bass are not incompetent, they're just closet globalists on a mission ... and the tepid commentary by these mealy-mouthed celebrities does nothing to expose their ties to the Soros family and the World Economic Forum's agenda to sock us all into a digital prison ...

The great irony of Palisades is that the celebs are both the victims and the people with the power to really rock the boat if the had the balls ... and you can bet the ranch Justine Bateman knows better ... she knows damn well that Palisades will be rebuilt but only after it is first rezoned ... but ya see, it just doesn't make business sense to go there.




Watch this 3m video on LA Mayor Karen Bass:


Justine Bateman's 4m FOX Interview:


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Re DEW (not the astrology) (I am merely reporting what I heard in the interview), I watched a report (Sunday night the 12th) either CBS or NBC local interviewing two fire chiefs who lost their homes in Eaton fire saying they had "never experienced anything like this: fire was blowing (literally) sideways (parallel to the ground) and moving downhill (which they said it "never does")...making it "impossible to fight" at least with traditional methods.

I notice this along with my personal experience of last week's Santa Anas: as fierce as the Santa Ana winds always are, they are never "hurricane-like" in magnitude--as they were when driving the fires. Growing up near the Great Lakes, occasionally I'd have to hold on to something to not blow away during winter wind gusts, but never before have I had to do so during the Santa Ana's in SoCal. That's not a professional measurement of wind velocity, obviously, but a notable experience nonetheless.

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The first thing I noticed as I read the name of the place where the fires took place was I read it as The Pleiades Fire. That may sound like a bit of a stretch of the imagination, if not a bit Freudian but immediately I googled "The Pleiades" just for my own amusement/curiosity..... Interesting.

Looking at the chart I notice that the moon was in the last duad of the sign Aries (The last two and a half degrees of Aries) and The North Node of The Moon was in the first duad of Aries..... This is all very significant/Karmic. Aries is ruled by Mars and Tuesday is also ruled by fiery Mars. The English word "Tuesday" comes from the French word "Tuer" which means "To Kill"

Mercury is high in the sky close to the tenth house cusp and nicely trine to the Moon. But Mercury is very tightly square Neptune, and, not only that, is still in its' shadow phase (that's how you describe it isn't it? "shadow phase"). In this chart I would say that Neptune is rising. I don't know if some people might argue that Mercury is rising. Either way, this square between fire and water, the real and the surreal is as I say significant.

Mercury is also within two and a half degrees square of the north node. Whilst Mars Rx in Cancer is within two and a half degrees square of The Moon.

My take on Mars Retrograde is that it is a time of retreat, a time to lick your wounds and formulate strategy. In my personal experience nothing ever "kicks off" whilst Mars is retrograding, but I guarantee that as soon as Mars starts to go direct again next April and shoots past its' shadow phase, things are going to get Physical! Physica!!

All the planets in the second chart are "personal" planets, all apart from Neptune. So the effects of this moment will be visceral on the one hand but with Neptune involved, and so prominent, other-worldly, prophetic perhaps, certainly surreal and bewildering, verging on hysteria and delirium...... Hell hath no fury and all of that.

To be honest Eric I really don't know what Neptune has been trying to say during its' sojourn in its' sign of rulership, Pisces. I had such great hopes for unconditional love, in a Golden Age of Creativity, and breaking down boundaries, not erecting them everywhere!.... All my hopes and aspirations seem to have been lost in a sea of drugs and alcohol. "I tried to drown my sorrows, but the bastards kept coming back" Freda Kahlo.

Volatility and Confusion reign supreme in this chart, but combustion? Forest/Fires? Let's look at Uranus in Taurus, shall we?

The first thing I would want to do in my very Aquarius rising way is to replace the word Forest with the word "Farm". But that's a whole other ..... thesis, conspiracy theory, call it what you like good Sir....

I'm sure to notice some of the more nuanced stuff with the asteroids, and you will prompt me in ways currently unknown to me after I've listened to your analogy..... So it's over to you maestro :) I mean Eric.

For myself, I have absolutely no idea what any of this could possibly mean :) Better you consult the tooth faery, as I find that more, and more, and more, my mind just boggles. Lot's of Luv!

Delroy Murray

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True... so as to remember what drives us to behave in a particular way, then as we encounter the opposites, perhaps

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In the simplified chart, I notice that the modern chart ruler Neptune is in a rather uncomfortable trapezoid (square, semi-sextile, quincunx) with mercury, the moon, and mars. Since Jupiter and Mercury have mutual reception, I would probably say that Jupiter asks as a big magnifier. Putting that altogether, you have a horrific fiery storm of emotions and idealism and illusion, where rationality and anger are at odds with one another. What surprises me a bit is that mars is in its fall and Jupiter and Mercury are in their detriments. I don’t know all the asteroid glyphs, but I think that is vesta in an exact square with Pluto which points pretty clearly towards destruction of home. I’m curious to see where the rebirth part of Pluto comes in. With the chart leader Neptune in the first, I would see some new kind of identity coming out of this potentially. Not just rebuilding as it was before.

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Vesta in 8th/9th also describes human sacrifice; it's often prominent in the charts of mass shootings.

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Oh - interesting! Definitely did not know that!

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Lilith was the first item to really jump off the chart and punch me in the face.

May have zero bearing on anyone else’s read- such a strong sensation seemed worthy of mention.

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Feels worthy of mention to me: I could look at Lilith archetype many ways here (including woman scored of course) but most importantly as a character mis-understood and used as scape-goat, or scape-grace. There are over 9.6 million people living in LA County (more than the population of most US states), and most of these people--affected by the fires--are not "celebrities" or other stereotypes floating around in (social media) comments about the fires. There is a mistaken notion that the fires are taking down "hollywood" when in fact, these are mainly people who are not in the public eye: doctors, teachers, artists, insurance salespeople, musicians, waitress, service folks, etc., and yes, people who work in the film and television industry (who mostly are not "celebrities"). Lilith here, in some capacity, may equate to scapegrace in a time of fake-news mania.

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*"scorned" not scored

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(If one were to consider What is Hollywood, one might discover that in fact it has become a globally ubiquitous industry and metaphor, not an isolated industry in a specific space in California--which is not Pacific Palisades.)

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(and of course the Eaton Fire, the fire in Sylmar...these are not high rent districts or coastal enclaves...worth a mention since attention is on the Palisades and ideas of "celebrities."....politicizing the fires.)

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I immensely appreciate what you say. I’m so pleased the general message of what Lilith may be is in context as in astrology surely the correct mythos is important- I’m always pleased when some have bust out of the bad press and misinformation on whom and or what Lilith may have and may still be.

Vesta, Juno, Chiron, Neptune’s trident 🔱 and so many more make an intuitive sense when the myth is in context- or certainly I find it helpful.

Lilith seems less covered as first there is perhaps a need to align on whom or what the mythos that applies may be. It’s very reassuring to read your take on what Lilith popping out may mean. I suspect you’re very much on to something, can certainly align with your notions,

Thank you Lin

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