
Bituminous. With an I. I know nobody will see this.

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I swear you listened in to a conversation I had yesterday with 2 dear friends out at their farm. We sat in the Australian autumn sun with a tiny recovering kitten and a friendly pile of dogs, deeply engaged in the question of what is under assault and what it means to be human. In response to your open question, here’s what emerged for us:

- Beauty for its own sake and power to effortlessly uplift, whether created by our own hands or experienced in our rural environment

- Time. Not living a clock-dominated life in town in a digital-tethered job. We lapsed into gratitude for our freedom to choose how to direct our physical energy.

- Personal skills honed each day by challenges: health/healing, growing/preserving food and all the steps involved, self awareness/allowing others their space as whatever damage to their health is already done, kindness/listening as we can’t change what folks are doing and who knows when we will see them again?

But the grandest topic was our power as humans to experience all octaves of emotion. From the bottomless anguish of 2020/21 to the joys of being alive, the full spectrum of feeling is under assault from SSRIs, alcohol/drugs, mind numbing games/scrolling/movies and the pervasive taboo on showing ANY emotion in polite society these days. It’s stifling our hearts and subtle energies and making us into the likeness of the Machine.

And we are engaged in doing something everyday that reflects what we value.

Thanks, brother, for all that you give and all that you are.


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Eric, as I become more familiar with your body of work I realize how much fun our conversation will be.

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