
Note to Readers — We have corrected an error in Aries.

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Eric you look terrific! So glad you're here at this time.

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I live in a very lucky area of Kentucky... I was able to experience the total eclipse in 2017 from my front yard and will experience the upcoming event again in my front yard...

On the day of the prior event there was a cicada right outside my front door in the beginning stages of freeing itself from its exterior shell. While I have seen many spent cicada shells, I had never encountered on with the cicada still inside and in the process of emerging.... Also, the placement was unusual as they are usually attached to trees or logs. While I know no one placed it outside my front door, the thought crossed my mind it was there for me to see.

It took the fresh green body of the cicada many hours to free itself. I went outside many times that day to feel the progress of the eclipse along with checking on my insect companion.

It was the sort of scene pregnant with symbolism which would be too corny if I were writing it into a novel.... Yet the lived experience felt revelatory.

This time around I am hosting my brother and his family, as well as my in laws. My children will also be home from school (different from 2017). While it will be neat to experience with a group- I sort of secretly wish I could have the day to myself again.

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