The Sun through Scorpio and into Sagittarius; Mars in Cancer; Venus in Sagittarius, as we approach the astonishing astrology of 2025 and 2026. There is no turning back now.
"What I propose as a means of making the world better is asking yourself what you can do about every problem that anyone known to you describes. It is the way of “the liberal class” to leave people to their situations and refuse to get involved. When is the right time to help? A Course in Miracles is clear: help others when it does not hurt anyone, including yourself. That is most of the time."
This👇🏽 comes from some deep and dimensional encounter with what we reject and thus avoid as the "dark", rather than simply an intellectual construct.
We, as a Consciousness (not only humanity but Earth as a whole where humanity represents a kind of leading edge) have entered a completely new "form" (think caterpillar --> soup --> butterfly as a form AND world/consciousness).
Earth is creational and about evolution (changing complexity of form to carry-retain the simplicity of core?). Earth doesn't see-think situations as "problems" but situations (that carry signals and codes of/from future). And so, it doesn't "solve" problems - that's not its orientation - but "creates": building airport for the future to land.
There's no "help" and "healing" in Earth's lexicon. What we call 'helping' is the way things work - something that can't be extracted out of the living or way of living and made to stand separately.
This reality... about Reality... isn't what the human constructs (concepts, stories, science) ever saw. In fact, our constructs - and thus the human world - has been almost the opposite: the actual "problem" in a manner of speaking, which led us to look at life in terms of problems and solutions.
This was a necessary phase (and thus not a problem in reality that can be solved - only evolved from) in the path of human evolution.
We have entered a phase where this "evolved" consciousness is hovering like a cloud raining down into our insides (actually rising like a spring sprouting from our deep cores that seemed like the ground and bottom most bottom) - of a knowing-being-living of collective (forest) as a singularity, working as one coordinated being, creating life AND itself (because both are one and the same)
The larger population can't see-be this because we live from "teachings", "knowledge" and language of the old dissolved "Caterpillar" consciousness that we were: nobody, except infants and children, are carrying pure eyes to encounter reality as is.
The true inner work is to really go beyond the inner world and outer reality - a construct and constructed reality - where the real Reality is, including us - our seemingly separated individual and collective self... a singular soul - not an undifferentiated ocean but a singularity of a forest.
can I 'propose' something else, in place of this:
"What I propose as a means of making the world better is asking yourself what you can do about every problem that anyone known to you describes. It is the way of “the liberal class” to leave people to their situations and refuse to get involved. When is the right time to help? A Course in Miracles is clear: help others when it does not hurt anyone, including yourself. That is most of the time."
This👇🏽 comes from some deep and dimensional encounter with what we reject and thus avoid as the "dark", rather than simply an intellectual construct.
We, as a Consciousness (not only humanity but Earth as a whole where humanity represents a kind of leading edge) have entered a completely new "form" (think caterpillar --> soup --> butterfly as a form AND world/consciousness).
Earth is creational and about evolution (changing complexity of form to carry-retain the simplicity of core?). Earth doesn't see-think situations as "problems" but situations (that carry signals and codes of/from future). And so, it doesn't "solve" problems - that's not its orientation - but "creates": building airport for the future to land.
There's no "help" and "healing" in Earth's lexicon. What we call 'helping' is the way things work - something that can't be extracted out of the living or way of living and made to stand separately.
This reality... about Reality... isn't what the human constructs (concepts, stories, science) ever saw. In fact, our constructs - and thus the human world - has been almost the opposite: the actual "problem" in a manner of speaking, which led us to look at life in terms of problems and solutions.
This was a necessary phase (and thus not a problem in reality that can be solved - only evolved from) in the path of human evolution.
We have entered a phase where this "evolved" consciousness is hovering like a cloud raining down into our insides (actually rising like a spring sprouting from our deep cores that seemed like the ground and bottom most bottom) - of a knowing-being-living of collective (forest) as a singularity, working as one coordinated being, creating life AND itself (because both are one and the same)
The larger population can't see-be this because we live from "teachings", "knowledge" and language of the old dissolved "Caterpillar" consciousness that we were: nobody, except infants and children, are carrying pure eyes to encounter reality as is.
The true inner work is to really go beyond the inner world and outer reality - a construct and constructed reality - where the real Reality is, including us - our seemingly separated individual and collective self... a singular soul - not an undifferentiated ocean but a singularity of a forest.