The Eris element elicited awe almost immediately. The fear programming, now running on every site and ticker-taped across every possible digital platform, quickly grabbed my attention. This machine was rolled out with great precision and planning. I thought surely people would see through this exaggerated fear programming. That so many did not was my traumatic experience. Thank you ~

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The longest four years of my life, which is really something, since time generally gets compressed as we get older, due to each year being a smaller percentage of one's life than the previous year had been, shrinking from 100% on your first birthday, to 50% of your life on your second, to 10% on your tenth, ... to 1% on your 101st, if you make it that far.

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Thank you, Eric. A very helpful and edifying analysis. Here in Oz, my rural neighbour is a practitioner of homeopathy and consistently has positive results - especially with critters. And she didn’t sell out her commitment either. As our main stream health care remains weaponised, having local community knowledge, fresh herbs and remedies is crucial for our uncertain future. We are all creating our preferred future, every day. 🕯

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As a continuing serious student of astrology, I very much appreciated how you broke down the chart into the key aspects, Eric.

Now, I have a few more questions about the 3/13/20 chart.

1. The Moon is in Scorpio, making a loose opposition to that Venus/Uranus conjunction in Taurus. (I'm going to ignore house placements, but feel free to add them to any response). Any thoughts on the Moon placement and that aspect?

2. Since this crisis was also one of communication, I can't help but look at Mercury's placement in late Aquarius. Just on the cusp of the anaretic degree. Any thoughts on its placement? (I note it doesn't have any major aspects to major planets, though it does have a square to Vesta in Taurus and a minor aspect to neighboring Saturn in the anaretic degree of Capricorn. I'm not sure if we want to get that detailed with interpretation, but if you have any thoughts, I'd be interested to hear them).

As always, I appreciate your work!

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In a chart like this (public mundane chart) the Moon is read like a cue ball, or "bouncing ball" that advances the plot. It can also represent the public and the question itself.

You can see that the Moon makes a lot of aspects as it moves through the last 10 degrees of Scorpio, including to the Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto group, and to the Sun, then square to Mercury.

So you an see the total involvement of the public — in a matter originating "out of nowhere" from the Moon-ruled 12th place. The square to Mercury to me reads as "this violates intuition" however the emotional death-baggage of the Scorpio Moon vs the mental function of Mercury in Aquarius seems to win.

Also, I take Mercury in Aquarius as making the statement, "you should know when you don't know," and it seemed like most people did not. They got swept into the death drama and emotionalism of the Scorpio Moon.

Also note that the Moon seems to be sesquisquare Chiron and that is a trigger aspect going in both directions. The "health threat" associated with Chiron is triggering people emotionally and that is exactly what we saw happen.

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Excellent analysis. Thank you for taking the time to answer and for making this important video.

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