"Top line, bottom line: The situation in West Asia (the “Middle East”) looks like the latest front in what’s called the Great Reset (that started as “covid”), a/k/a the 4th Industrial Revolution (digital takeover of existence) and Agenda 2030 (same thing).

Shorthand for this is 4IR, in case you’re wondering what this term means. Basically, it’s about total submission of humanity to The Robot. Literary reference to The Borg episode of Star Trek Next Generation.

In effect, we are experiencing World War Digital. In this STARCAST, I do my best to tie together these issues with the astrology. It’s not a stretch. Events in Aries and Aquarius have been sending all manner of warnings about the digital issue for quite a while. If you’re curious about the personal implications, here is the Cancer annual reading for 2021, called The Great Reconciliation of Accounts and of Reality."

CLASSIC COPPOLINO! Thanks, Eric, this is a GREAT succinct summary of what we face. And thanks for the link to my Substack, Lockdown Times. BTW, update: Israeli troops have been told to get ready for ground operations in .... Lebanon.

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You solved the riddle. I was grousing around the edges...and you nailed it.

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Thought provoking analysis. I’m left with one point of sanity to repeat to fortify myself. It’s from the Threshold of a Dream album by the Moody Blues:

“There you go, man

Keep as cool as you can

Face piles of trials with smiles

It riles them to believe you see the web they weave and keep on thinking free”

Forward into our authentic YES. And staunchly hold the line of our authentic NO.

Love from the Australian bush on a rainy Thursday morning 🔥

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Love back from Southern Vermont. 🌎

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Wow! Yes the Abrahamic religions are fighting the Next? Last? Phase in their bitter struggle against the ‘Pagans’ in their anchor in Nature thereby also Woman & Time = Mortality. Hence the turning it all over to a Man Made Machine who can live forever with all his amassed, plundered wealth…

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elegantly stated, Mme.

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scary and true. They are in the fight to end the age of Pisces but they are missing the "just surrender" part of the closure.

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Having listened to your podcast Eric , I, as a 73yr old feel such a sense of powerlessness and inevitability. I will take your advice and hug my dog and love my family and accept my "soul choice" and be brave enough to "live in interesting times" .

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These are the times in which we are here. Some are called to participate in collective business; others can take care of the home front. Please give your dog a nibble for me and send him love from your astrologer.

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your interpretation sounds right. sadly. for a long time i've been feeling like that scene in Titanic where the ship has cracked in half, half is submerged, and the other half rises up in the air and everybody races to the top of it.

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Here is Jeff's summary. He publishes these from his Substack, Lockdown Times.

Hi all, some very revealing remarks and articles in recent days regarding efforts by BRICS interests to push the SDGs Program/Agenda 2030/4IR/Great Reset using opposition to Israeli policies as a launch pad.

Today, Turkiye’s president Erdogan at the UN General Assembly, a speech mostly consisting of attacks on Israeli policies in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon.


Erdogan Announces NATO Break At UN? Open Call For New Anti-Israel Alliance, Shames USA | Full Speech, Hindustan Times, 9/24/24. 37 minutes.

"In a provocative speech at the U.N. General Assembly, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan drew a stark comparison between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Adolf Hitler. He further criticised the values of the U.N. system and the Western world, claiming they are “dying in Gaza.” Erdogan also called for an “alliance of humanity” to take action against Israel, condemning UNSC for its failure to intervene and end the ongoing war in Gaza. Watch for more.[Links]”

I wonder, did anyone notice that Erdogan vigorously pushed the US SDGs Program, aka Agenda 2030, aka 4IR, aka The Great Reset? He talked of doing so via BRICS as well as regional groups such as ASEAN, Shanghai Agreement, Organization of Turkic States,…..

Mohamed Muizzu, president of The Maldives.


President of Maldives addresses UN General Assembly, 9/24/24. 19 minutes.

Humanity in crisis because “we” (the world’s governments) are looking the other way. In office since last November. At 4:38: “ .transforming economy to fully digitized and driven by Artificial Intelligence."…I, thereby taking over resources management, enabling “Inclusive” and more participatory systems. 6:00 using AI to deliver services such as health care. drones for delivery of medical supplies, transform financial and education systems, fostering new industries, including the national banking system….expand “green and sustainable tourism,” expand the national airline. Address “climate change” Pushing SDGs again after 10:00. Need to really do it. Then gets into a rant about Israeli atrocities in Gaza and Lebanon. And, “please give us money for development,” with good terms. 14:50. “renewable energy.”

And a couple of days ago, this was posted at Al Mayadeen, Hezbollah’s main media outlet, it also has the Al Manar TV network.


BRICS is casting a wider net, tackling not just economic issues but also shared security concerns. F.M. Shakil, Al Mayadeen English, 9/22/24.

In a conference focused on security and national security, Iran suggested forming a "BRICS Security Commission"; a distinct security framework within the BRICS group.[Audio file]

Iran's proposal at the BRICS high-ranking security officials summit in St. Petersburg, Russia, on September 11 not only addresses the misuse of advanced technology but also takes a brave stand against the poorly managed conflicts of terrorism, extremism, drug trafficking, and people trafficking.

The BRICS demonstrates an expansion beyond economic matters and a broader vision for multilateral cooperation by holding a conference on security for the first time. The meeting in St. Petersburg strived to address the shared security concern in the face of rising security threats and risks emanating from the lopsided use of the latest technologies.

While addressing the conference, Ali Akbar Ahmadian, Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, suggested the formation of a "BRICS Security Commission" to investigate the major threats related to the misuse of alternate intelligence (AI) technology, maritime security, cyber threats, illegal biological threats, and satellite warfare to secure the interests of the BRICS community.

Iran views the illegal use of modern technology as a potential threat to nations that lean toward multipolarity and deny 'exceptionalism and double standards' stemming from the so-called rule-based global system. Iran believes that a joint approach under the proposed commission will shape collaborative and collective efforts to effectively tackle international peace and security threats.

The Iranian proposals amid a wide range of manipulation of high-tech tools, such as surveillance and dual-use technologies, by the US and its European allies have raised concerns about human rights and security-related issues. In certain cases, surveillance operations have employed spyware, such as Pegasus, to indulge in questionable activities.

In 2010, an Israeli cyber-intelligence firm created Pegasus spyware to intercept mobile phone calls and extract their data. Using spyware to monitor politicians, government leaders, human rights activists, dissidents, and journalists has been a highly contentious issue.

This not only infringes upon individual privacy and freedoms but also jeopardizes national security and military operations of non-US nations. In light of this scenario, several working groups and frameworks have underscored the importance of tackling unwarranted surveillance and improving governance to keep these risks at bay.

In the same vein, the US is pulling out all the stops to counter the sway of China and Russia, aiming to keep its edge sharp in military artificial intelligence (AI) and other tech arenas. It also throws its weight behind its leading technology firms around the world to safeguard their interests.


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Eric, thanks for posting this, but this wasn't intended to be an article, that's why the journalistic shortcomings. :-) It was just thoughts. After i sent it, i decided i could add more content, edit stuff, and turn it into something. And i posted it today at my Substack. It is here.


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You are exactly right. About all of this. The Christians I know are all convinced we're living in the "end times." To add to the cosmic storm-a-brewing, a comet (C/2023 A3 or Tsuchinchan-ATLAS) will supposedly be visible in the northern hemisphere Sept. 27 - October 14. Do comets portend war, the death of kings, famine, plague? I don't know of any happily appointed comet.

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‘The world changes for good.’ That’s your give away.

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I think your analysis of the Religion aspect is incomplete. I will try to respectfully add what is lacking. Sadly, I am long-winded, and I have too many concurrent thoughts. I will make an extra effort for concretion today. This comment starts already on the wrong side, and it's going to get worse. Or better, who knows. Let's remain optimistic. Hyper-sensitive souls better stop reading here.

Last caveat, I'm writing from twenty years of reading about these things. I'm not writing to piss off or troll anyone, although some egos will be accidentally bruised. Sorry, that's not my intention. I'm just going to describe what I think really happened in the past, and the direction in which we are going. I'll be as gentle as I can in this micro-essay. I apologize for the length.

The end times is a symbolic concept that became immanentized (a fancy word for fraud) with the Modern Era, which I took it to have started with Gutenberg's technological advancement (good book The Gutenberg Galaxy by Marshall McLuhan, thanks for recommending it.)

For the first 1,000 years of Christianity as an Imperial Religion, it was clearly understood that the World (or Creation) was not going to end. The end of time of the Book of Revelation of Saint John, as well as many other eschatological texts, already happened in the past, completely. There is no more bible prophecy to become fulfilled in the future. It all ended in A.D. 70, when Rome destroyed Jerusalem. (Yes, this is a very controversial and radical notion, that deviates from any standard view on the topic. It's 100% below the radar of most people.) In A.D. 70 the Jewish religion was completely destroyed. Everything after that was counterfeit. The Christians became the only chosen people. The only true Jews. This is a purely spiritual concept. At that moment the Grace of God extended to all nations, and any individual can become a Christian, which means an adoptive son of God.

This was the symbolic interpretation of this part of theology since the Apostolic age until the time of Emperor Constantine. And this interpretation of Eschatology as a pure symbol for actual events that already happened was inherited in the new syncretic religion of Christianity plus Roman and Greek religion, when it became the religion of the Roman Empire, and later of the Barbarians that conquered Rome. And then things were added to it. Every human system becomes corrupt over time. This is a constant in History.

No one ever believed the world was going to be destroyed. Until the Modern era.

The literal interpretation of this planet being about to be destroyed by the second coming of Christ is a political adulteration of the Christian religion. The Sistine Chapel tells this story: the Last Judgment already happened in the past. The Jewish religion was destroyed and Christ already won. But then they invented Protestantism. Martin Luther was a Preterist, until he changed by the end of his life, and because of politics, and then he began to promote the false teaching of Futurism, that the end times will happen in the future. This is a total inversion of theological interpretation.

And this is important for non-religious people today. All the modern horrors: Imperialism, Marxism, Fascism, Democratism, Nationalism, are rooted in the political change that took place with Modern thought, which happened under the guise of a theological change.

Perhaps the worst idea of Modernism is the view of humans as a machine. It has dominated all medicine and all science and all technology, and only the arts have resisted.

The idea of human dignity exists today only because of music, painting, sculpture, photography, poetry, theater and novels. This view of humans as mere earth and water machinery with no air or fire in it is a rejection of the idea of human dignity, which started with Christianity. And I know this notion is controversial and even painful to some, but it's the correct notion of the history of human ideas.

The digital revolution is the destruction of art, to suppress the idea of human dignity.

So, where is this raving mad commenter going with all this?

Simply to inform the under-informed that Christians are abandoning Evangelicalism and Zionism and all Modernism. They are going back to Preterism, which is the traditional interpretation of eschatology. This means the end of Protestantism, and many movements derived from it.

It's not going to be a rapid change, though. Protestants will fight to keep up the futurist interpretation. But the political change is inevitable. There is going to be an earth-shattering rejection of all things related to modernist thought. This is the beginning of a new form of authoritarianism, completely different from anything the world has ever seen.

There will be no nations anymore, as political organizations. Also, no more State. The technocracy will simply devolve into a functional form of classical military rule, in the fashion of Lycurgus of Sparta, Solon of Athens or Pittacus of Lesbos. Not in the mad ways of Alexander or Caesar. Human dignity will be limited to those morally and physically strong to defend it. There will be no more monetary rule or banking overlordship of industry.

We are not ready to live in that world. It doesn't belong to us. Perhaps people who are about ten year-olds now may see the new system fully fledged in their old age. If they survive that long.

I don't know who or what is going to be the hegemonic force. The Atheists? the Buddhists? the Technocrats? The Christians will not be hegemonic. Only in their territories they may have some power. The Jews will wander the oceans again. Maybe they create new countries in the middle of the Pacific ocean. Who knows. But Palestine is over. And most of Europe will completely ban Jews, for many centuries. Maybe they take over China. Or Central Africa. But the world is changing for good. The modern era is over.

Many ideas will die off, completely. Germ theory too. Completely. Gravity and quantum chemistry will have to be revamped. It's too affected by modernism. I think in about 100 years the whole theory of covalent bonds and ionic bonds will be completely rejected, and I have no idea what will they be replaced with. Maybe it will be written with Chinese characters, which are so demoralizing. And probably the idea of the electron as a body of "electric charge" will also be scrapped.

They will not need bodies in the future, to explain any phenomenon.

Paradoxically, people will have more orgasms. The constant fear of death will cause them to experience their body more intensely. And the military will force people to have more children, for future wars. If nothing else the drones need moving targets. There will be more death and more pleasure and more horror and more happiness. The emotional paralysis suffered by most humans since the beginning of the 20th century, since the advent of the electrical environment, will be over soon.

Also, there will be less paralyzing drugs, like benzos and SSRIs, and thus the parasympathetic tone will increase. Yes, psychiatric drugs have caused far more damage to human pleasure than any variant of monotheism, including Communism.

Anxiety is necessary for Pleasure, as much as Violence is necessary for Justice.

And I think that's all I have to write for now, thinking past the bitterness of war.


Why did McLuhan became a Catholic? He bucked the trend of his generation. I think that was because he realized the big change ahead. The rejection of the ways of the modern era.

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This contains what seem like plausible important elements of counter-history.

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Thank you, Eric Francis. I have had similar thoughts re: victim archetype on both sides and also the danger of all three religions holding that victim archetype. This archetype is dying, but the three big religions are trying to take us all with it. We need a t-shirt ASAP wear it everyday: STAY HUMAN. The Chiron/Eris conjunction on Israel's 7th's House cusp could go many way. Israel's own people will revolt but it may not be enough. How do planetary leaders (who know what you just reported) make conscious/ or broadcast what you have said? Of course leaders may always choose power over truth. I don't know.

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Update: Israeli troops have been told to prepare for "ground action" inside Lebanon.

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