Good Morning from New York:
Top line, bottom line: The situation in West Asia (the “Middle East”) looks like the latest front in what’s called the Great Reset (that started as “covid”), a/k/a the 4th Industrial Revolution (digital takeover of existence) and Agenda 2030 (same thing).
Shorthand for this is 4IR, in case you’re wondering what this term means. Basically, it’s about total submission of humanity to The Robot. Literary reference to The Borg episode of Star Trek Next Generation.
In effect, we are experiencing World War Digital. In this STARCAST, I do my best to tie together these issues with the astrology. It’s not a stretch. Events in Aries and Aquarius have been sending all manner of warnings about the digital issue for quite a while. If you’re curious about the personal implications, here is the Cancer annual reading for 2021, called The Great Reconciliation of Accounts and of Humanity*.
*Humanity. I originally typed ‘reality’.
The 2025 annual reading is now available for pre-sale.
Background materials for this program —
Iran’s President Speaks at UN About Avoiding Full Scale Regional War
Israel Demolishes Civilian Infrastructure in the West Bank
Additional reporting by Jeff Strahl
More from Jeff at Lockdown Times
When I say the 2020 crisis was driven by AI, including a “metagenomic sequence,” you can find out more by reading my chronology, or at least the introductory materials. This is true of all the “epidemics” being sold this week.
— efc
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