Personally I think it's just too insane to be trusted - I mean honestly, meeting with a genocidal ruler a couple of weeks fresh out of his killing spree, come on. It's too obviously insane. In my circle people are more paralysed, as though at some unconscious level they know they are manipulated.

It's a red herring for me.

Also Marianne Williamson is the first new age guru to speak out about it and I know I can't trust her. Trumps's role as 'insane dictator' is just another phase in their overall plan. I think they are deliberately winding people up so they can prop up a new set of saviours for us or create a global war - Neptune in fire signs brings war and so it might be that they are entirely on schedule. Or both.

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Yes I see your point there...however, it WAS said, and I'm not saying that their intent to take action is the motive for saying it. I think that the intent to incite discord is. But we don't bypass that by not calling it out; and I think that people need to be given the benefit of the doubt when it comes to the question "does he mean what he says?" Which way are you going to assume and why? There is a pattern of this kind of conduct that goes back a long time — the first modern redevelopment opportunity post disaster was Rita/Katrina.

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The "alternative" is to say nothing and watch the verbal madness escalate as does the action, by which point it's too late to do anything. Think of Germany 1933.

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Yes this is not an option.

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I entirely agree with you - it needed it be stated clearly, and it will need to be stated again and again. That fullness of being one-sided, fully against something that is fundamentally against sovereign rights, is not being occupied at all. But this has to always come with a caveat now which works to interrupt the pattern of falling into their tactics and scripts. Otherwise folks will be begging for their 'new' system - I'm already witnessing this on my FB feed as I'm in lots of activist groups from my old life.

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We have to learn to oppose the atrocities while also refusing "opposition" narratives which do not contest the entire mode of existence we're being forced into and present false choices.

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Absolutely agree Jeffrey!

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I like that framing. We need this sort of thing to be articulated succinctly as it needs to get out there now.

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What Kushner put forth was elaborated upon this past October (4 months ago) in this aspirational plan for Gaza put out there by prominent Trump backer Bill Ackman, a hedge fund billionaire who had supported mainstream Democrats as well as RFK Jr. He. has been very outspoken about supporting the Zionist genocide and about how his alma mater Harvard should repress anti-genocide demonstrations.


Bill Ackman wants to rebuild Gaza as NEOM. We explain why this is a very bad idea. 10/20/24.

For over a year, Gaza has been subject to widespread and indiscriminate bombings and military campaigns. A result of the Israeli government’s retaliation after the horrific attacks of October 7th, the action has seen over 40,000 civilians killed including countless children. Many public services have been wiped from the region along with housing, schools and hospitals in a campaign that can only be described as urbicide: the act of “city killing”.

The extent of the damage has been the focus of widespread outrage and during this period, prominent figures have pitched visions for how the region will be rebuilt with one of the most vocal being Bill Ackman.

Who is Bill Ackman?

Ackman is a billionaire hedge fund manager and the CEO of Pershing Square Capital. He rose to prominence with a series of high profile bets such as shorting (betting against) nutrition company Herbalife and more recently, a trade in March 2020 that yielded $2.6bn in under 30 days as the world markets shuttered during COVID-19. Ackman has previously made headlines within the architectural world with the contentious planning battle for a Foster + Partners designed NYC penthouse for himself and his wife, Israeli-American designer Neri Oxman.

In recent months, Ackman has been vocal on social media about a range of issues related to the war in Gaza. He has denounced the campus protests that have swept across America and made efforts to blacklist any students who signed petitions denouncing the offensive on Gaza. In September, he claimed that protesters in Israel are rewarding Hamas’ acts. The comments come amidst a wave of discontent within Israel with the government’s failure to rescue multiple hostages still captured by Hamas.

What did he say?

On 6th April 2024, Ackman tweeted a framework for how Gaza could be rebuilt. Below is the entire tweet posted by Ackman:[The tweet follows]

“A few high-level thoughts on a potential solution in Gaza:

Step one:

• Give Gazan residents something to look forward to. Without hope, there is only despair, anger, and violence.

• Hope comes from Israel’s and United States’ commitment that once Hamas is destroyed, Israel and the U.S. will support the creation of New Gaza subject to security commitments from the U.S. and Gulf states.

• New Gaza is completely rebuilt with modern infrastructure, sustainable energy and clean water, world-class architecture, technology, healthcare, education, favorable taxation, thoughtfully designed business creation incentives, and world class resorts on the Mediterranean.

• The design of New Gaza begins immediately with a global competition where master planners, architects, technologists, form consortiums to compete for large financial awards and the opportunity to build a new city from a blank sheet of paper.

• New Gaza is a model city. Think the Saudi NEOM.com but on the Mediterranean. New Gaza is rebuilt and governed by a consortium of Gulf states and the U.S.

• Economic and tax incentives are designed to encourage private foreign investment so private sector investors have a vested long term interest in Gaza and businesses are incentivized to locate in Gaza.

Step two: Civilians in Rafa are moved to a refugee camp safe zone built in the Negev desert adjoining Gaza.

Step three: IDF destroys Hamas.

Step four: The reconstruction of Gaza begins.

Step five:Civilians return as the city is rebuilt.

As always, I welcome your feedback. If you have nothing constructive to say, please keep it to yourself. Flame throwing accomplishes nothing. If you think this is a bad approach, please share your better ideas.” [Analysis of the sick proposal follows]

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You might say this is a nit, but it's not. There were no horrible attacks on Oct 7. Total hoax, false flag. Makes the evil even worse.

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Actually, there were horrible attacks on October7. 2023. The worst ones were by the IDF against its own members and Israeli citizens, with IDF units, including helicopters and tanks.firing on groups of people which included lots of Israeli citizens in order to avert their capture. The Hannibal Doctrine was explicitly invoked by the IDF, per Israeli media sources, such as Haaretz


"In July, Israeli newspaper Haaretz [Link] reported that the order “not a single vehicle can return to Gaza” was issued to the Gaza Division of the Israeli military at 11:22 am that day.

But Gallant’s new statement is highly significant, as the first public admission by a contemporary Israeli minister that their troops were ordered to fire on their own people on 7 October."

False flag is NOT the same as a hoax. A hoax means it didn't happen. Lots of evidence that the IDF deliberately allowed attacks to happen, just like Pearl Harbor, and greatly escalated the level of violence and casualties with its own actions, even Israeli casualties. That's not the same level as "made it happen on purpose" like 9/11.

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Gaza consists of about 141 square miles. Rhode Island is about 1,033 square land miles. 2 million people enclosed within 141 square miles? 1,112,308 people reside in Rhode Island (according to google).

The holocaust was definitely an absolute horrifying part of history . The difference is now the genocide of the Palestinian people can be shown in real time. Of course I knew of the killing of innocents in Iraq and Afghanistan but had no realizations of exactly what was happening and how indescribable it was. I tearfully watched many painful videos of the massacre of innocent civilians in Palestine. Some became so familiar to me that I would be relieved to see them unharmed over months and months. The ones that had been lost were like losing a friend or a member of family. The bravery, endurance, the resilience, the steadfastness shown from these people is what should be celebrated, not this continuous and blatant power, evil and sickening greed. I felt from when Trump announced running for his second term that Gaza was his plan all along.

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Thank you Jeffrey.

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"The holocaust was definitely an absolute horrifying part of history"

You should do more investigation and research before affirming to that narrative.

After WW II all these so called death camps were behind the Iron Curtain, so how do you know what was going on in those camps until the fall of the Berlin Wall?

The word Holocaust was not used by the politicians and military men of WW II.

It was not until the early 1970's that this word became a part of the american english vernacular.

Fact is Government at all levels is the enemy of 'mankind'

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The remnants and artifacts that I have seen at several different locations in Poland and Germany do not tell a pretty story. But there are serious questions about the scale of the operation.

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The people who have been responsible for all the wars, death, and destruction throughout history.





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History has many hidden ugly secrets. When I was a child, the teachers made us crawl under our desks in case of a nuclear strike, as if that would really help. We were told that Russia was the evil empire and they were out to get us. As an adult, I found out that it was actually the total opposite.


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Eric your voice rains as thunders of sanity! I take these short reports in as water in a desert. Know the benefits you're bringing. This is one of the few remaining sparks of authentic journalism (and actually, true human spirit) outhere. I'm here, listening. Denisa

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Excellent work, Eric, thank you. How these thugs justify beating up the kids a New Paltz is beyond me. But then all of this horror is beyond me.

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Even though Trump made the announcement about cleaning up Gaza, and all the rest that we have heard about Gaza becoming the Middle East Riviera, it did exactly what he wanted it to do: get donations from Jewish donors. But did he want it to shake up the Muslim/Arab world, including the Palestinians? You never know with Trump. But it did that. One example, is both the Malaysian and Indonesian governments--they are furious that the US thinks they can take over Gaza. Other countries like Spain, whose Prime Minister said: "Gaza's land is Gaza's, and the Palestinian people must be a part of its future Palestinian State".

Actually the plans of the Israeli foreign minister, and Natenyahu are half ass and not in order with the opposition.

Here is an excellent 12 minute video by Andrew Chang from CBC with important details to consider; before we all jump to Trump's high flying plans, he has made with Netanyahu, and nobody else, not one other country or the UN, or the Congress.

My feeling is, it ain't gonna happen. Gaza is owned by the Palestinians.


Also, astrologically, Trump, Netanyahu and the State of Israel, all have Mars within a few degrees in Leo. . . Talk about bringing egos together, to make presentations that draw big angry crowds!

And the Leo Mars for all 3 is square Israel's Taurus Sun at 23-degrees, which is conjunct Trump's MC and transiting Uranus, which will be at the exact midpoint of the Full Moon at 23-degrees/Sun on February 12th. . . There is more astrology to this.

During the first 3 weeks in June, Mars will transit these last degrees in Leo. What will come then, we could only guess!! Both Netanyahu and Trump have Pluto in Leo.

And a podcast, from VOA and an excellent commentary from the Middle East Institute:


Get ready for the Muslim/Arab world to get active. Jordan and Egypt have just offered to clean up Gaza and not get rid of the Palestinians

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While i am not here to rebuke your theories about the war which i dont condone, I do think it's irresponsible to state, "In response to the alleged conduct of whoever was said to have launched some rockets at Tel Aviv, the plan seemed to be to crush the Palestinian"

We know who launched the rockets. But it was much more than just rockets. We know who broke through the fences. We know who slaughtered innocent people in their homes. It's all on film. It was recorded on go pro cameras. I have seen the 45 minute compilation. We also know hundreds were taken as hostages. Including babies. Those are also human beings whose lives are precious. Don't discount the pain of those peaceful farmers and festival goers just because it doesn't fit your narrative. To claim, as it seems you are doing, that allowing the murder and torture of 1400 Israelis was somehow all premeditated in order to commit a "genocide" is dark accusation.

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Did Israel know this was coming? If they did, it's their gig. How could they not know? I don't care how dark the accusation is. Sept. 11 does not check out, on any level, as foreign terrorism. If someone can do that, then someone can allow some collateral damage within Israel to "solve the problem" of the Palestinians on a final solution basis -- and that's what is now revealed -- get rid of them. Build some villas and we're done.

You seem to be implying that the same people who would get rid of 2 million Palestinians after murdering 47,000 of them (official death toll not counting maiming and relocation), they can't sacrifice a few of their own? That's how it's done...and how it's done every time.

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I suppose we see things differently. What then, from your superior vantage point, should have been the response after 10/7? Oh wait, no response because rape of women and slaughter of children is justified as part of the resistance.

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No, I'm not being superior, I'm using logic. You're asking about after 10/7 and I'm saying what happened before it? Obviously, anyone who thinks 10/7 was real — that the Israelis did not know — is justified in advocating some military reprisal as long as they are willing to get down on the ground and fight.

What I am saying is if a person burns down their house, they are not entitled to an insurance payment. It's not enough to say "there was a fire." If this is false flag and all those civilians were killed, if we go by Nuremberg and "never again" as precedents, the remedy is that the Israeli officials face the gallows. I say this as one who has studied investigated the Holocaust more carefully than just about any Jewish person I know or have ever met.

Rosenberg, Kaltenbrunner, Frank, Frick, von Ribbentrop, Keitel, Seyss-Inquart, Streicher, Sauckel, and Jodl were not sent to the Rivera.

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Excellent writing. Just two things to rethink please. The first is I know two people who died outside of a hospital from covid. As soon as you start the covid is fake line of thought your other vital points lose power. The other is the sense in the piece that we are doomed. We need reminders, constantly, that there is always a way to fight for liberty.

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I'm not exactly starting, Miah. Are you not following the past five years of my impeccable work on the virus and the test? And all the interviews I've done explaining this issue? I went through every step in the process ten times tracking the claim of disease to the test, drilling down into the way the test searches for "virus" and how it is supposed to know that it's found one.

I'm not saying people didn't die. I'm saying show me the medical chart, the death certificate and the postmortem exam notes — and show me evidence of the virus. If there is no virus, it cannot kill someone. The governments of the world ALL admit no scientific knowledge/data of an actual virus in a person, not an AI script in a computer or "molecular test" device.

Who were these people and what was their condition prior to 2020?




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Excellent right on analysis relating this to digital disembodiment derangement, the condition afflicting more and more of our fellow human beings as online existence increasingly trumps existence and participation in the physical world.

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