Venus in opposition to Pluto is often experienced as intense and dark and can indicate loss or "death"/transformation. I would hazard a guess that this may be the final nail in Biden's "coffin".

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14Author

Venus rules the 7th. The aspect is separating. Trump is represented by the ruler of the AC Jupiter, in Gemini, which is safely below the horizon and out of alignment with the action.

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ahhh. I missed that aspect - working fast. That is a tight oppo and the Vertex is right there -- the sense of fated events.

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After the Mars-Uranus conjunction in Taurus, which feels like a something explosive trapped in granite, fixed and unable to detonate and then suddenly letting loose, I was also looking at the Pluto-Venus opposition but am only used to considering that aspect on a personal level: maybe manipulation from underground with a big fake smile painted on it.

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What's interesting is that Venus-Pluto is separating; it represents something that happened before, in the past. Venus represents the 6th house (military) and the 10th house (the government). That is the first clue of some kind of inside planning, due to these house significations. Let's develop that — we need to argue the case either way.

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Of course I have no proof that it should be any other thing other than what I am shown and told it to be.

For gun fire no one is running for safety....many people are standing up like they want to be a target, some have inquisitive looks as to what is going on. there are many who do not look to be in panic.

I read an account by two attendees......sounds like the usual witness account.

I guess I will have to wait to see who the shooter is going to be.

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yes, we don't want it to be someone the FBI has been tracking for five years who lives in Utah or Wyoming and just happened to be in Pa.

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They were not clearly gunshots, however. It seemed to be muffled or silenced. I might not have recognized them as gunshots and I am familiar with firearms.

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I just noticed that, quite a bit after the first group of shots, there's one more, right before a woman starts screaming.

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Cancer sun with Sagittarius rising…even an 8th house stellium like what’s in the Sibly chart and Pluto in the 2nd house…looks like one of the many pangs of the U.S. Pluto return to me. At least to my novitiate eyes.

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btw great analysis...keep going!!

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The Moon rules the 8th. Moon exalted out of the 6th. These are arguments for a a military maneuver.

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Take a look at the video -- the multiple shots -- extending over quite a few seconds.

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I just watched it…thank you for sharing. As an aside, how so very Trump to say “wait, wait, wait…I need to pose!!!”

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I know...and get my shoes, and fist pump. The agents were miffed...standing there in the line of fire. FFS. How did his shoes come off?

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Simple. When you push someone down, their shoes come off. Do i have to explain everything to you? 🤣 🤣 🤣

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I missed this, you know, it happens to me all the time. What WERE they doing down there and how do they allow him back into the open when another hail of gunshots could ring out? How did they know there was not a second sniper? Five strong USSS agents could have moved the guy like picking up a cat.

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Hahaha!!! Great question😅Maybe he was wearing his house slippers😄

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Gawd he is not a fashion statement. I would not be wearing slip-ons in that environment.

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deletedJul 18
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Great point. I also just tried to search for any recovered bullets from the incident and I’m not finding any results…shouldn’t there be evidence of the shots fired? Or would such things not be released to the public?

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Oh my…you could be on to something there. Made me want to check Israel’s chart…and it shows this event’s Sun applying to their MC in which the ruler is in the 11th (allies/friendships) and the Moon is even applying to their ASC where the ruler is found in the 10th (leadership/visibility). Not to mention the Mars/Uranus conjunction happening so closely to Israel’s Sun which is located in the 8th (karmic contracts). I’m almost certainly reading too much into it, but now I’m curious to see if Israel will somehow get involved.

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i don't usually use an event chart as transits to a national chart or such. Also we would need to agree on the chart for Israel; I have not been down that road in a while. But there is one that stands out -- the singing of the national anthem...

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Okay! That’s good for me to know. Similar to how astrologers use limited aspects for a progressed chart. I felt my estimations getting a bit convoluted and should have listened to that instinct. Do tell more about the national anthem tidbit!! Also a great reminder from you not to take anything in astrology (or life for that matter) for granted…couldn’t agree more.

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different people have different approaches though I must hold an unofficial world record for doing news charts the past 30 years. However: if you are considering contacts between say this event and an Israel chart, I would want everything within ONE degree of orb...nothing wide, nothing ambiguous. this is about making an accusation. You really want to hear that bell ring...it's too late to dig up the national chart for Israel out of the Book of World Horoscopes...but I wonder what is right in the ascendant degree.

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Yes!!!! One degree of exaction, that makes sense…and the rule of 3’s as I like to say. If you see something 3 times in the chart, you’re probably on the nose. I’m amazed at how your 3rd house Uranus-Pluto interacts with your 9th house Pisces stellium - relative to your comment. I know your chart so intimately only because you were born on the same exact day as my partner. Only he has Scorpio rising, putting his opposition into the 5th-11th axis. And I tell you, I’ve yet to meet someone who has something bad to say about him. Only people praising him for his good works in the multiple fields he occupies. I’ve never met anybody else with that same badge of honor. Not to get tangential, but I’m tellin’ you there is something really profound about that Virgo-Pisces thing you have goin’ on dude!!!!

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As mentioned at one point in this tread, it appears people do not seem afraid. No one ducking, running. As also mentioned, if Trump's ear was grazed the bullet had to continue past him. Doesn't look like (based on the images and video posted here and that I have seen) anyone behind him is hit or at least no one is reacting like someone near them is hurt. This is just a curious observation, nothing more. But counter this with JFK assassination. I remember seeing images of people laying on the grassy knoll to protect themselves. The chart readings by Eric and others are very interesting. I will be tuned in to follow as more unfolds.

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Elon endorsed Trump after the event.


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Of course it didn't happen the way mainstream news portrays it to their world wide web.

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Good, now show me the difference.

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It's ALL a show!

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No thanks. That's not a wise or grounded approach, but I'm sure you think it's fun.

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Presidential campaigns aren't a show?

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No, I'm not arguing either way. What I am saying is that you, personally, are a fool. Now, let's wise up and have a real conversation.

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Eric, I've been following you for decades. I'm not an astrologer. I'm not trying to be cute. I'm not a fool. Right now, I'll let you to converse with all of your assumptions.

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Them being a show doesn't mean EVERYTHING is scripted. If you're gonna say stuff like this, you better have more evidence than idle speculation, for me to take you seriously.

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A lot of shots went off. This was part assassination attempt, part terrorism. Track discussion of Venus-Pluto aspect indicating a potential source of the planning of the event.

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People do get killed. And the only beneficiary of any assassination, attempted or real, is the political system.

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Yes, the reason is to promote the system.

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Would it not be standard practice for the secret service to be deployed to every rooftop in the

area from which a potential shooter might take aim?

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I've asked my source enough questions tonight. There are often some snipers. There are limits to any security plan.

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Did you mention the fixed star algol somewhere? I’m not a master of astrology but very interested. Do you think it mattered in this event? Doesn’t algol typically relate to a “beheading” of some sort?

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Not yet but good call. Algol is 26 Taurus 30. I'm on that angle...

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So maybe this is silly, since it isnt quite within orb, would it account for the near miss? Or is that reading too much into it?

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This may be over simplistic…but this ‘deal’ of the “Trump Assassination Attempt” yesterday, has all ‘markings’ of a false flag event. The Psy-Op continues on.

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Indeed. Why could not fake blood have been applied to Trump's ear when he was out of view?

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Gist: It's calling the event “Staged!” Trump not reacting like he’s just been shot, displaying a salute.

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That (or any) behavior surprises you about Trump? His ear was grazed but he wasn't deeply wounded. Yet it was still a chaotic few seconds & he reacted with zero time to think it through. That is if he were the type to think things through.

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His hand showed no signs of blood at that instant, or when he stood up and raised his fist.

And this,


Tm Truth, 15 minutes.

Has a shot from behind, no sign of blood on his ear at the instant of impact.

He did not at all act scared at any time, as if not worried about a second shooter.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Author

all those people in the back act like they know what was coming. and he treats a projectile flying at 2000+ mph like he's swatting a bee. It would have knocked him dizzy even if he had not been struck, flying by that fast that close. And the sound would have been picked up by the microphone, since at 450 feet or so the report of the gun and the sound of the projectile will be heard at different times.

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It looks so peculiar. And where did the bullet that "grazed" his ear go? There were so many people behind him that one would have been badly wounded. The shooter would have kept firing away so his trip wasn't wasted. To shoot from that distance & only graze his ear would take skills beyond my belief. IRL the crowd on the bleachers near him would have at least looked to see where it was coming from and scrambled off the bleachers in a panic but they all just sat there not looking for a source & unconcerned because there was no sense bullets were flying. IRL the SS would have flattened him & not allowed him to stand fist pumping making himself a perfect target for someone of those sharpshooting skills. But there were bullets flying elsewhere & people trusting in some dolt's aim. That's an extreme & lethal risk for a staged event. Were they expecting bystander deaths to make it look real? This is the hardest part for me.

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I spent part of last evening watching youtubes of gun nuts who wanted to record the sound of bullets flying over their bunkers at different heights. they should have had those guys on the job Saturday, any "shooter" with an AR would have been ketchup in 1 second flat.

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All the way here in Australia this seems surreal. Your approach of taking things initially and face value and then looking for problems clearly works AND demonstrates to me how to approach information. I am very grateful for that, thank you.

From a PR perspective this is rather interesting - Trump stands up and fist pumps after being shot at and Biden can’t finish a sentence. The optics really work in Trump’s favour.

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yes it's necessary to have a through line and then look for deviations. First test the chart for radicality against the known facts. Study the chart for strictures against judgment and signs of false flag. Watch the facts as they appear above or below the initial through line. Then the chart develops as people make observations and map those against the facts. It keeps my mind away from bias and wishful thinking and keeps me in judicial mode. Astrology MUST be judicial -- a balancing of multiple arguments for and against.

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They won't lose. They will get their way. This global, evil inteligensia cabal will kill us all before we shut them down. We must resist and pushback at their madness. May we all protect our families, while WE THE PEOPLE reclaim our founding principals and rule of law.

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And, this could have been scripted with charts in mind.

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No, that's not how it's done. There are way too many variables and they would need an astrologer my my caliber and if I was in that role, I would only mess them up. People do electional astrology for weddings and corporations, not assassinations. For those, we see the beauty of astrology looking behind the veil.

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and assassins don't want to take instructions from an effin' stargazer. they have a lot of other considerations and then yuz and me come and photograph the crumbs. that is the chart. but ya can't jump out of the universe.

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I've been watching the footage of this. I've been wondering if anyone behind Trump got shot considering the angle the bullets would have traveled.

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Good thought - please post links. This kind of scrutiny is necessary. I have not checked his chart. It's amazing how many bullets don't strike a person.

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One attendee was killed, not clear where the person was. Others were injured. The gunman was outside the venue, apparently on a nearby roof.

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oh ok, thanks for the update.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 16

The zip code of Butler, Pa is 16001. 6:11:33 p.m.: First shot fired

The occultists love the number 911.

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Sorry if someone shared this already---I looked through the comments but it's a bit late and my eyes are tired---but that Mars-Uranus-Algol conjunction is sitting right on top of Trump's MC ... and it's square Trump's natal Mars in Leo.

Not sure if that helps at all, but figured I'd share it in case you hadn't come across that yet. Keep up the good astro-based investigative reporting, Eric (and team)!

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Thank You for responding Eric..Hope you checked out the rumble vid I posted....it is all very interesting....Stay Blessed. JoJo ~

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

Pallas (11th), social justice, in aspect to the Saturn Nessus conjunction (denial of responsibility? abuse of law and order?) in the 3rd (communication, mental ability/agility). Talk about a reality check.

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