No worries. My daughters and son tell me I’m soon to turn 80. Duh!!

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FUN FACT: The second full moon in a (solar) month is called a 'blue moon', hence 'once in a blue moon'.

OFF TOPIC: I've just uploaded my alternative/ complimentary take on the 'bird flu' hysteria which doesn't seem to get enough coverage. I suspect they are trying to kill two birds with one (imaginary) particle ... so to speak.


Feel free to delete if this is too off topic :)

EDIT: sorry comment got duplicated for some reason.

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hey Corona,

So really it means "second full moon in a calendar month" -- muggles never heard of a solar month, but I changed the definition to yours on Thursday's STARCAST


The origins are obscure -- if Douglas Harper can't find them, they can't be found


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BTW dear Eric, your concept of “compersion” (I think it was) opened me (circa 2005) to a more expansive view of ‘infidelity’. You gave me a place to stand besides ‘victim’. Eternally grateful. 🥰

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Yes! More on this soon, Joan...

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