Jul 16·edited Jul 16Pinned


I have to revise my best case scenario: that it was a total fail of security WITH coordination. No matter what angle on this I take, there is no way it happened without coordination. No way that was vantage point left unintentionally unsecured with roof access possible without coordination. This set of ideas rules out any way this all could have 'just happened', in the fake blood or the real blood versions of events.

Take that one step further. We are not talking about a city councilman here, we are talking about the person likely to be the next commander in chief. This incident reveals that the government has turned 100% against the people, or reveals a dangerous division in loyalties within the government. Or both.

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Exclusive: County Officer Warned Of Seeing Man With Rangefinder Before Trump Was Shot - BeaverCountian.com

By John Paul


A Beaver County police officer warned a command center of seeing a man with a rangefinder before former president Donald Trump was shot on Saturday. The officer had also warned the man was scoping out the roof of the building he was stationed in as a counter-sniper, and that the man returned with a backpack before ultimately scaling the building.

Despite all of those warnings, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park was able to continue in his plan to become Trump’s would-be assassin.

BeaverCountian.com spoke with multiple local law enforcement sources about security provided by agencies from Beaver, Butler, and Washington counties during Saturday’s rally. They claim a lack of manpower and “extremely poor planning” put the former president’s life in grave danger.

While the United State Secret Service provided security within a secure perimeter of the rally, local law enforcement agencies were tasked with securing areas outside of magnetometers that screen rallygoers as they entered the venue.

Contrary to reports in several national news outlets, officers say the building just outside of a security perimeter established by Secret Service was in fact occupied by law enforcement.

“There were three counter-snipers located in the building that the shooter eventually used to take shots at Trump,” one officer told BeaverCountian.com.

Officers spoke to BeaverCountian.com on condition they not be quoted by name due ongoing investigations by the Pennsylvania State Police and Federal Bureau of Investigations.

A security operations plan had placed each of the three counter-snipers inside of the building looking out of windows toward the rally, with none stationed on its roof. Due to a lack of manpower, the men did not have spotters assigned to them, as would be standard operating procedure.

Among those municipal counter-snipers was Sergeant Gregory Nicol of the Monaca Borough Police Department. Nicol was providing security at the Trump rally in his role as a member of the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit (ESU), the county’s equivalent of a SWAT team.

“Nicol saw the guy (Crooks) looking up at the roof of the building he was stationed in, like scoping it out, and took a picture of him that he sent to command as a be on the lookout,” said the officer.

According to multiple officers, staffing shortages prevented other law enforcement officers from reaching the man before he disappeared.

“Nicol saw (Crooks) return to the building, this time carrying a backpack, more warnings were issued to command. (Crook) sat down, and began looking at his phone. Trump was running about an hour late.”

That’s when Crooks behavior turned from suspicious to threatening.

“Nicol saw (Crooks) take out a rangefinder to gauge distance from the building to where Trump was going to be speaking, he again notified command about what he was seeing.”

Despite Crook’s concerning behavior, the officers remained inside of the building at their assigned positions.

Crooks began scaling the building, behind and out of sight of where counter-snipers were stationed, according to officers.

Two other officers, responding to the warnings issued by Nicol and rally attendees, followed Crooks up the building, but retreated after seeing him with a gun.

Realizing he had been discovered, Crooks then took hurried shots at Trump, one of which struck him in the ear. Secret Service counter-snipers responded with a bullet to Crooks’ head.

As shots fired, troopers with the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) rushed to the building and began clearing it from the inside.

Three spectators were also struck by Crooks’ bullets.

According to the New York Times, the three men hit by gunfire include Corey Comperatore, age 50, who died after being shot in the head while he dove to protect family members who were with him at the rally; David Dutch, age 57, who is currently hospitalized with damage to his liver and broken ribs; and James Copenhaver, age 74, who remains hospitalized in unknown condition.

Eric F. Coppolino

Senior Producer - Investigations

Pacifica Radio - Planet Waves FM, Kingston

(845) 337-5095 - cell

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Thank you for validating my thoughts on this subject you presented tonight.

I actually watched this live on television as I was guided to turn on the TV a few minutes before the incident and was channel surfing to find a weather report.

I stopped on the rally to watch the scene because the setup seemed odd to me.

After I heard muffled shots which sounded odd, I saw his hand move up to his face and then immediately looking at blood on his hand, the first thing I thought was this is fake. He could have just slapped a blood packet.

The rest seemed like a stage show.

A few comments:

I believe the people directly behind him are specially chosen and encouraged to act really excited. They appeared quite animated, looking out at the crowd and the cameras, rather than at him. I believe, not certain that those people did not have phones. I believe they were not allowed to have phones sitting behind him and thus did not video record from the right ear side.

There was a guest politician who was supposed to join him on the stage who was told to " hold off for a few minutes ".

The delay of the immigration stats and DJT turning to the right seemed practiced.

The blood looked fake. Seemed too red. Too thin in consistency.

The behavior of Secret Service was odd, letting him remain uncovered.

The camera shot of him getting into vehicle also showed him standing up without cover, allowing for triumphant hero pics to be used as propaganda. Agreed.No coincidence right before the RNC convention.

I noticed many female SS agents, which seemed unusual. Perhaps to show more women to appeal to female voters.

The people in the bleachers where the injured and fatality occurred reported in television interviews that the gunfire seemed to come from different directions.

It seems surreal. More Hollywood bullcrap.

Thanks for your truth.

Much Love,

Jen from the Midwest

Reporting from Iowa

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The set of made-for-TV images of the attempted assassination of Trump given to us were too perfect: Trump standing up immediately after the shooting, brave and fearless with his fist raised in defiance, with a bloodied ear, and the American flag waving behind him in exactly the right place. The photo could have been taken at a pro-wrestling match.

It is impossible that a candidate protected by the Secret Service would be allowed to stand up and be photographed posing in the middle of the crowd after an attempted shooting. There would be a high likelihood of another shooter in the crowd and, following standard Secret Service procedure, Trump would have been whisked off in a limousine and been made completely unreachable for several days at an undisclosed location.

Even a hardened combat veteran would not have been able to stand up in that sort of defiant mode after a near miss shooting by an assailant from the roof of a nearby building. It is psychologically impossible. The natural response would be to seek cover. The damage to his ear, and lack of blood, granted the bullet supposedly used, and bleeding one would expect from that sort of wound, made no sense.

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Hi Rima, thank you. I've been trying to find a doctor to go on the record with this. One would bleed profusely from the ear; his jacket would be covered with blood; so would his right hand; and the blood looks coagulated after less than 90 seconds. It would be bright read and abundant had he lost a piece of his ear.

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Cayenne pepper powder stops bleeding on shallow wounds or scratches. There has to be a synthetic product with similar properties that will not hurt the emotions of those who underestimate plants.

It's not impossible that part of the first aid Trump received on the floor of the stage involved using a medical trick to stop the bleeding.

Why do people seem to imply that magic tricks can only be performed with one intention? Isn't that confirmation bias manipulation? Flat-earthers often do that trick: "I'm on your side, you are good, look at these yummy biases I've baked just for you because you are special."

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And a bullet managed to find the ear lobe without damaging it? LOL. The blood pattern on his face does not fit with being shot from where he was facing, the blood would not have been flung backwards.

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But I know that the Secret Service always carries around some pepper in case the principal gets shot

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my thoughts exactly...it's standard first aid, right?

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Notice we have not been shown a diagram of the president's injury or close up photos.

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I think you misunderstand my comment. I'm not arguing for the event being real. I'm arguing that we don't know what they did to him when he was down.

It's easy to deduce that they created a make-believe wound with makeup, but proving that deduction is very difficult. They are not going to confess.

This op may be extremely polarizing and childish, with millions of people saying "he was shot" and many other millions saying "no he wasn't."

This is the real issue: mind control through Machiavellian manipulation of prejudice and idolatry. They create idols to manipulate people through them. Same with hateful characters.

I don't understand why so many people refuse to investigate all angles.

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trust me we have been looking at this 360 x 360 including with an actual federal counterterrorism trainer who thinks the conduct of USSS reeks.

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I know you have, because you are thorough and smart, but many people still don't understand how they are being played all the time, right and left.

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No one is saying to not investigate all angles, just pointing out his hand did not show any blood stains, and the streaks on his face don't fit with being shot from the front.

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We clearly see Trump on his hands and knees when surrounded by SS agents right after the shooting with his face close to the stage floor and looking down. THAT'S when the blood could have flowed down and over his face. So, you can drop THAT argument.

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In the footage you can literally see the blood on his hand after he touches his ear & before he goes to the ground. Either he was grazed with a bullet or he had a squib on his outer earlobe & a team with impeccable timing.

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The blood on his face probably dripped there from his ear while he was crouched down, when his head was facing down as he sought protection behind all the bulletproof staging. Also, the blood appeared plenty fluid to me.

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So why no blood on his hand, either when he first touched his ear, or when he got up? Not much bleeding for a wound that's been bleeding for almost 2 minutes.

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This is all Uniparty Theater. And I assume that the would-masters are orchestrating this carefully. How about we get out from under their destructive control?

That's what the 10 Million Patriot Challenge is about.

You in?

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A couple things: first - thank you for this reading! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again now - I never believe any news until I’ve heard you read the chart!

Second - I’m a RN, retired Army nurse. A 150 yard shot with a scope rifle is not a difficult shot for anyone with the least bit of training. We shoot to 300 yards and qualify most Soldiers on their weapon even without a scope.

Next, the ear thing: a bullet is hot. The wound would cauterize and not really bleed that much.

I still can’t say with certainty that the blood is not fake from the pictures because of the angle.

Also, did you see that Trump grabbed his ear then rubbed his fingers together like knocking off dust? Maybe part of his ear that was burnt away.(?)

One more thing: did you see the picture of the “bullet hole” in Trump’s jacket? I’ll try to attach it.

Thank you for your fantastic skills and impeccable integrity. I trust your reading and reasoning

We are blessed/cursed to live in interesting times.

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knowing if it's real blood or his blood, or a chemical, requires analysis. But there are dead giveaways. There should never have been an all clear with just one shooter down; never exposing him to direct line of fire for a photo op...that is NOT circle and move. I know now those USSS guys are -- they say it, you do it.

Trump is not the boss of them. Always looks good the first time you see it, but not the 10th.

Also would be total amateur job with assassination morphing into "garden variety mass shooting."

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His hand showed no sign of touching blood as he was taken down by the USSS, and likewise when he got up and pumped his fist in the air.

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Images cannot be trusted.I did see someone imply he took a bullet to the chest that was stopped by a vest and they showed that image, but I give little credence to that.

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The "bullet hole" appears to be a fold in the jacket of the SS lady in front of him.

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Hmm. Slightly over 150 yards is not a great distance. An Ar-15 is a fairly close combat weapon, it fires a light projectile and is a poor choice for that distance, even with a scope. A slight breeze would cause significant drift. He likely flunked out of sharp shooting because he could not adjust for the wind.

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OK it would be for me. I am good at like 100 feet, with a scope. So 15 x 100 feet seems like a crazy distance, more than all the way across the floor of a giant stadium.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

Well, not a great distance with the correct tool. I hunted woodchucks for a dairy farmer when I was a teenager and would sit atop a hill and look for the heads to pop up from their holes at 100 yards plus. I would use a .30-06 as .22LR projectile would drift too much, as the projectile was light. Likewise, I wasn't a marksman either, so I used the bigger caliber with more powder and heavier bullets as a cheat.

An Ar-15 .223 has a 50 gr bullet, while a .22 long rifle has a 40 gr bullet. They are very close, although the .223 has much more powder. If you notice your Cardinal directions on the photo above, the prevailing wind comes from the West, which would create a cross wind West to East causing the drift for the miss.

Wrong tool for an amateur.

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Thats exactly the truth.

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thank you...

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perfect example...

"The agent, wearing a suit and sunglasses, could be seen giving directions to two workers at the rally, including one who appeared to be a photographer holding a camera."

"The Secret Service agent directed both people toward the stage and then crouched down close to the ground. Shots were fired by Thomas Matthew Crooks seconds later."

this is not what i see...watched twice

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At the 8 minute mark of this vid, a photographer is approached by secret service and directed toward the front of the stage, i.e. the footage is from behind. This is just moments prior to the shots ringing out, It continues with footage from the front showing the photographer hurriedly moving toward an exact spot where two other photographers are as well For some reason in the second showing of the footage its reversed as if things are happening from the left so keep in mind that he approaches the front along stage left. https://www.bitchute.com/video/FQL8Pe3163JR

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The crowd behind him seemed abnormally unafraid. Would expect extreme scared animal behavior, and getting oneself very flat on the ground and horrified looks on faces. There's a lack of genuineness about their supposed reflexive movements

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Did you realize that they weren't sure what was happening and maybe unsure???

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Liked by Eric Francis Coppolino

Eric pretty much says it all I would add also that the fireman who was supposed to have been killed was sitting among that relatively small group of people behind Trump according to one article I read. If accurate would have heightened the terror and adrenaline even more. The way I would recommend observing the footage is to replay it about 10-20 times, each time just watching one person. It’s just absolutely incongruent with being in the line of fire. The implications of a staged assassination are staggering but observable facts can’t be ignored

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Tom, I am planning to discuss exactly that -- the implications of a staged assassination...would you develop that a little or would you rather speak on the phone? I would benefit from some ideas...thank you...

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I can speak for a bit but just so you know I haven’t yet thought too much about it. Is your # posted?

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tom are you planning to call? I am pausing all activity waiting for the phone -- thank you

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now is good 845 481 5616

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845 481 5616

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So Tom more video has show up from people who were there with different angels showing the area where Corey was shot dead. People were fantic all standing up by that time waving for help. Maybe you need to take a look at some of the new videos that are now showing up on news channels to see how freaked out they were. I think you should go tell the woman who lost her husband it was all fake.

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Its horribly unfortunate that he was killed, and I'm not denying that he wasn't. it must have been in a different location than in the article I read. If you really read the spirit of my comments I'm only making the following points 1) It appears to ME that the people directly behind Trump in the television camera view of the event are extremely casual and unconcerned considering they are in the line of fire. At least one of them never sits down. 2) IF this was a staged event, the implications are staggering and that would include the fact that a man was actually killed as part of it. Talk about heartless. 3) it seems like there is an overwhelming amount of evidence of things that make absolutely no sense in the official story on many levels.

The pool of grief is deep in the implications of so many events , from Kennedy to 9-11, to the real story behind AIDS and on and on and on and on and on and on and on. Staggering , staggering depths of grief and hopefully those who are deep into the investigations, or anyone else, find safe and healing spaces to metabolize it in slow unwinding weeping or in great screams of rage and crying or any form it needs to take.

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Nobody is saying that the people were shot were not killed or hurt. The question is from what angle. The question is, was there a line of sight from the roof, past trump, to the shooting victims.

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Eric I know you are a great reporter who digs down. The lanuge from Tom was the fireman who was supposed to have been killed. Thats a bit heartless for his family and friends. I know more facts come out everyday. Some may articles will be false. But facts are very different as you knw. I listen to this navy seal named French who started Blackwater. Remember that group of paid soiliers yikes but he had some very interestin comments on the bullets. Nice having coffe with you this AM

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In a contentious political issue like this, with so many problems and so much that does not add up, I don't know if someone is dead until I see the body and the certificate of death. He is correct to say he is alleged to have died. And his family is not reading this Substack.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Author

Ok so shots ring out, and the president ducks behind the podium, then the Secret Service and guys with machine guns appear on the stage. Unless this was a stadium full of blind and deaf mutes, they all knew what was going on.

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Sometimes people are in shock or just can't believe whats happening. Some people have delayed reaction time. I watched it manytimes now. I am also listening and reading the mistakes that the SS made. I think its also very strange that Harris and Biden were in PA that day. Trump rally was planned way in advance. Then Harris and Biden decided to go to Pa. also. They now are saying they had to send more agents to watch them so the ywere very short handed. More and more is coming out daily. I read a great peice by Bernhard Guenther today on this topic.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Author

and sometimes people rationalize....such as now?

The audience with people standing there checking their phones? As the MIBs and commandos take the stage? Really? Nobody in the US knows what a mass shooting is?

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After listening to this we still don't have a answer except is the blood real or fake. Has anyone here ever been to a Trump rally? I have and can tell you Trump is a different kind of person. If you think he listens to is SS people think again. He truly is his own person and the people who have to protect him have a really hard time. So add that to the equation. The man is so enthusiastic so into the moment. Thats what I have experienced in real time and up close. Maybe you can say I am being naive but I do believe in devine intervention. The one thing Trump is not a phony he may be alot of things but this has rattled his cage.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Author

I was clear in my interpretation -- ruler of the 12th (the secret enemy) located in the house of the military (the 6th) conjunct Uranus (groups). The USSS did not stand down -- this was their gig. The whole thing.

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The whole event looks fake, but it doesn't matter. What matters is the potential objectives:


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i appreciate learning your process.

i went within 20 minutes of first reports to see what the story was. all reports were basically the same. my mom had alerted me.

the baseline story reported over those 20 minutes was the same...trump had been rushed off stage, seemed to be hurt, some blood, loud pops had been heard but they do not know what at that time.

one of those initial reports reported the evacuations and interviewed 1 saying there had been many people falling out because of the heat due to lack of shade, etc. gates had opened at 1p. reports of a fluid spray, (hydraulic line mentioned) speaker or telepromptor or ? coming down, started to drop.

since i do this for myself i didnt bookmark initial

reports & now i cannot find any but 1 reference of assisting heat affected individuals.

about 20 or so minutes after this the story was basically the same but a speculation of possibility of gunshots, trump claiming shot, something wrong, bullet whizzing. he is fine. hmmm, ok

people still evacuating, NO mention of injuries

then came....the reports of the shooter dead. an attendee dead. cnn showed blood on bleachers which could only correlate with trump, except when i viewed from backside and he wasnt as close to the bleachers as appeared from initial videos.

i dont agree that there are only 2 possibilities here. i think opportunity presented itself, seized and built upon. this is the usual pattern.

pop, pop, pop, trump drops as he is supposed to. 3 jump on him....what if, as was speculated in initial reports, the injury to ear was from that coverup? i watched video from someone in the audience. where he was & what was shown of the video the pops were nearly inaudible , yet he ended the video focussed where ppl were gathered, 2 state troopers stepped in while ppl still came & crowded, yet no victim was ever visible. another video showed 2, 1 walking & the other, an older man being carried out of stands. no visible evidence of wounds. we do not know the time of that footage nor do we know if these were heat affected or what.

i saw a photo with what may have been 3 heat affected...captions were in spanish...i dont read or speak it.

point is....they can create any story. they tell you what to see & where to look in videos & images.

remember that. look and then look every where else. really look & trust what u see & dont see. look beyond. what is missing?

problem now is audio of pop pop pops is being accentuated adding the sharpness of rifle report.

i stillwant to know where trumps "bullet" went. that ear tissue wouldnt change trajectory much and injuries in bleachers to left are not in line.

everything is politicized even to how u say hi to others. name, shame & blame.

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I did not say only two possibilities but rather two universes: fake blood, or real blood (on Trump's ear). That's a big difference.

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ok. fair enuff. still more universes in my view...real blood, different story....edited. phone call interrupted. trump would have been told by security a bullet, then a shooter. audio would suggest it...would he necessarily know otherwise? so, not necessarily part of the planning, wound could have happened when they covered him and exploited.

the knowledge u suss out is just amazing...

i find it interesting also to see how many times he has been rushed off the stage since 2016.

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Was it DJT? Which one? It’s all theater. Eric mentioned 911, Covid, JFK— how did Oswald do in that episode? This is a worn playbook. Everyone tells us who they are. Even if we listen what do we draw from to formulate “reality”… The illusions I’ve come to learn— we actually author ourselves. Can’t really blame the media any longer. They are gone. We were born into that role. Breaking free literally means we consider everything we don’t want to or can’t yet. Lovely conversation. Reading Eric’s astrology report- at the exact moment as the intended audience in observance, doesn’t the same astrology apply to all of us as well. Sending Big Love to Planet Waves. ✌️

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ahhh ty!! love ur comments. we may know all these things, yet all they tell us is what to look for, guard against, pause, observe. just as in football those playbook plays are known by all, yet exactly how it flows on the field, how the elements come together changes details in the play. therefore, the author of the illusion, ourself, must know, apply & trust themselves, their knowledge & skill.

for well over a decade now i have observed people being told exactly what they will see & hear in a video and what it means...so that is what they see & hear & they look no further. i told my mom years ago mt shasta could be flattened & gone but the news would show a picture on tv and say no, it is still here, see? and most people would believe that over the locals, that live right there.

even in the disbelief we fall prey & into the hands of the delusion of the illusionists who use us against ourselves. we know that every bit of digital info, imagery can be edited, cropped, cut, photoshopped. we know this. we know they can show only the portion they want to & then tell u what u see even if it isnt there.

the brain fills in the gaps...

knowing this is useless if not applied...

we do love our heroes, glorify the dead, and a good sob story.

i have been watching for the trust yourself postings but love listening to erics insights, words & readings. i learn lots about the planets broader influences & meanings & interplay.

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This was a good listen and it feels nice to be acknowledged ❤️

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You have played a VERY influential role in my journalism the past five years, in your subtle and homeopathic way. Always interested in your perceptions and your screen shots of Davide Battini commenting on the bogus PCR :-)

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You definitely deserve it, Ro!

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See Bret Weinstein's latest podcast with researcher John Cullen who analyzes trajectories (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hKuo2qW6uE) and Chris Martenson's latest where he analyzes the sound patterns. Both come to the conclusion that there were multiple shooters. And several people were injured and one killed. Was all that fake as well? Highly doubtful. Also, if this were fake, then Trump should be given an award for best acting ever. His voice during his speech shows no sign of discomfort or concern. He's totally relaxed. He's not anticipating an event.

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Here's Martenson's analysis of the sound patterns. https://x.com/chrismartenson/status/1814114895065141491

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