Who shot Trump? Did anyone?
Not the person — whomever may have conducted the operation. Was there more than one shooter?
This article has not been professionally proofread. There will be typing errors. Everyone may read last night’s initial coverage.
BUTLER, Pa. — Who exactly shot Donald Trump? By that I don’t mean the individual, said to be a 20-year-old man, who was shot and killed moments after he allegedly opened fire on the former president and the crowd.
I mean, was this a tactical operation and if it was, who organized it?
How did a would-be assassin armed with an AR-15 assault rifle get onto a rooftop anywhere near the former president when one of the first security measures is supposed to be clearing all elevated areas near the location where a potential target is supposed to be? I know it’s Pennsylvania, but hunting season is not until autumn.
Was there more than one shooter? While there are no witness reports of this, there is an indication in the astrology that this is possible (more on that in my next update).
How did anyone with a gun get near one of the most protected men in the world?
Apropos of security, one other thought. When authorities in New York State arrested students, hippies and nerds on campuses in Purchase and New Paltz, they deployed multiple drones surveying the scene from the air. That’s not a thing for the Secret Service?
A Disruptive and Destabilizing Event
Whatever the political and physical realities of this situation are, it serves as a disruptive and destabilizing event reminding everyone that nothing is as stable as it seems — and that anything could happen next.
The fear level of society is already overbearing. This is associated with the constant expectation of looming chaos. This incident does not raise the vibration of the planet.
But this was also not your normal assassination attempt, which is usually directed at one target. Rather, this combined a single target and a Las Vegas-like mass shooting incident.
How Did Security Planners Miss Something So Obvious?
It is possible to think that in the inside-out, upside-down digital world, wholly thrust into the imaginary astral plane, security planners might have missed the obvious. The world has a property of not honoring physical reality, induced by overexposure to digital technology.
In a sense, everyone is high on what Marshall McLuhan long ago described as having the intoxicating power of LSD.
Yet the whole point of security planners with that degree of expertise is to make sure things are done right. Attempts to assassinate U.S. presidents happen fairly regularly.
This incident happened in a volatile world already pushed to the edge, adding a new layer to what most agree is already a dystopian nightmare. The incident shifts the direction of what was a boring election cycle most recently characterized by Joe Biden thinking Trump was his current vice president and unable to pronounce “Afghanistan.”

Secret Service ‘Fucked Up’
A security analyst and trainer in counter-terrorism familiar with presidential security told Planet Waves in an email Saturday night, “U.S.S.S. fucked up. Nobody should have been on a rooftop with [a] gun in range of [Trump] other than police,” referring to the U.S. Secret Service.
According to news reports, the would-be assassin’s position was on a rooftop outside the venue, where there would not have been security screening. However, it is common protocol for the Secret Service to clear and occupy all such vantage points.
CBS News has reported the account of a purported eyewitness who says he saw the would-be assassin moving into position and believes police were aware of him. He also said that to be sure, he told police about the sniper moments before shots were fired.
BBC is reporting the account of another eyewitness who also says he saw the shooter and tried to alert the police by yelling and pointing at him. He said the police did not respond.
In a post to X, Robert F. Kennedy III (the candidate’s son) wrote, “Unsecured rooftop 150 yards away. Multiple witnesses saying they were screaming at secret service and cops for 3-4 minutes as they watched the guy with the rifle crawl to the spot and line up his shot. Take your secret service and shove it up your ass.”
Is it possible that the Secret Service was aware of the sniper but stood down? Nobody wants to think that there is divided loyalty within the federal government that would allow such a thing to occur. But talk of a “Deep State” is commonplace. If there is such a thing, this is what it would be capable of.
The Question Remains: Who Shot Him?
If we accept the lone gunman theory, then Thomas Cooks, a 20-year old from the local area, fired on the president with “America’s rifle,” an AR-15. That’s plausible enough.
But as inconsistencies emerge, we have to question the official narrative and the conduct of the Secret Service.
The official story always looks good at first, and that is always my starting point. Then I mark the deviations from that account as the facts come in. There now seem to be enough deviations to raise questions about the story.
I will have additional analysis of the astrology in a special STARCAST tonight or Monday. Look for that on this Substack.
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Mike Stone writes:
Hi Eric,
From my initial feelings, it looks staged. I don't think that Trump was shot at all. They could have easily used a blood packet or even a razor blade to cut his ear WWE-style while he was covered. There didn't appear to be any wound on the ear from what I could see.
There are many other things that point to it being a staged event IMO.
1. Many people alerted police and Secret Service minutes before about a suspicious person with a rifle on the roof and they did nothing.
2. Secret Service moving people out of the area behind Trump moments before the shooting.
3. The SS allowing Trump to rise up and reveal his head and fist (perfect photo op) rather than keeping his head down and rushing him to the car.
I'm sure there is more, but I'm only loosely following the story. I decided long ago that it was all theatrics. 😉