
Mike Stone writes:

Hi Eric,

From my initial feelings, it looks staged. I don't think that Trump was shot at all. They could have easily used a blood packet or even a razor blade to cut his ear WWE-style while he was covered. There didn't appear to be any wound on the ear from what I could see.

There are many other things that point to it being a staged event IMO.

1. Many people alerted police and Secret Service minutes before about a suspicious person with a rifle on the roof and they did nothing.

2. Secret Service moving people out of the area behind Trump moments before the shooting.

3. The SS allowing Trump to rise up and reveal his head and fist (perfect photo op) rather than keeping his head down and rushing him to the car.

I'm sure there is more, but I'm only loosely following the story. I decided long ago that it was all theatrics. 😉


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If you believe that Trump staged this on his own thats a very dark place. After the Democrats failed at taking him down at his home in Florida during their raid for Documents than nothing but law suits that didn't go anywhere. Each plan they had or insurance policy to take him out of the race didn't work. Why when he was so far ahead in the polls would he do this. More like the deep state had nothing left but to kill the man. Eye witnesses saw bullets flying. How do you explain the poor guy who is dead and the other injuries. This was a failure of the training of secret service which is now under the practice of DEI and being run by another Biden indenity politics person who like the rest of his cabinet is not qualified at their job.

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This took a lot of coordination. Trump has no direct control over the Secret Service. That's a federal agency under DHS.

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Thats the problem. If the govenment took out a beloved JFK nothing would be impossible from the deep state. They hate Trump and have tried everything to take him down. None of it made sense. My husband who helped and has knowlege of how the secret service prepares well in advance. He knew from that moment something was off. I can't mention what he does. Remember they wanted to strip Trump of all secret service potection because they said he was a felon. The democrats now will do anything to get Trump. We have seen it in action with their legal antics and their tone of the media.

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