We're building a volunteer team to help with an astrology learning project. This email includes a basic description, and an invitation to get involved. We are seeking careful readers of my work.
I wish deeply to learn. Tho I am not sure I can learn in this formate. I learn best in small bits of information and speaking to the person being able to ask questions, then possibly small amounts of written to review of that topic. I have a passion for learning, I have become self educated on narcolepsy autism genetics and how they effect our ability to get the desired results or likely hood to have side effects. Funny enough a med combo created this current learning style. I hope has this develops I can see a way I fit in here.
I wish deeply to learn. Tho I am not sure I can learn in this formate. I learn best in small bits of information and speaking to the person being able to ask questions, then possibly small amounts of written to review of that topic. I have a passion for learning, I have become self educated on narcolepsy autism genetics and how they effect our ability to get the desired results or likely hood to have side effects. Funny enough a med combo created this current learning style. I hope has this develops I can see a way I fit in here.
I would like to assist in this effort. I am enjoying your work.
back to you soon, Rogier
I would love to be involved. I have been a subscriber of PlanetWaves for probably almost a decade at this point.
Good !