I have been in the mental health field for a very long time. And so what I’m going to say is not said lightly given, I’ve had to deal with the perpetrators as much as those children who were abused. In all my years working both as a nurse and a psychologist I would say that I’ve only come across one person I would use this descriptor with as I usually save it for people like Ted Bundy, Manson, but what I got from this woman is evilness.

She reminds me of the TV series V’s leader-Underneath all that niceness and manners and show of concern and compassion and smiles, is a reptile. And this is coming from someone who literally hated Trump the entire time he was in office. That has always been my instinct about her stemming from over four years ago.

Thanks for getting back to me. Take care and have a good day!

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Among the things I forgot to say is, she's full of surprises: Hopi + Pandora + Aries Point. She could spring anything at any time...

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God Eric, your opinion she’s not attractive. Give me a break. Who cares about your opinion. That is purely subjective on your part.

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Well, apparently, you care. My statement was in the context of declaring her a sex goddess. And saying that this is contrary to any opinion, I might hold about her. I’m still able to see something in astrology.

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Texas AG suing doctor for giving trans treatment to kids; are you fucking kidding me?


Texas Attorney General’s office: “Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sued a North Texas doctor [May Chi Lau] for blatantly violating Texas law by providing prohibited ‘gender transition’ treatments to nearly two dozen minors.”

“…Growing scientific evidence strongly suggests that ‘gender transition’ interventions prescribed to or performed on children in an attempt to anatomically or hormonally alter their biological sex characteristics have damaging, long-term consequences. Additionally, the prohibited treatments are experimental, and no scientific evidence supports their supposed benefits.”

“Evidence obtained by the Office of the Attorney General revealed that a Dallas-area doctor illegally provided high-dose cross-sex hormones to twenty-one minor patients for the direct purpose of ‘transitioning’ the child’s biological sex.” (link in footnote)

A lawsuit. But what else?


No criminal charges? What the hell is going on?

The doctor gives overtly damaging treatments to kids, to “transition” them. The kids don’t know what they’re agreeing to. How could they?

And the doctor isn’t arrested and charged? Why? Because she’s a doctor? Whereas, if she were a bricklayer or a truck driver, she’d be sitting in a jail cell right now? Is that it?

“Well, you see, it would be undignified to drag a medical doctor into court. The jury would be forced to hear how she dosed kids with destructive hormones, and that’s just too much. And the press might hear echoes of Nuremberg. Medical treatment that’s actually torture.”

Well, these hormones ARE torture. They rip into the natural processes of the body and try to turn them in a different direction.

What doctor would do that?

A crazy lunatic? I don’t believe this doc’s lawyer is going to argue for psychiatric treatment in lieu of a guilty verdict in a civil suit.

No, this doctor is a criminal. A vicious criminal. And the AG should approach her that way.

A guilty verdict in a suit and the stripping of her license to practice medicine aren’t coming within a hundred miles of the crimes she’s committed.

I’m going with IDEALIST. I’m betting the doctor knew what the Texas law was, and she broke it intentionally, because she was sure she was doing the right thing. Give hormones to kids, turn them from one sex to another.

Throw the book at her. She took an oath; “first, do no harm.” She harmed. Violently.

See, the whole back and forth argument about doctors giving sex-change treatments to kids is clouded by transgender propaganda. But that’s bullshit. It’s medical torture inflicted on the body, period. And informed consent from a child is impossible. There’s no such thing. So the torture is straight force and deception.

Transgender activists are RECRUITING. KIDS. They don’t want to wait until the kids are mature enough to know what’s happening. They want to get them now. That’s enough for a very long prison sentence all on its own.

The torturing doctor needs to serve a longer sentence.

A lawsuit launched by the state of Texas? That’s a sick joke.

-- Jon Rappoport

Footnote: Link; Link




© 2024 Jon Rappoport

548 Market Street PMB 72296, San Francisco, CA 94104


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I've live in SF and have witnessed the rise of Kamala Harris.

You're talking about her Vesta well she did everything to

Throw sex workers under the bus to get to power.

She helped prosecute the owners of Backpage and get the

SESTA/FOSTA Act passed to climb

Due to so much pressure on of the owners recently committed suicide.


I will always remember this and hold my nose while voting for her. 45 would be

Even worse if he gets in

I hope this enlightened you about Harris and how does knowing this fit into

Her chart? SESTA/FOSTA Act happened in spring of 2018.

I know how sex-positive you are however, I don't think that Kamala is.

Sex workers are the outcasts of today's society and she would and

Did sell them out to get to where she is now. From what I understand

Obama pressured Biden to take her on as his running mate.

There were others but she is what we got.

There's lots for you to investigate. Have at it.



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Kamala was a courtesan in the novel Siddhartha by Hesse.

She tells Siddhartha that she loves him and he has to earn money to pay her. That Kamala of the novel was a very practical lady.

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ok so I'm grousing around the right patch of woods here

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I can understand you coming at Miz Harris’ chart from an “astrological/ sexual goddess” POV, because that is what you do. But I think you have been lured into her ‘sexual goddess’ aspects rather than the looking at the person who is running for the President of the United States of America.

You might want to take a listen to this Tucker Carlson interview with the Civil Rights attorney, Harmeet Dhillon, that I have linked below. Ms. Dhillon is from The Bay Area of CA, has extensive knowledge about Miz Harris’ past, both political and personal.

Miz Harris used her “sexual goddess” wiles and “Vesta ways”, to basically ‘fellatio’ her way up the political ladder out here in CA. (I know in your world that may not be such a bad thing, but that doesn’t necessarily indicate any kind of merit, intelligence, or political ‘worthiness’, other than she is “wily like a fox”.) She started with Willie Brown, the then Speaker of the CA State Assembly (both the CA Senate and Assembly), who was THE most politically powerful player in CA politics, and in the politics of The Bay Area at the time. He was a married man. They carried on a very open ‘affair’ in public in the ranks of SF society. She was 30 years his junior. She has never held a ‘real job’ per se. She has always worked and got her money in the political sphere as she climbed the rungs of the political ladder out here in CA.

Now I ask is this the ‘type of character’ one wants in their President? I think not. (Oh and BTW I also not a ‘fan’ of DJT, either.)


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what do you mean "that is what you do"? this is like no other public reading I've ever done. There seems to be no doubt she has used her sexuality and holds herself as a goddess. That's the name she gave herself.

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Yes I am with you. Maybe because we are women we see who she is which is not a leader of the free world.

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I see Kamala as a puppet. Sex goddess or no, her Puppet Masters are pulling the strings.

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You are on the same page as me. That's a scary thought for a president.

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So why is it that 90 % of her staff keeps quitting and says how nasty she really is??? For me sleeping your way up is a no no. So I will never like her. Yes I think she is a dangerous person. I believe she will do things to this country that will hurt our country. All in the name of power. I was born on a full moon in cancer ♋️ so I am pretty sensitive and I get a bad feeling from her as a phony just for the sake to get ahead.

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She slept her way to the top doing the least amount possible - abs she does not deny it - had an open affair with a married politician - who still backs her today

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This was super fun! Thank you for this. It would be interesting to hear what you see in the chart of the guy candidate too! ~Best wishes!

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Can’t wait for Trump’s chart. I listened twice to Kamala’s. 😬😬😬

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So did I but did you hear anything about being a great leader or being a president? Does a chart tell if you are a a Marxist? Are you a globalists? I didn't i heard she fucked a lot of guys. That doesn't qualify you as a world leader.

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Crony capitalist?

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There is an asteroid called Rockefellia you know?


This could be used for astrology comedy purposes.

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Very interesting analysis of her chart.

But i'm quite surprised that you completely overlooked the role of a particularly powerful man in her career. For two years, while she was assistant DA in Alameda County, across the Bay from San Francisco, she was the mistress of (still-married) Willie Brown, speaker of the California State Assembly (2nd highest state political job) and future mayor of San Francisco, the man at the center of what had become of the tightest state political machines in the US, one which persists. She remained his protege afterward, which was beneficial when she ran for SF DA, while he was mayor, and later for state Attorney General and the US Senate.. This is why people were so eager to do her favors, i'm sure far more than anything about her personality. I will certainly be at peace when she's president and making decisions about matters such as attacking Iran's nuclear program, having pronounced Iran the US's biggest threat in the world. Here's all about Kamala.


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Oct 15
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Maybe you should read the Fianmengo article. And, maybe you should be aware of the fact that those of us living in close proximity to the Golden Gate (i live in Berkeley, which is in the aforementioned Alameda County, have lived here since 54 years ago this month) saw the movie first hand. Did i say Kamala was unqualified? No, fully qualified to ....operate as a key cog in Willie's soul-crunching and human-crunching machine which has played a big role in turning California into "California Über Alles."

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I know this article. I think I read it 10 seconds after it came out.


But her astrology reading was not a place to prosecute or breathe fire. And I made plenty of references to this under my breath..."for the good of the Republic" and "take one for the team" et al. Of course, she is the republic and she is the team.

Let's put it this way, it happened, and it tells us a lot about her chart because it happened, but she was not here to defend herself; and my reading certainly allows for this kind of possibility. And now...she's potentially our next president.

What is interesting is that when a man is found to have sex with a woman, even if she gained in the transaction, she is the victim; and as Fiamengo reasons, if this event came to the surface again, no doubt she would claim to be the victim.

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But this (2 years long) "event" never went under the surface. People may have forgotten about it, but it was never covered up per se, all of us here in California still know her as Willie's one time girlfriend ("fuck buddy")

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Yeah I only pretend to know something about sexual attitudes and values...

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🤣 🤣 🤣

I'd be surprised if very many people outside the Bay Area kept track of Kamala's climb up the political ladder, assuming they were aware of the "liaison" in the first place. Few outside the state ever heard of her till she announced for president in 2019. We Bay Area folks however had no choice, the SF Chronicle and the Oakland Tribune kept it in our faces.

EDITED to add: My remark that "Maybe you should read....." was in response to a comment by a reader, a comment which got removed, i think by the reader. Not addressed to you, Eric!

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Whoa there Eric! Feeling maligned here?

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Ha! Ha! Miz Harris was NEVER the victim…she was always the Conqueror, in these ‘exchanges’. And the ‘Vestal Virgin’ aspect of her personality (and chart) that she uses to her advantage. She always knew what she was doing.

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I think she changed her middle name Iyer, which denotes some kind of Tamil Brahmin, because Americans do not know much about the Indian caste system. On the other hand, the occultists-satanists in power must relate better to Devi, as their lord is similarly named.

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Well I must comment to your stating that she is ‘not telegenic’ Eric, as I have observed her in live coverage as having much charisma,, but in how she photographs I would say rather that she exhibits the Spanish quality of “guapa” the feminine verb quality of ‘handsomeness, of beauty’, as I understand it. Rather than cute or pretty or the sexy, playboy bunny style of female attractiveness. She looks STRONG and very, very attractive.

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Telegenic has nothing to do with attractive. Attractive is about in-person. Telegenic is on the little screen...

I will look into gaupa. I have not heard that word before.

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Reading these comments about Harris with all their animosity, venom and personal attacks was a distinctly ugly experience for me. (not yours Eric)

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nobody needs go to there. let's stick to the facts. Harris is mandating the deadly "covid" shot for her campaign staff and the DNC staff. They must be the last people on Earth doing this.

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See my astrological analysis of the vice presidential candidates and why president Trump will win on November 5 in a historically close election! https://open.substack.com/pub/karlskellenger/p/harris-vs-trump-september-10th-in?r=fjmlo&utm_medium=ios

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LOL, Eric, I do love you. She's not my favorite, but I do think she's an attractive lady. Just voted for her because I swore that if we could get a mentally and physically fit slightly younger candidate for either party, I would support them over 45. I'm not marrying this person. I've never had a 100% fondness for any US president since Jimmy Carter, but for God's sake, we can do better than Biden or Trump. I mean, I wish them no harm. Biden should go eat ice cream on the beach, and I don't know, Trump can go eat his overcooked steak in a casino. We need competent public servants

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I associate Democrats with the right of minors to undergo "gender affirming surgeries." The public servants have been given the task of dismantling the civilization and laying the grounds for the creating of synthetic humans.

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It's gender affirming care, not surgeries. I haven't seen any numbers about Democrats being in favor of gfc. I'm not down with minors being able to do sex change surgeries with or without parental consent. I don't even like birth control pills because they mess with hormones. I don't think people should be able to do sex change procedures until their neocortex finishes developing. People who do this -- as adults -- are not "synthetic humans." Lord have mercy. They are still real humans who have changed their bodies to fit what they feel is best. Not for me, but then neither is the Trad Wife thing, which is 100% "natural." I associate sweeping generalizations with people who might not really be thinking things through. In any case, I am in favor of compassion as much as possible

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The term "gender affirming care" sounds like it came out of a Frank Luntz focus group. It's sanitized, euphemistic language that negates the truth of genital mutilation, amputation, lifetime hormone treatments, and much else. The notion of allowing minor children with little to no experience of their bodies and sexualities is incomprehensible in any other paradigm than digital.

“The body is everywhere assaulted by all of our new media, a state which has resulted in deep disorientation of intellect and destabilization of culture throughout the world. In the age of disembodied communication, the meaning and significance and experience of the body is utterly transformed and distorted.”

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