Planet Waves Election Coverage: Charts I'll be Reading Tonight
This post also includes all of my prior coverage of the election and candidate astrology. My focus tonight will be the United States charts (Sibly). Links to participate or view are included below.
Go directly to tonight’s livecast information on the Planet Waves homepage.
Good Morning from New York:
First: I promise tonight’s discussion will be comprehensible to those with little to no experience of astrology. There will be something for you even if you don’t understand the technicalities (that is Planet Waves). The discussion will be driven by a Q&A format and I’ll stay with you till we cover them all.
Second, why astrology? Well, the “why not?” of that question is — where exactly are we getting actionable or even meekly useful information?
The legacy media is obsessing over wholly useless polling data, and howling lies and throwing tantrums into the darkness of society like the monster that it is.
Meaning is Context. Meaning is Context. That is a Mantra.
Astrology explores meaning. That comes from context. Astrology is a study in context. Meaning is context. Without a way to frame information, it’s useless.
Astrology long predates “science” as a means of analysis and understanding. It represents the human connection to the cosmic order. And most notably, it’s the very best tool that I know of for sussing out the true nature of chaotic situations.
Astrology is applied chaos theory. The conditions at the outset determine the conditions at the conclusion.
Astrology does not prove anything. “Proof” is a false claim of science (and these days, what passes for “science” can barely tie its shoes). Astrology provides discussion points that a good astrologer can interpret in a cohesive way, which is what I plan to do tonight, like I’ve done since the day you heard of me.
Astrology lights our way when exploring the foggy ruins of time.
I’m including below three of the charts I’ll be reading: the main U.S. chart, that chart brought up to date (progressions), and the chart for the inauguration (which I have already read, though a second close reading any given year is always helpful with these kinds of charts).
I’m also including some notes below, which will give you keys to understanding the charts.
This program is a joint venture of Chiron Return and Planet Waves and is open to all readers, listeners and viewers.
Want to help? Write to me at and let me know you’re available.
Catch you soon.
With love,
Your faithful astrologer,
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In the Sibly chart, note that Mars retrograde begins on the charts North Node and goes almost back to the Sun — but not quite (Mars stops at 17 degrees Cance). Also, remember that the U.S. is still in its Pluto return (see Pluto at 27+ Capricorn), which is extended into Aquarius due to precessional movement. So this is truly the Pluto return election.
This chart moves all the planets one day per year to the present, so it’s really the chart for March 10, 1777. And that, miraculously, works out to the chart for now. The U.S. progressed Moon enters Aries before Inauguration Day, part of a pattern of MUCH energy on the Aries Point, where collective matters impact people personally.
The chart for the 2025 inauguration is the first with the Sun conjunct Pluto — anywhere, ever, though this is in Aquarius, which is about technology, social patterns and group relationships. The Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius in the 10th house says TECHNOCRACY. This is the chart for the presidency going full-digital. We got a lot of that in 2020 and 2021. But now is the moment of revelation: The Digital States of America.
Can’t wait!!