Planet Waves by Eric Francis
Planet Waves by Eric Francis Podcast
Election Coverage, part 1: Chart for the Presidential Inauguration

Election Coverage, part 1: Chart for the Presidential Inauguration

It's not possible to locate or time the presidential election — but we do have an exact place and time for the inauguration of Jan. 20, 2025. That's the topic of this slow-paced presentation.
The Capitol Building set up for an inauguration.

Good Evening from New York:

I’m here with a slow-paced presentation of the presidential election and in particular, the chart for the inauguration. Consistent with my discussion last night on Planet Waves FM, I am not here to get you riled up. There will be plenty of that in the next couple of months as we approach Election Day in the United States.

I am suggesting that for every reason, you think carefully about whether you want to invest your emotional energy, your hopes or your dreams, in this election. The person who wins will be the person sellable to the American people as a concept, not the person who got the most votes.

In terms of astrology, what’s noteworthy about the inauguration chart is that it’s the same chart no matter who gets elected.

I’ll do a more structured reading of this chart in the next program covering it. In that, I’ll discuss Mars square Eris to the arc minute. That aspect indicates the speed of events that flow from this lagely ceremonial event.

We could be talking weeks or even days. And please remember, every last idea and image that comes across the legacy media and many “alt” outlets is designed to provoke you. The “coverage” is all being designed by spin doctors.

This is also the year of the Chiron-Eris conjunction of 2025-2026, which Mars is pointing to. I’ll go over this as part of a structured aspect list in the next presentation.

Background Coverage:

The United States Pluto Return is Just Beginning

In Grand Style: U.S. Pluto Return

Planet Waves FM from 2021 re the U.S. Pluto Return

Articles Related to American History: PW Resource Area

Below are the charts I describe. I’m sending this out as a paid post. Following a business model that works well for my besties Mark and Sam, I will open this post up to everyone in a few days. My paying subscribers make it possible for me to do this depth of work. Thank you for that.

I promise, it’s worth subscribing. You will feel good supporting my efforts, and getting the best benefits of them.

With love,

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