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Pisces Sun + Rising (Scroll down for other signs.)
Risk is not abstract; things can happen, and we all worry about them. Yet it’s necessary to carry on with what must be done. It’s intelligent to acknowledge potential dangers, though there is wisdom in living with the deeper truth that all actions have consequences. That’s not fear. It’s about being present in a universe of causes and effects and understanding that you have a role in the midst of it all. That translates to "in the midst of your own world and your life.” Plenty of people will be made nervous by the aspects that unfold over the next week or so, and some will feel overwhelmed or paralyzed. You do not need to. All you need is to remain alert to your surroundings, to what you observe and to what people say. Always know the task you’re working on, and meditate on the law of unintended consequences. You may have a tendency to drift off. Wake up and come back to your prime directive.
Reckoning for Pisces has been published, preview below.
Do you need spiritual or emotional support? Are you feeling lonely, lonely, alienated or afraid? I offer are high-quality affordable, accessible and motivating readings for everyone at the Astrology Boutique. Tap the banner to visit…there is plenty there for free…lots of samples; you could explore the site for hours. Where do you begin? Try anything, such as a reading for your Sun or rising sign. We will work with you if you have not purchased the exactly right thing for you. Just get in touch…Planet Waves is staffed by people who read your emails and return your phone calls promptly. — efc
About My Horoscopes
We are in strange and intense times — characterized mostly by chaos and deception. It’s fair to ask “why do we need astrology?” My best answer is that it’s a way to see patterns and make some sense out of not just strange events, but also to get a better look at your possibilities. I’m here to bring the world a little closer into your reach and take the edge off of the fear.
I see my role as an astrologer as providing reassurance, and also seeing what cannot be easily seen from our limited viewpoints. This is about working with archetypes, cycles and patterns, and it takes practice to see them. I’ve been writing my horoscope for nearly 30 years, starting in the spring of 1995 — my anniversary is May 1. In all, I’ve written about 2,000 of these columns, which means about 24,000 individual entries. And it’s still fun and exciting to do.
I stand in the tradition of the British horoscope column (and have written for the Mail and the Mirror, as well as the New York Daily News). I was called to the work in the early 1990s by Patric Walker, who demonstrated that astrology is real. Over the years I have developed my own approach. Each entry for each sign is a little world of its own. I challenge the standard notions of what the signs are about, defining them my own way (which I advance every year when writing the annual edition).
I use about 50 different planets, centaurs, asteroids, Pluto-like objects and special points, and weave the story of our lives from my understanding of the charts for the current week and the current season.
Here is the story of how I got into the work.
Weekly horoscope for Mar.6 by Eric Francis
Reckoning for Aries has been published, preview below.
ARIES Sun + Rising
What exactly is this box you’re in? You may think it’s a mental trap of some kind, like some wildly complicated paper bag you’re trying to think your way out of. Actually, from the look of your charts, you seem to be holding back emotionally. What is the one thing you don’t want to share your feelings about? Is there some way that you can identify with the situation of a close partner (or ex-partner) that you don’t want to let onto? Is there something you were sure you were right about but now are aware you were somewhat wrong about? Well, such a discovery is called learning. You have a fine moment to review the past and make amends. It’s OK to apologize to someone for words or actions or even your incorrect past perceptions. Far from destroying your ego, such would feed your soul.
Reckoning for Taurus has been published, preview below.
TAURUS Sun + Rising
What most of us learn from our families is how not to trust. The histories of family lines are usually the tales of abandonment, betrayal and jealousy. I know very few people who were encouraged by their parents to grow into their full potential as a conscious act. The challenge is what to do with this mess once we figure out as adults — sometimes in midlife and sometimes late in life — that this is what has been messing with us. Your current solar chart describes a need to bring out of the hazy dream world of your inner self the facts of your experiences. It would be best not to give them meaning; not to analyze them. Interpretations are potentially dangerous. Rather, stick to the basic facts of what happened and when. My first question is: how did you gain, grow or benefit from seemingly negative effects? And have you claimed your rewards?
Reckoning for Gemini has been published, preview below.
GEMINI Sun + Rising
Keep stretching your horizons, which really means your inner horizons. It’s true that you have been constrained by what others told you about yourself, though ultimately it’s up to you to cast off those ideas. You do this by stretching your seeming limits a little every day. Nudge yourself outward — into the world, into a new project or two, and always, into being curious about topics that seem to have no relationship to what you’re doing. Don’t fall for the illusion that your goal is elusive; you don’t need a specific objective right now. Your main project is exercising the expansion principle. As you move past boundaries and limits, acknowledge what they have given you — then let them go. And remember that for every external structure you transcend, you will need a corresponding inner boundary or principle. It’s just that these internally held guides need to be more realistic, more flexible and custom-designed for your personal landscape.
CANCER Sun + Rising
Your solar chart describes a workable plan for your creative process. This may involve professional or vocational activities; or it may describe your creative experiences. Hopefully by now the two overlap somewhat. For the next year or so, you will be experiencing a series of transitions where you can experiment with taking action in the world, determining whether it works for you, and then making modifications using your creative visioning skills. Some of that may involve rethinking, though it will be of the creative kind that relies on logic and planning. Make the most of each of these opportunities. Some will seem to be large and encompassing; others will seem to be smaller and less significant — though that’s not necessarily true. Ideas that get scribbled onto napkins become bridges, home designs, novels and movies. Let yourself experience the creative power of your own ideas.
LEO Sun + Rising
You may find that certain matters set aside for future consideration are now appearing and insisting on a real conversation. In any such discussion, the single most important thing you can remember is that in your life, the buck stops with you. You are responsible for your perceptions, your choices and your actions — which is exactly what you want if you plan to live as an adult. This is a grease-cutting method of working your way through personal differences because it’s always clear where accountability rests. If you discover that you were in any way deceived, start by taking responsibility for that. This does not absolve anyone of actions they took or things they said. However, as part of your accounting process, note anything you may have said or not said that constituted some kind of deception or withhold. Simply put, this is a get-real moment. Then you can go forward from that position of strength.
VIRGO Sun + Rising
The long Mars retrograde that ended a couple of weeks ago has given you a sense of who your friends are and who they are not. The same principle that holds in your most intimate relationships also would be well-applied to your social circle: food is thy medicine. It’s the most relevant conducting medium of caring and appreciation — therefore, a wholesome theme of gathering among friends. But this is not about restaurants and their manufactured products. It’s about what people do for one another because they can and because they care enough to do so. The social environment has been extremely stressed out by digital conditions, where there is neither food nor bodies. If you’re concerned about this, the kitchen is the place to start the healing process. Take the lead, and see who is interested in joining you for this most human endeavor.
LIBRA Sun + Rising
Take any opportunity to resolve relationship matters as they come up. Humanity is awash in unfinished personal business. With Venus now retrograde in your opposite sign, and Mercury making its presence known, there are likely to be people or situations that want your attention. Find out what they need and take care of it. And if you have something to discuss with them, now is the time. Think carefully and have the whole conversation. If there is some question of rekindling a prior relationship, keep an open mind. The question is not just about what you want; it’s about what is appropriate for each of you at this time. And if you can get a sense of what that is — which may take a few weeks or more — you will have a much better sense of what to do. Yet the theme is mostly working out any past questions and getting onto the same page; if you’re devoted, that will happen.
SCORPIO Sun + Rising
Your challenge is about feeling vulnerable. Do you want to? Vulnerability is openness to yourself, which means to others. To do this, it’s necessary to let down your defenses, which you will not do if you think you need them. Have you stopped to consider what it is you would defend yourself against? Have you considered who any potential infiltrators or attackers are? While not everyone is friendly, you seem to be exaggerating some suspected danger or risk. If you find yourself playing games, or suspecting others of doing so, consider that games have one purpose, which is to protect you from intimacy. And the problem here is that the winner wins by losing. The loss is your experience of love, caring, compassion and delicate exchange. Your sign is ruled by Mars, and you are a capable competitor. Yet to share, to give and receive, are not competitive experiences. So the only choice you face right now is the one about what you want.
Reckoning for Sagittarius has been published, preview below.
Venus moving retrograde through the fiery core of your solar chart is a younger version of yourself trying to get your attention. It will be easy enough to ignore; the world is set up to ignore the needs of children and to pretend that the adults were never young. Yet if you follow, you will be led to some beautiful places you’ve forgotten about. Everyone alive today has some aspiration to creativity — and you have yours. Everyone has a project sitting in a drawer; their equivalent of paints and brushes that are usually overlooked or forgotten. What element of yourself have you left behind? What yearning or craving have you forgotten? What can you do for the pleasure of creation that has no value except for your experience of beauty and emotional freedom? You will identify this gleam of light or whisper of sound because to follow it would challenge you to step out of ordinary consciousness.
Reckoning for Capricorn has been published, preview below.
CAPRICORN Sun + Rising
Your ideal state right now would be the total inability to distinguish the past from the present. I know this is different from the usual “be here now” spiritual advice, and “let the past be gone” and all of that. Yet the two seemingly separate realities have merged into one. You might feel like you’ve become your parents. You might feel as if all your ancestors are crowded around the bed when you sleep or relate to your partner. You may feel like you’re walking around in 1890 or 1945 or 1967. Take this as far back as you can: imagine your ancestors finding their way to where you are now; if you have any form of aboriginal roots, imagine what it was like when the Europeans arrived. Dive deep into your family history. Speak with your elders, and study photographs of them. The past is the present.
AQUARIUS Sun + Rising
You are working with more power than you realize, and it’s important that you direct it consciously. That means practicing restraint. In many different facets of your life, you can do what you want; you can get your way; you can throw your authority around. And in the process you can cause damage to your relationships and the fragile progress that you and the people around you are making. As we are seeing in many arenas today, there seems to be a tendency to go all the way with whatever one is doing; to ignore or surpass limits and boundaries. But why, exactly? You will thrive on a policy of restraint, caution and deliberate use of your energy. Actions have consequences. How one conducts oneself within a relationship has consequences. And the deliberate, focused use of your talent will get results.
Pisces Astrology Studio has been published, video preview below. Available for instant access. Video, audio and transcript.
PISCES Sun + Rising
Risk is not abstract; things can happen, and we all worry about them. Yet it’s necessary to carry on with what must be done. It’s intelligent to acknowledge potential dangers, though there is wisdom in living with the deeper truth that all actions have consequences. That’s not fear. It’s about being present in a universe of causes and effects and understanding that you have a role in the midst of it all. That translates to "in the midst of your own world and your life.” Plenty of people will be made nervous by the aspects that unfold over the next week or so, and some will feel overwhelmed or paralyzed. You do not need to. All you need is to remain alert to your surroundings, to what you observe and to what people say. Always know the task you’re working on, and meditate on the law of unintended consequences. You may have a tendency to drift off. Wake up and come back to your prime directive.
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