Planet Waves by Eric Francis
Planet Waves by Eric Francis Podcast
Planet Waves on Substack: Weekly readings for Jan. 9, 2025
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Planet Waves on Substack: Weekly readings for Jan. 9, 2025

This edition covers the Full Moon square Eris that takes place Monday. I also look at Mercury in the Family Hunger Game cluster, as well as Venus conjunct Saturn.

Good afternoon from Jacksonville, now en route back to New York. You are reading Planet Waves on Substack. If you’re an in-house Core, Astrology or Galaxy subscriber, you can see your horoscope on the My Account page at Planet Waves.

The Treaty Oak in Jacksonville, FL. Photo by Eric Francis.

Capricorn Sun + Rising (Scroll down for other signs.)

It will help if you set aside presumptions and expectations of others, and ask them what they want. You may also politely inquire whether something is troubling them — if you think something might be. However, be prepared for a tale of woe, and consider that there are other points of view before you get dragged in too deep. Mars retrograde is calling for a degree of introspection to which most people are not accustomed, here in our world of push a button for everything. However, the drama that a close partner may be going through involves where they are willing to place their attention, and whether they are willing to ask themselves difficult questions. And one of those questions is about what they want. When that is a constant variable, one is insulated from making decisions and taking meaningful action.

Capricorn Astrology Studio is now available for pre order.

Now available for pre order.

Do you need spiritual or emotional support? I offer are high-quality affordable, accessible and motivating readings for everyone at the Astrology Boutique. Tap the banner to visit…there are lots of samples; you could explore the site for hours. Where do you begin? Try anything, such as a reading for your Sun or rising sign. We will work with you if you have not purchased the exactly right thing for you. Just get in touch…Planet Waves is staffed by people who read your emails and return your phone calls promptly. — efc

Single signs for The Awakening are now available.

About My Horoscopes

My horoscopes offer ideas for how to think about the flow of your existence. I have devoted my life to service and creation — not to survival — and that is what I offer and teach. You have many other options for self-help, though that’s not what I’m offering. My work is more tuned to the wavelength of self-creation, and how to make the most of your potential in these trying times of human history.

This Week’s Photos: The Treaty Oak

I met a fabulous tree in Jacksonville, Florida this week, called the Treaty Oak. Incredibly, it’s just one year old. Well, one Pluto year — about 250 Earth years since an anonymous squirrel planted an acorn. One of the friendliest beings I’ve ever met, you can walk up its boughs without much effort, or cuddle up in its enormous roots and take a nap. Jacksonville seems to have love and pride in its trees and has so far preserved this one from all the perils faced by its cousins. Oaks are wise beings and I believe portals to other galaxies and star systems, grounding cosmic energy on Earth. We had an excellent conversation while I took these photos. If you get any messages, please leave a note in the comments.

Weekly readings for Jan. 9, 2025 by Eric Francis

ARIES Sun + Rising

You could put your insecurity to good use, like many great performers. It may not feel good, but if you recognize that it’s an energy source — like a battery or capacitor — you can allow that energy to flow into your consciousness and do something creative with it. To live your life with feeling does not involve a showdown, though I can see why you might feel that way. And how you present yourself outside of your home does not require you to put on any affect or to take on a role. The ultimate exercise is being off-script at all times, presenting yourself as you are. I recognize how terrifying this might be, as to some extent we are all taught to mask our faces. You’re being honest when your face reflects your feelings at all times — except maybe when playing poker.

The Treaty Oak in Jacksonville, FL. Photo by Eric Francis.

TAURUS Sun + Rising

Events over the next week or so will help you figure out who your friends are and who they are not. You don’t have to do much, though I suggest saying less rather than saying more. Allow people to reveal themselves without your intervention. Also, there is a situation where you might be projecting your own feelings of anger or alienation onto others. Now is a good time to take responsibility for how you feel, while allowing others to take ownership for how they feel. I am reluctant to say that this one equation could solve most social problems on Earth, but I’ll say it: we would be a lot better off if we made this a way of life. You can do it for yourself; the lesson seems harder at first. Then it starts to make perfect sense, and you realize it’s a key to freedom.

The Treaty Oak in Jacksonville, FL. Photo by Eric Francis.

GEMINI Sun + Rising

There is a ridiculous amount of pressure on you to rush into decisions, especially involving taxes, investments and joint financial arrangements. And if you act on that pressure — rather than on well-established information — you could undo a lot of the progress you’ve made in recent years and seasons. Be grateful to have a warm roof over your head and food to eat, and make sure you invest some of your funds into helping those who are in some way out in the cold. Do nothing that harms either of you; come from a place of having a little extra to share. A diversity of conditions are making you feel like you’re worse off than you are; much of that can be attributed to a generally paranoid state of living in a society that’s always waiting for the other shoe to fall. It’s more fun to feed people.

The Treaty Oak in Jacksonville, FL. Photo by Eric Francis.

CANCER Sun + Rising

Though you’re not usually one to be secretive, it’s important that you handle information on a need-to-know basis. The planetary pattern cautions against discussing your ideas, your plans, or any personal or business matters only as necessary with a close confidant. If nobody fits that description, then mum’s the word. Be highly economical with social media posts (such that may reveal your activities, social contacts or location). There is no such thing as privacy anymore, though there is such a thing as discretion. Meantime, as the Moon moves through your sign on the 12th and the 13th, keep your temper in check and seek your healing with those who are trustworthy and qualified to assist you. And be as gentle with yourself as you possibly can. If you’re feeling tense or anxious, put a pound of sea salt in the tub, add hot water and add yourself. You will feel better.

The Treaty Oak in Jacksonville, FL. Photo by Eric Francis.

LEO Sun + Rising

Your intuition will get you far this week, if you trust it. That’s always the thing. A hint or clue arrives, and then it’s forgotten or there is some other possibility with a better payoff. What is most important right now is control over your affairs. Therefore, you must listen to what people say to you, and discern what they mean. You are likely to get a clear message of caution from someone, or to see a sign that a situation is about to unravel in unexpected ways. I suggest sharing information on a need-to-know basis, which means pretty much keeping your intentions and your affairs to yourself and — lord have mercy — off of public broadcasting. If you’re not distracted by counterproductive discussions, you can get a lot done. Therefore, put extra effort into your inner focus. It’s highly unlikely that you need help with any projects.

The Treaty Oak in Jacksonville, FL. Photo by Eric Francis.

VIRGO Sun + Rising

If someone you’re normally close to feels distant, leave them the space to experience what they are feeling. This may also reflect an introspective moment for you: you may have a parallel need to keep a little closer to yourself for a while. Most relationships would benefit from an understanding that people feel a little differently every day, and may not be into the same kind of togetherness all the time. However, if you’re concerned about someone, you might go so far as to make sure to let them know that you’re available to listen if they want to share or talk. Grant them full amnesty, which means an emotional space of no judgment and no consequences. The most important aspect of your relationship karma is to hold the space where everyone is responsible for their own feelings. In our world, this is a rare kind of maturity.

The Treaty Oak in Jacksonville, FL. Photo by Eric Francis.

LIBRA Sun + Rising

Other people’s problems can take up a lot of your time. You have enough to work on, work with and work through without added distractions. So if you feel a need to be helpful to others, I suggest you design a way to take a minimalist approach. That means low-energy; perhaps providing guidance if you are asked for your views, and not getting involved in anyone else’s crisis or drama. The risk factor is highest at work, which sadly is a place where people often bring their personal problems. So pay attention and I suggest interposing a delay between when someone presents a problem and when you respond in any way. At least a day or two delay would serve you well, as would finding someone in a better position than you to assist. It’s also fair to say, “I can’t help right now.” Focusing on your own healing mission is vital.

The Treaty Oak in Jacksonville, FL. Photo by Eric Francis.

SCORPIO Sun + Rising

You may have a tendency over the next few days to say things that you don’t mean, which will have a reverberating effect you cannot control. While you cannot avoid all conversations, you certainly can choose not to gossip or update “social” or discuss anyone’s business; your business is not that of anyone else, so they don’t need to know. I don’t want to oversell this cautionary note, though the place where we read topics like speech, ideas, writing, and communication style, looks like a chemical factory in a lightning storm. Mercury conjunct Pholus describes the “small cause and the big effect” where your words are concerned. So be economical; give disagreements a day or three to sort themselves out without intervention, and think slowly rather than quickly — despite all the lusty temptation to let ‘er rip. However, this is fantastic astrology for writing something like fiction or a movie script.

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You have an opportunity to speak with partners about potentially sensitive material. This could result in a conversation that has never happened — and that you might not actively want to have, either. The topic might just come up. Be aware that someone close to you may be highly reactive. This is connected to an awareness of past experiences and feelings about themselves that they may not understand. When people get into this kind of state, it can be frightening for them and for you. The main feeling is loss of control, or some version of regression to a childhood state. You may be having a similar experience. Or this may be all about you. I’m not there; but it looks like a close partner’s situation is involved. If you can agree to a calm and quiet moment to share about this, and proceed with care and patience (allowing plenty of time), a rare conversation can emerge. The most important thing you can do is remind them that they are important to you — show them in words and actionsNe.

Capricorn Astrology Studio is now available for pre order.

Now available for pre order.

CAPRICORN Sun + Rising

It will help if you set aside presumptions and expectations of others, and ask them what they want. You may also politely inquire whether something is troubling them — if you think something might be. However, be prepared for a tale of woe, and consider that there are other points of view before you get dragged in too deep. Mars retrograde is calling for a degree of introspection to which most people are not accustomed, here in our world of push a button for everything. However, the drama that a close partner may be going through involves where they are willing to place their attention, and whether they are willing to ask themselves difficult questions. And one of those questions is about what they want. When that is a constant variable, one is insulated from making decisions and taking meaningful action.

Coming Soon.

AQUARIUS Sun + Rising

Emotional maturity is in short supply these days, and you are being called on to muster up a little. Actually the situation in our society is worse than I’m suggesting: people are conditioned to be off their rocker, and it’s an example of something going quite well. There are lots of examples and plenty of inspiration and an environment that tends to punish emotional depth and sensitivity. And that all may be fine for the other kids, but it’s not going to serve you; and I doubt it’s what you prefer. However, it’s another few steps to sustaining a commitment to stabilizing yourself and honoring your inner core values (which is the heart of the matter). It’s easier to slip, slide, distract and desensitize. Yet there are no rewards in the long-run, and you are wise enough to understand that life is a long game.

PISCES Sun + Rising

Over the next four weeks — between now and Feb. 7 — there is an important development in your chart that has been brewing for nearly a year. This aspect — Saturn conjunct Nessus (a slow-moving centaur, not an asteroid) — is about taking total responsibility for yourself and your relationships. This is the very last thing people want to do. It betrays and subverts the role of the victim, which is exalted in our society. This is not something you want, and it’s something you’re a little prone to as a Pisces. The posture that gets you into this is not usually “poor me” but rather feeling sorry for others. I suggest you call a moratorium on that as well, and assume that people are where they are as the result of a series of choices. This too subverts the ‘victim’ concept. I suggest you adopt this as a way of life.

Visit The Boutique — New from Planet Waves. Excellent products for all 12 signs and rising signs, all subscription options, chart casting service, personal consulting and more.

The John T. Alsop Jr. Bridge along I-90, commonly referred to as the "Main Street Bridge" or the "Blue Bridge." Photo by Eric Francis.

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