Planet Waves by Eric Francis
Planet Waves by Eric Francis Podcast
Pluto Enters Aquarius with the Sun on Saturday; Somewhere Excerpts III
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Pluto Enters Aquarius with the Sun on Saturday; Somewhere Excerpts III

Most of these are dedicated to Sedna and Jupiter entering Gemini. Sedna has not been here for 11,400 years, when the world was a very different place than the one we know today. Here's the news.
Photo by Eric Francis.

Pluto Enters Aquarius with the Sun on Saturday

Dear Friend and Reader:

We are at the first peak of 2024 astrology, as Pluto enters Aquarius on Saturday in a conjunction with the Sun. 

I cover the details in the STARCAST episode presented as audio above and video below. Also included are the newest excerpts from Somewhere In Between. If you are finding these excerpts to be engaging, you can get the full reading with many options under each sign’s entry.

The Planet Waves annual readings have happened 25 times before Somewhere In Between, and I can say I’ve never put so much thought into the project. Each sign has a generous mini-book-length written entry (each, a three-day job!), divided into chapters; and a video reading that describes your chart and transits.

These are all readings created for humans in ordinary language. They are not a technical excercise; they are more like music. My intent is to be understood, and I leave enough astrology in the text to satisfy the curious and to key other astrologers into how I’m coming up with my ideas.

Thank you for participating in Planet Waves.

Thank you for your business and your trust.

With love,

— efc

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Jupiter and Sedna in Gemini: Stay Local

Then there is Sedna, which was discovered in Taurus 20 years ago, and which has been in that sign since 1966. Nobody has ever lived through Sedna in Gemini, and there is no historical record to consider, since it was last in this position 11,400 years ago. For that, we go to the geological record (which is not a bad key phrase for Sedna). 

In the past two decades, Sedna has become associated with the environment and particularly things related to the ice caps. That earthy theme is fitting for Taurus. The emphasis in Gemini shifts concern to the mental environment — by far the most important one, as it colors perception of all other environments. 

We should get an idea what this will describe in more detail at the time of the Jupiter-Sedna conjunction. (Note, I am checking the transit history here, and this seems to be a thing that usually happens in a Dragon year [from Chinese astrology]). 

The most recent ones were 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 and 2012. This is remarkable. Dragon energy favors courage, bravado and the willingness to take risks, though 2024 is a year of the Wood Dragon. This is the less egotistical, mellow dragon.

There is a theme developing for 2024: speak sincerely.

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The Money Angle

You need a marketing plan, which is not the “all about you” advertisement but rather putting your two or three most valuable commodities into a presentation or format where they can reach others. You simply must up your game here, no matter how good it is today. I realize the competition for ideas is brutal and everyone thinks they’re a genius.

Learn to emphasize the meeting point of what is unique about you and therefore how you can uniquely serve others. The value is what matters; perceived value is not solid enough for you, though the notion of marketing is to work with the perception.

Sedna is also transiting into Gemini. I am not sure what to make of this, though its qualities are closely related to Pluto in Aquarius. 

Humanity seems to be driven by dualism — and in the human realm, that finds its home in Gemini. This manifests as “us against them” but also as “me against myself.” If you are too busy fighting yourself, you will not be able to take on the necessities of your growth, nor the challenges and the responsibilities of the world around you.

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Adding Depth: Sedna Enters Gemini

The main questions surrounding Gemini are always about depth. There is mental agility and a breezy articulate quality to Gemini, though other factors must add gravitas. This is in the process of happening, in a way that will change the concept of Gemini irrevocably. 

The ingress of Sedna, which is changing signs from Taurus, will begin a rewrite and reconceptualizing of Gemini. It’s been in Taurus since 1966. Discovered in 2003, it has the longest cycle of any named planet. It will be in Gemini until 2066, after making its final ingress on April 28. (April is a very eventful month.)

Sedna is a small object orbiting within our solar system in what is called the Oort Cloud — the farthest known region of space associated with our star. Its cycle is about 11,400 years, and it was last in this position way back when the glaciers were retreating from the Northern Hemisphere. So whatever it describes is unusual and may be unprecedented for known civilization. 

Sedna is so distant that astronomers can only speculate loosely about how it got to be placed where it is. One theory is that it’s leftover material from a nascent star cluster that preceded the existence of our one-star solar system. There are a lot of other possibilities. We could say in that case that Sedna represents a vast, difficult-to-define question — a question of which you are taking personal possession. In personal terms, it’s about your origins and the mystery of how you got to be where you are.

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Jupiter and Sedna in Your 12th Place

We have arrived at three really interesting transits, all of which probe deep into the future, and deep into your consciousness. Each has a touch of mystery to it, and of making contact with deep secrets, your imagination and your spiritual life.

Since we know something about Jupiter and Uranus in your 11th place, let’s continue that story into the 12th. The turn here is that while the 11th is highly social, the 12th is something that exists deep in your awareness, and much is concealed there. 

There is a scrim covering this house, such as when you can only remember a dream in a sketchy way. Maybe if you approach it right, more details will percolate through.

It’s associated with matters of your ancestors, so in that sense it’s a portal to the distant past. And from Vedic astrology, we learn that the 12th is the house of the “pleasures of the bed.” That too can feel dreamy and, if we recall that sex makes new generations, it has an ancestral feeling. 

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The Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction in Taurus

The 10th place in astrology is where individual lives intersect with the public realm. It’s also an important place to look for information about family, and there is a connection between the two. I’m mostly going to stick to the topics of reputation, responsibility and examples set for others.

The 10th is an excellent indicator of both opportunity and success, and to say the least, your stock is rising in value. It’s doing so in one of the most structured signs, Taurus. Without considering any planets, the placement of Taurus at the top of your chart says you value tangible achievement. You value being, and being seen, as impeccable. 

You know your reputation is a thing of value — the most valuable thing you possess. And you know you only have one, despite the schizophrenic nature of the digital environment, where people identity hop and split their existence. This is not your style, though you’ve been under some stress to adapt your old-school ways to the new school of society seeming to crumble. 

There is one other thing that deserves mention before we add any planets to this discussion. You are intent on being known and regarded for who you are and what you actually hold to be true. Doing anything for the sake of image that violates your values is dangerous territory, but mostly, you’re not interested. It’s not just that you have integrity; deceit is not appealing to you.

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Into the 10th: Reputation, Praxis and Action

Continuing a year of extraordinary astrology is another conjunction. Jupiter, having spent a year in Taurus, moves into Gemini in May. That happens every 12 years, and it’s great for you when it does. However, before that happens, a planet named Sedna enters Gemini. This has never happened, or at least not for the past 11,400 years.

When something happens that has never happened before, it’s a good time to pay attention. If we knew nothing else about Sedna, its unusual, slow orbit tells us plenty.

What I can tell you about Sedna from a practical standpoint is that it’s associated with the environment — in Taurus, that of the planet, and in Gemini, that of the mental sphere. Sedna contains potential that is revealed by its parts: you could say that the individual elements are greater than the whole. Said another way, each part contains a world of its own. 

This is happening in your 10th place. Modern astrologers think of this as the house that addresses reputation. Really, it’s about the action we take in the world — the fruits by which others know you. 

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Sedna and Jupiter Enter Gemini 

In a year of unusual things happening, one of them takes place in the house associated with your philosophy of life. That is the 9th place, which for you is Gemini. (That suggests you have twin philosophies, or always see two sides of the issue. This describes the famous Libran ambivalence.)

This started as being about the church, the clergy, higher education, the higher courts, big libraries and all things foreign.

Covered by the sign Gemini, it is the region of the chart where we find out about someone’s idea of the meaning of life. And in our rarified year of the unusual manifesting before our eyes (the eclipse conjunct Chiron, for example), Sedna is moving into Gemini. This is a deep influence — the Inuit (Eskimo) goddess she’s named for lives at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean. 

Hers is a long and sordid tale of how a beautiful young girl ended up down there without her appendages: her fingers, toes, arms and legs all became the whales and dolphins and porpoises. As I understand it, these also became seals and sea-lions. If the Inuit people eat it, and make coats out of it, it is because Sedna gave it to them. Hence, she is a goddess of creation.

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Jupiter and Sedna into the 8th

The 8th place is one place in the chart where people tend to sweep their issues and keep them in a box at the top of the closet. The nexus is sex, death and money — all that is taboo. Many of the themes I’ve described about the 4th, also apply to the 8th. 

The territory of the 8th, though, centers around relationships in which sex and money are a factor, which is my definition of marriage: sharing bills, bank accounts and gonads. There are some states that require separate bank accounts when couples are co-habitating or the relationship is considered a marriage. 

You have Gemini here. There is something about this for Scorpio that I am reluctant to say, but it’s growing slightly less taboo, which is that this placement implies the potential for multiple intimate relationships. Now, most people who are into marriage remarry at some point, though this placement hints at the potential for simultaneous situations. That, too, is commonplace. 

Jupiter is going to arrive here in May, and magnify whatever is already in your 8th house (of life — all the topics that the 8th embraces). Jupiter here can be a boon, and it can also mean that the truth comes out because suddenly it’s more visible. The boon part could be a windfall, inheritance, or a return on an investment.

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Jupiter and Sedna in your House of Relationships

In astrology, the four signs (which means whole sign houses or places) on your cross (cardinal, fixed or mutable) serve as probes into your environment. The 1st house (or place, as I prefer) is you. The 4th place is your security base and your home — that’s Pisces. The 7th place is your immediate one-to-one relationships, whether business or personal — that’s Gemini. The 10th place represents your professional actions and aspirations, and relationship to authority — that’s Virgo. Places 4 and 10 also pertain to familial bonds, father, mother, etc. (Siblings are the 3rd place; cousins are the 6th place, and in my experience, close cousins sometimes may be referenced by the 3rd.) 

Gemini, your 7th, brings big news this year, on top of all the other big news. The 7th place is a vitally important extension of your awareness into your experience of the people and situations that surround you. It’s also about partnerships, romantic interests and suitors; and also about open (rather than secret) enemies. You don’t have to go anywhere to get there, just like the 1st place. You’re always there. You carry it around with you. If a person is represented, obviously they roam around on their own sometimes.

Gemini in this region of your chart says you like and need diversity. It’s the sign of the twins. Two can become four. Gemini likes to keep things moving. It’s conversant and adaptable — you like people who fit that description. Why you sometimes end up with introverted taciturn types is a mystery, though it’s good to follow your preferences. It’s helpful for you to go places where you can have a friendly conversation, and where you don’t feel judged.

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Saturn, Neptune, Nessus in the 3rd Place — Pisces

The concepts of this house span from mental activity, state of mind, communication skills and intellectual style, to what neighborhood you live in and how you feel about it. The 3rd is also about buying and selling locally — garden variety commerce. (You may also find information about your siblings there, and a few cousins might get mixed in.)

With Neptune transiting here since 2011, it may seem like you live in one of those Chinese housing complexes with 10,000 apartments and 300 residents. The easiest place to “find company” is online, and you may have even succeeded in some ways.

That said, Saturn has arrived in Pisces, and this is calling attention to both your local environment and your mental environment. Not only that, Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, is the most important significator in the chart for you. And Saturn seems to be exploring the neighborhood. Admittedly, under the dual thrall of digital and uber-woke hipsterism, it may not seem like there is much to explore. But as Jerry would sing, even if it seems like nothing’s shakin’ on Shakedown Street, you just gotta poke around.

The question is, do you have the patience? You might — if you start to get some benefits. Wherever you see the sign Pisces in a chart, remember to consider the concept “pleasure seeking.” Then there is the creative factor. So the way to explore your local area starts with those two concepts.

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The Aries Factor: Chiron and the Eclipse

Aquarius is said to be a social sign — perhaps the most social. I have a theory that the placement of Aries in any solar chart (the chart for the sign and not the person) reveals something of that sign’s essential nature. The location of Aries is a zone of seeking self-actualization. 

We find Aries in your 3rd place (or house). This is one of the social houses, associated with community and state of mind. The 3rd is also associated with ideas, another thing Aquarius gets a lot of credit for — though you have Aries here, and this is a description of why you’re so identified with your intelligence and your ideas.

This, by the way, may not be entirely helpful. Given the new and unusual qualities of the astrology we are under, curiosity is a more helpful force than intelligence that relied on past patterns — especially if those patterns no longer exist in their old form.

And it turns out that Aries is the scene of most of the action from 2024 out to 2027. While this has been going on for a while, there are about to be a series of peak events coming to Aries, and these are likely to challenge many of your past ideas about yourself and your existence.

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Saturn, The Reality Principle 

Saturn entered your sign in March 2023, helping with the unrealistic, strange and overflowing nature of Neptune. Saturn is the reality principle and it often works by providing some kind of boundary, limit or structure — and this is helpful. Saturn gets a bad rap in astrology, when it’s the most useful energy there is: that associated with taking responsibility for yourself. 

This transit also comes with a drive for achievement, particularly in professional and financial matters. Saturn is an important success indicator. If you can handle honoring the necessities that it insists upon, and take your goals seriously (making sure that you have a few), this is an excellent transit. 

There are some who resist the Reality Principle that Saturn represents. Unlike Neptune, which has all kinds of blurry edges and priorities that do not necessarily add up to progress, Saturn is a taskmaster — and while it’s with you, you should be one as well. 

You can do it; it’s in your nature to accomplish large things in physical reality. Pisces has the second highest number of billionaires (Libra has a few more, Taurus just a few less — note that the top three signs for billionaires are all Venus-ruled; Venus is exalted in Pisces). I’m not advocating being a billionaire; I am advocating for having confidence in your power to shape your destiny in some meaningful ways.

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