Good evening from upstate New York —
Virgo Studio is done and ready for listening and/or downloading. If you’re not into astrology, I’m the astrologer for you. If you are into astrology, you will find your true home with my work.
This is one of the most exciting readings I’ve ever done, describing what will be one of the most astonishing eras of your life. This is about Virgo FINDING YOURSELF…and creating a new paradigm of relationships to contain who you are becoming.
Become you will, and you will be leading the way into a future that nobody can see. I’m tackling the spiritual situation and crisis of full digital conditions in the context of your personal growth and expression…in the midst of all that will be happening in society in 2025 and 2026. Astonishing and indeed unimaginable developments for which you can be fully present and in tune with the times.
A 10-minute preview is above. The reading is fully comprehensible by mortals and includes original music and much else. It’s designed for multiple listenings and is perfect material for your car system, or however you listen to podcasts. But this is a deeply personal presentation that may not change you but will prepare you for the inevitable, incredible changes ahead.
Here is how to get instant access.
With love,
Note to astrology fans — this reading covers the twin conjunctions of 2025, Chiron+Eris and Saturn+Neptune. I also cover Jupiter square Saturn and Neptune; and Pluto in Aquarius; and I sum up Mars retrograde in about one sentence. For NON astrology fans, I make this easy to understand and fully explain my ideas. This reading contains NO JARGON. It’s as comprehensible and as straightfoward as a good therapy session — but a lot more fun. Truly, this reading is on fire, but then, so is the astrology. Thank you for your business and your trust. — efc
“Eric’s work will introduce you to Chiron and facilitate your healing journey. His work is always brilliant and relevant, offering deeply personal insights and also addressing our current social and collective processes, highlighted by Chiron’s current position in Aries.”
— Melanie Reinhart
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