Dear Friend and Reader:
Yesterday there was a historic SpaceX flight, breaking several records for billionaires, eccentricity, entertainment budgets, orbital altitude, pissing matches, pissing off Flat Earthers and flight achievements by AFABs. Ride ‘em cowgirls!

I discovered today that in the Polaris Dawn launch chart, asteroid (9248) Sauer is rising. I’ve seen that before — in the 9/11 chart, (9248) Sauer is rising as well (conjunct that famous Mercury — details in the link). By rising, I mean in the degree of the ascendant. That is exact for about four minutes out of every 24 hours.
What is (9248) Sauer named for?
It turns out that this asteroid was not named for the river in Belgium, or for sauerkraut, sauerbraten or the fearsome allosaurus, but rather for Dr. Carl G. Sauer at JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory at CalTech) who calculated lots and loads of rocket trajectories to asteroids and comets. An actual rocket scientist, he lived from 1931 to 2015 and grew up in Salinas, California.
Dr. Sauer links back to Planet Waves because I wrote about how (9248) Sauer appears in the Sept. 11 Incident chart
To me (in the metaphorical language of astrology), the presence of (9248) Sauer rising, conjunct Mercury, in the 9/11 chart, argues for a carefully planned mission — and not by Arab terrorist in caves. It’s an indication as to the depth of engineering (of whatever kind) required to make that terrible event happen.
After I first wrote about him, his asteroid and the 9/11 chart, I had the honor of Dr. Sauer making fun of me in a blog post.
He wrote, "I must have made it big, the crazies have found me!” (I am the crazy who found him, which he considered a claim to fame.) This is quoted in his obituary as evidence of his sense of humor. It links to a Planet Waves page that mentions him from 2012. That was 12 years ago.
We both get the last laugh on this one — I often vouch for the credibility of physicists by saying they are funny guys. Nobody has ever once laughed in a virology lab, and no virologist has ever once told the truth.
And today Dr. Sauer is back
Well, Dr. Sauer is back. (9248) Sauer is rising to the degree in the chart for yesterday’s SpaceX launch. Right there for anyone such as us to see.
I have aligned its position in the ephemeris with the ascendant in the Polaris Dawn launch chart. This very same thing was true in the Sept. 11 chart: (9248) Sauer is rising. The chart for yesterday’s launch is below; and below that, a collection of 9/11 resources. I am not doing anything new for this year. I’ve said and thought everything I need to say or think.
Back tomorrow with the horoscope, STARCAST for the Full Moon, and a bit more.
Your faithful astrologer,
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