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Aquarius Sun + Rising (Scroll down for other signs.)
You simply must take care of yourself, whatever that means to you. There are mental elements to this, as well as physical and emotional. I’m not suggesting you follow the advice of every YouTube ad telling you what not to eat, but rather that you do what you know you need to do — for yourself. This would best be accomplished one thing at a time. Step one would be removing any artificial pressure you have yourself under, to accomplish anything, to get all your work done. Your emotional stress may be associated with a sense of failure. You’re not concerned with real and present issues, but rather with your concept of the past. Also, if you believe that you’re not supposed to be an emotional person and are trying to control everything with your rational mind, give yourself a break. Let yourself feel.
Aquarius Astrology Studio is now available for instant access. Preview available.
Do you need spiritual or emotional support? I offer are high-quality affordable, accessible and motivating readings for everyone at the Astrology Boutique. Tap the banner to visit…there are lots of samples; you could explore the site for hours. Where do you begin? Try anything, such as a reading for your Sun or rising sign. We will work with you if you have not purchased the exactly right thing for you. Just get in touch…Planet Waves is staffed by people who read your emails and return your phone calls promptly. — efc
Audio and written previews for The Awakening
About My Horoscopes
We are in strange and intense times — characterized mostly by chaos and deception. It’s fair to ask “why do we need astrology?” My best answer is that it’s a way to see patterns and make some sense out of not just strange events, but also to get a better look at your possibilities. I’m here to bring the world a little closer into your reach and take the edge off of the fear.
I see my role as an astrologer as providing reassurance, and also seeing what cannot be easily seen from our limited viewpoints. This is about working with archetypes, cycles and patterns, and it takes practice to see them. I’ve been writing my horoscope for nearly 30 years, starting in the spring of 1995 — my anniversary is May 1. In all, I’ve written about 2,000 of these columns, which means about 24,000 individual entries. And it’s still fun and exciting to do.
I stand in the tradition of the British horoscope column (and have written for the Mail and the Mirror, as well as the New York Daily News). I was called to the work in the early 1990s by Patric Walker, who demonstrated that astrology is real. Over the years I have developed my own approach. Each entry for each sign is a little world of its own. I challenge the standard notions of what the signs are about, defining them my own way (which I advance every year when writing the annual edition).
I use about 50 different planets, centaurs, asteroids, Pluto-like objects and special points, and weave the story of our lives from my understanding of the charts for the current week and the current season.
Here is the story of how I got into the work.
Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 6, 2025 by Eric Francis
ARIES Sun + Rising
Current conditions are calling for more emotional maturity than is considered normal in our society. Yet what do you do with the emotional tension or frustration that you may be feeling? Well, a mature approach would be to feel it rather than to dramatize it in some way. And if you’re going to be expressive, a martial arts class is better than arguing with a loved one. It could be that ordinary exercise will help, though the theme of the moment is mastering the energy of Mars, which is the root of the concept “martial.” The primary thing to be aware of and avoid is taking your anger or resentment out on yourself. If you are feeling guilty it is a sure sign you need to express your feelings and your emotions — though words will not suffice. You must get your body into the experience in a way that does no harm.
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