The recording above is the most recent Astrology Studio for Scorpio in its entirety, published last November. You may sign up for the new reading, “Sweet Season,” covering 2024-2025, at this link.
Dear Scorpio Sun, Moon or Rising:
Family, your home, your emotional grounding and your standing in your community: these emerge as themes in 2024 and 2025, which I will cover in the forthcoming Sweet Season reading.
As you move through late 2024 and into 2025, something within you will light the fires of transformation in a whole new way that you’ve never experienced.
My readings are designed to serve those who might not have any astrological knowledge, but who want the benefits of the art. Others want the details, or are just curious. If that describes you, here is some information from the charts I’ll be using, looking ahead as far as 2025.
Jupiter Conjunct Uranus in your House of Relationships
In early 2024, a major positive event happens right in your opposite sign. The background is that for years, you’ve been forced to address changes in a relationship far outside your ability to control them, or even influence them. This is not pleasant for someone such as yourself who prefers to keep a grip on your personal affairs.
Be sure to catch up with yourself over the next few months, and get level with partners and loved ones. Hold yourself to a standard of no less than total honesty. That is your path to freedom. Know where you stand, say it out loud, and if you can, where others stand. It will help if you listen carefully to what people say to you, rather than disregard or refuse to hear.
In April or early May, you are heading for a breakthrough: a shift of some kind that will help you not only shift one relationship, but bring yourself to a whole new place regarding the very concept of what it means to be with someone. Though you are a Scorpio, the maxims “love is freedom” and “only truth is erotic” will serve you well.
Pluto Changing Signs: From Capricorn to Aquarius (twice)
On two different upcoming dates — Jan. 10, 2024 and Nov. 19, 2024 — your modern ruling planet Pluto enters Aquarius. This also occurred on March 23, 2023. Unlike any other time in our lives, Pluto is making three separate ingresses into a new sign.
Pluto made its closest pass to the Sun when it was in Scorpio 1989, and was moving through the zodiac at its fastest average rate. Just 34 years later, its orbit has taken it so far from the Sun that it enters Aquarius three different times, and remain there though 2043-2044.
Called to Leadership in Your Most Personal Tribal Group
Like yours, Aquarius is a fixed sign. What happens to one fixed sign happens to all of them (this is the 90-degree dial at work). For you, Aquarius is an angular house, and its themes include your security base, your family, your estate, and the ground you stand on (whether spiritually or physically).
For Scorpio more than any other sign, group relationships must center on family, and the most trusted among your circle of friends count as such. In the coming years, you will be called upon to take leadership among your most personal tribal group, calling on your wisdom and loyalty.
Saturn Remains in Pisces Well into 2025
For most of the next two years, Saturn remains in the most creative angle of your chart — Pisces. This is your solar 5h house, which includes all forms of play. Don’t believe what you read in astrology books about a transit like this.
Creative expression requires discipline. Saturn offers plenty, plus added focus and the ability to sort out what you want from what you do not. In our times, taking time time away from one’s responsibilities requires focus and determination, and Saturn is offering you the boundaries to do that.
And There Are Major Events in Aries
There are two life-shaping events in Aries, your solar 6th house of work and wellbeing. Aries is one of the most important “other signs” in your chart for two reasons: one, it’s the other signed ruled by Mars in the classical system. Second, it’s where you do most of your identity seeking: when you’re involved in your commitments.
This will be a time of major advancement for you — a period of achievement and enormous personal development. You must prepare for developments in the seasons that lie immediately ahead, so you will be ready for them.
The two events are the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune, and that of Chiron and Eris. These are the renewals of major cycles that will change the world we live in, and help many people reclaim who they are from the ravages of digital “progress.”
All of this Covered in Astrology Studio for Scorpio
I will expand on these subjects and many more in the forthcoming reading Sweet Season: Astrology Studio for Scorpio, 2024-2025.
Pre-order pricing is available. This reading will be done earlier than I usually release them, soon after the Oct. 14 New Moon in Libra.
Thank you for your business and your trust.
With love,
Special Focus: Scorpio Astrology 2024-2025