Planet Waves by Eric Francis
Planet Waves by Eric Francis Podcast
STARCAST Astrology Update; Integrity Alert — Slippery When Wet

STARCAST Astrology Update; Integrity Alert — Slippery When Wet

Today Mars is opposite Neptune. That combined with Mercury stationing retrograde and the Sun void of course calls for minding slippery floors and slippery people, and has excellent creative potential.

Greetings — This audio edition covers the astrology of the next couple of days, till I can get to you in writing with the subscriber edition on Thursday night. That will include a horoscope and if all goes well, a short article. I am planning Planet Waves FM for Friday night. Chart is below the photos. w/love — efc

PS — The pattern highlighted in yellow is Pluto square the lunar nodes. Pluto is in a position called “the bending,” which means Pluto is a kind of standing turning point that must be addressed in order to work with the inner spiritual movement of the nodes. It lasts a while; I didn’t get into it in today’s edition. I’ll pick up on it soon.

Edited version of the Arctic ice at high summer. Photo by Eric.
Clouds over the Arctic Circle, near or over Greenland.
Tail camera on Airbus, heading over the Arctic Circle.

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