Planet Waves by Eric Francis
Planet Waves by Eric Francis Podcast
Planet Waves weekly astrology and STARCAST for July 11, 2024.

Planet Waves weekly astrology and STARCAST for July 11, 2024.

This week's column and STARCAST based on the Sun square Chiron on July 15. The chart also includes the Capricorn cluster square the nodes and Mercury in deep conversation with Saturn.

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— e

High summer in North America. Onteora Lake near Woodstock. Photo by Eric.

Leo weekly for July 11, 2024. Other signs below paywall.

An old emotional injury or blow to your pride may surface over the next few days, and this is your time to address the matter in a conscious way. If you’re aware of your feelings and your sense of hurt, you can also consider what healing or reconciliation with yourself looks like. The key to resolving the situation is keeping your awareness focused rather than fogging out. The thing missing in the equation is likely to be you. So you can ask yourself questions such as, “How would this be different if I felt like I actually existed?” And, “Where have I been all this time?” Or, “Why do I feel like nobody sees or acknowledges me?” If asked sincerely, these questions have answers, though they will not be the ones you expect. If you’re looking for sources of crisis in your family, for example, the usual myths and legends may blame the wrong person. Blaming anyone at all is the likely source of upset. This is a scenario calling for empathy and forgiveness.

Cancer weekly for July 11, 2024. Other signs below paywall.

If you’re hurting emotionally, it’s likely that something from the distant past has bubbled to the surface. It may involve your relationship to your father, or some other male authority figure. These individuals — for whom various surrogates may be making cameo appearances — will be described by their wounded creativity, which manifests as trying to control everyone and everything. On the other side of what is commonly called ‘toxic masculinity’ is a sense of injury, suffering and compromise. Maybe offer a shoulder massage; everyone will feel better. The mirror lesson is to honor your own need to express who you are without compromise. You may fear that others are going to lunge at you if you do so, and this is precisely what you might want to outgrow: compromising yourself so that you don’t make others insecure. Their insecurity has nothing to do with you; your confidence is not about them.

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Weekly Astrology for July 11, 2024 by Eric Francis

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